

  cross-referenced news and research resources about

 US Senator Rick Santorum

"I would argue that the future of our country hangs in the balance because the future of marriage hangs in the balance."
Senator Rick Santorum, refering to the failed proposed constitutional amendment to prohibit gay marriage.

Rick Santorum

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updated Thu. July 11, 2024

Although former Republican Sen. Rick Santorum typically defends President Donald Trump during his appearances on cable news, he issued a stark warning to the president on Tuesday morning about his attacks on special counsel Robert Mueller's probe. When asked by CNN host John Berman whether ...
Another top supporter of McDaniel in 2014, former Sen. Rick Santorum, went so far as to back Wicker a week before McDaniel announced he was mounting a primary challenge against the incumbent. Now that McDaniel has shifted focus, Santorum has decided to remain on the sidelines and wait on Bryant ...

Debbie Dingell sat with Cain to talk about statewide races in Michigan in 2018 including the governor's race, U.S. Senate as Debbie Stabenow is up for re-election. Dingell, who predicted Trump would win a year before the election on an earlier edition of “Michigan Matters,” wasn't sure about Stabenow's ...
Paul Ryan, former Sen. Rick Santorum and former presidential adviser Steve Bannon have all challenged or spoken critically of the pope's views on things such as economics, refugees and the environment. President Trump himself, a Protestant, has engaged in a war of words with Francis, who questioned ...
Mike Huckabee, and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum all ran second in the Republican presidential primaries, with strong conservative support, while to varying degrees dissenting from the GOP's recent free-trade consensus. Buchanan, in particular, has long defended protectionism's Republican ...

Wagner retaliated, branding his opponent "Lyin' Paul." Looking for a niche, Mango has attempted to position himself as the race's cultural conservative, boasting of his support from former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum and vowing to veto any legislation allowing transgender Pennsylvanians to use the bathroom ...
Former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum this week will be in Michigan, a state where his Waterloo moment in the 2012 presidential contest took place as he lost its primary to Mitt Romney. Santorum finished second to Romney in delegate count overall when Romney won the GOP nomination and went on to lose to ...

Wicker has received $5,400 from Vice President Mike Pence's political action committee, Great America Committee. He was endorsed last week by former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, who rallied social conservatives when he ran for president in 2012 and 2016. Wicker has also announced that he is ...
Former Pennsylvania Republican Sen. Rick Santorum seems to believe that school shootings can be stopped by having more two-parent homes. Less than two weeks after the horrific mass shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida, Santorum went on CNN to all but blame single mothers for the ...
Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum (R) said on Sunday that he does not believe a recent CNN poll that found more Americans support stricter gun laws than at any time since 1993. “I just don't believe the poll. I just think it is an outlier poll,” Santorum told “State of the Union” host Jake Tapper. Seventy ...
In a statement Senator Santorum said, “Roger Wicker is a Senator that Christian conservatives in Mississippi can be proud to call their own. He has been a stalwart in the fight to repeal and replace Obamacare, which I witnessed personally last fall. His 100% scores with National Right to Life and the Family ...



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        rick santorum

United States federal elected officials:
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        newt gingrich
        olympia snowe
        orrin g hatch
        patrick leahy
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        porter goss
        ralph nader
        richard c. shelby
        richard cheney
        richard gephardt
        richard lugar
        rick santorum
        robert byrd
        ron paul
        spencer abraham
        tim roemer
        tom cole
        tom davis
        tom delay
        tom harkin
        trent lott
        walt slocombe

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rick santorum: