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updated Tue. August 13, 2024

This marked a change from the U.S.-backed Plan Colombia, which criminalized and systematically violated the human rights of coca producers, ...
Aerial fumigation had once been a central component of Plan Colombia, the multi-billion dollar U.S. assistance program to help the Colombian ...

Indeed, the United States has been a crucial partner in that fight, especially since President Bill Clinton started the controversial Plan Colombia ...
... ingredient of cocaine – through aerial spraying of glyphosate was a key element of Plan Colombia, the comprehensive bilateral United States ...
During a hearing last Tuesday, the Co-Chairman of the Senate Drug Caucus, Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), threatened to cut off Plan Colombia's ...
Transit workers blocked main roads and bus terminals south of Colombia's capital Bogota on Thursday, affecting thousands of daily commuters between the capital and the neighboring city of Soacha.

When the U.S.-backed anti-narcotics initiative Plan Colombia began in 1999, Colombia had 123,000 hectares of coca - about one-third less than it did last year.
The United States' soon-to-be-released official 2016 report on coca cultivation in Colombia reveals that cultivation of the illicit crop in Colombia has gone up 38% since the start of the $10 billion counter-narcotics strategy "Plan Colombia" in 2000 ...
When the U.S.-backed anti-narcotics initiative Plan Colombia began in 1999, Colombia had 123,000 hectares of coca - about one-third less than it did last year.
Medellin's mayor is inventing an alleged assassination plot against him as an excuse for his failure to effectively curb violent crime, according to local crime syndicate Oficina de Envigado.
Colombia was counting on financial help from the United States, which has given the country more than $10 billion in mainly military and anti-drug aid since 2000 under the so-called Plan Colombia. The aid is largely credited with saving Colombia from ...
In an interview with German newspaper "Die Zeit," the Catholic Church's top clergy said that "the countries I plan to visit are India, Bangladesh, and Colombia, one day in Fatima (Portugal), and as far as I know, a study trip to Egypt is also planned.
In Feb. 2016, Obama and Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos announced the new Plan Colombia package, rebranded as "Peace Colombia," with Obama promising US$450 million, but its funding still needs approval from the U.S.
"Because if you cut back on Plan Colombia, if you cut back on the Alliance for Prosperity (to help Central America), you're going to see an increase in migration from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and potentially Colombia as (those) countries begin ...
Since 2000, the United States has sent Bogota more than $10 billion in counternarcotics and security assistance through "Plan Colombia." That congressional funding is widely credited with helping tip Colombia's 52-year civil conflict in the government ...
This is hard-wired into our values, complements hard power, and occasionally succeeds (for example, Plan Colombia and tackling diseases in Africa).
"Because if you cut back on Plan Colombia, if you cut back on the Alliance for Prosperity (to help Central America), you're going to see an increase in migration from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and potentially Colombia as (those) countries begin ...

This is hard-wired into our values, complements hard power, and occasionally succeeds (for example, Plan Colombia and tackling diseases in Africa).
"Because if you cut back on Plan Colombia, if you cut back on the Alliance for Prosperity (to help Central America), you're going to see an increase in migration from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and potentially Colombia as (those) countries begin ...
Tillerson has also called "Plan Colombia," a multi-billion-dollar U.S. counternarcotics military aid program, a "foreign policy success.
Moreover, regional criminal organizations such as Colombia's FARC are sure to exploit the power vacuum. The situation would undermine the United States' largest foreign aid investment, "Plan Colombia," valued at more than $10 billion and many U.S. lives.
The Plan Colombia which started in 2000 and has since cost about US$ 20 billion, was officially designed precisely to fight the drug mafia's coca plantations and drug cartels.
The partnership began with Plan Colombia, a costly military campaign to defeat the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. The battlefield wins slashed the FARC's ranks and pushed the remnant insurgents back to the jungles, setting up peace talks in ...
In February 2016, Obama and Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos announced the new "Plan Colombia" package rebranded as "Peace Colombia," but its funding still needs approval from U.S.
OPINION | An alliance once narrowly focused on combatting security challenges has matured and expanded to issues critical to the future of both nations and ...
Despite the 1991 act as well as increased U.S. military funding through Plan Colombia, coca cultivation from 1991 and 1992 actually increased by around 10 percent and potential coca leaf output increased by 13 percent, according to a 1993 report by the ...
Plan Colombia, which began under President Bill Clinton and expanded under President Bush, provided U.S. arms and advisers to fight the FARC, a group officially designated by Democratic and Republican administrations alike as both a terrorist ...
For that process, Obama promised financing through Paz-Colombia, a strategy that would replace the controversial Plan Colombia, which was created to handle drug trafficking and boost the fight against insurgents. Both, Santos and FARC-EP leaders, ...
Kelly pointed to Plan Colombia, the U.S.-Colombian anti-drug cooperation program that began in the late 1990s, and included a strong U.S.
... for the peace efforts on successive occasions and particularly for the post-conflict period with the FARC-EP for which he promised financing through the Paz-Colombia project, a strategy that would replace the questioned Plan Colombia, implemented ...
In 1999, Plan Colombia was largely developed because insurgent groups and narco-terrorist organizations were threatening the stability Colombia.
On 22 January, the new U.S. Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, cast doubt on the continuation of Plan Colombia, stating that he would "review" both that agreement and "seek to review the details of Colombia's recent peace agreement, and determine the ...
This was not just a make-over in military abilities aided by Plan Colombia and the infusion of U.S.-made helicopters. This was a purposeful program to professionalize the Colombian military.
TODAY COLOMBIA (Telesur) Saturday (February 4) marks the 16th anniversary of Plan Colombia, a multi-billion dollar U.S. counternarcotics and counterinsurgency military aid package given to Colombia under President Bill Clinton.
However, when asked about the peace deal during his confirmation process, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson expressed his support for the long-standing militaristic policy known as Plan Colombia. He went on to say he "would review the details of ...
As president, Barack Obama proposed a 40 percent increase in 2017 U.S. assistance, to $450 million, relaunching Plan Colombia as "Peace Colombia," with funds for the removal of land mines, crop substitution in coca-growing zones and economic ...
... newspaper La Patria and famous for his investigations into corruption, especially the connections between Colombian politicians, narcotraffickers, and right-wing paramilitaries, many of whom were funded as part of the U.S.
As president, Barack Obama proposed a 40 percent increase in 2017 U.S. assistance, to $450 million, relaunching Plan Colombia as "Peace Colombia," with funds for the removal of land mines, crop substitution in coca-growing zones and economic ...
Colombia has announced a plan to eradicate vast crops of coca leaf, the raw material for cocaine. The Farc rebel group relied on cocaine production to fund its insurgency, and controlled much of the industry.
Across Colombia, members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia are preparing to move to verification zones and return to civilian life.
In Tillerson's opinion, the U.S. interests were better served during the military collaboration of Plan Colombia rather than when Colombia strived toward peace after decades of armed conflict.
American and Colombian economic and military alliance finds its roots in the establishment of Plan Colombia in 1990. Former President Bill Clinton later approved a massive military and economic aid initiative to fund Colombia's struggle against drug ...
"I agree that Plan Colombia has made a dramatic difference and can be considered a foreign policy success for both the United States and for Colombia.
For example, Guardino said that when Colombia stopped extraditing drug traffickers to the United States in the late 1980s, the U.S.
But things started changing when the American Government kick started "Plan Colombia" in 2000 to directly intervene in Colombia's civil war.
In written responses provided to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee before his confirmation hearing, Tillerson recognized Colombia as "one of our closest allies in the hemisphere.
Under Clinton and Bush, billions of dollars of military aid went to Plan Colombia, supporting vast military offensives and contributing to thousands of civilian deaths and the displacement of millions while having no significant impact on cocaine ...
Plan Colombia Has Been a Nightmare for Women. Colombia's Attorney General Nestor Humberto Martinez sparked a national controversy in September by urging the government to resume aerial fumigation of coca crops, arguing that the reemergence of ...
The FARC are the biggest exporter of cocaine in the world. The routes remain open and production is on the increase again (at a similar level to pre-Plan Colombia). Criminal gangs are prepared for the agreement, they have already reacted and alliances ...
He enforced puppet rule in Haiti, continued Plan Colombia aid, responsible for massacres, disappearances and torture of regime opponents, along with instituting increasingly anti-Sino/Russia policies, risking confrontation with both countries ...


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