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updated Fri. July 26, 2024

“During the 2016 presidential campaign, Russia launched an all-out assault on our democracy, and it found a willing and active partner in Donald Trump's ..... And then two days later, yesterday morning, two weeks before her due date, Lauren Bush Lauren gave birth to a beautiful 7 lb 8 oz baby boy Max Walker Lauren.
George H.W. Bush needed his wife to help embody his values and provide symbolic cover when his policies, or the nation's pocketbook, would not suffice—and she delivered, most dramatically during the 1992 re-election campaign as “KEEP BARBARA IN THE WHITE HOUSE” bumper stickers proliferated.

Reminiscing about his encounters with the former first lady, Murnane said he first met George H.W. and Barbara Bush while working on the communications team of Ronald Reagan's first presidential campaign in 1980. After Reagan and his vice president, George H.W. Bush, won the election, Murnane ...
Powell told CNN's "Inside Politics" on Wednesday that he became friends with then-Vice President George H.W. Bush when they shared adjacent offices (and a bathroom) for two years at the White House. Powell said that two days after Bush lost his presidential re-election campaign in 1992, he called the ...
Her most widely reported gaffe occurred in 1984 during President Ronald Reagan's re-election campaign, when reporters chided her about her husband's wealth. She responded by calling Democratic vice presidential nominee Geraldine Ferraro “that $4-million — I can't say it, but it rhymes with rich.” Bush ...
At times, she found herself in the spotlight for her unwillingness to censor herself, perhaps most notably during the Reagan-Bush ticket's 1984 re-election campaign when she referred to the Democratic vice presidential nominee, Geraldine Ferraro, as a “$4 million ― I can't say it, but it rhymes with rich” after ...

Exhibit A: Jeb Bush. After Trump derided his presidential rival as “Low energy Jeb Bush,” the nickname appeared to stick. A Reuters/Ipsos poll in ... amounting to a suggestion he was not ready to be president, said a former campaign adviser to Trump who asked to remain anonymous to discuss the matter.
It should be no surprise that in an administration whose propaganda efforts make Mr. Bush's seem quaint we find our democracy in thrall to a corrupt deal between Jared Kushner and Sinclair. The latter provided pedal-to-the-metal, positive coverage of Mr. Trump in the presidential election campaign.
York County is in the middle of everything. That's one reason that presidential candidates have found York a productive place to visit. Here, when President George W. Bush visited York County in July 2004 during his re-election campaign, Penn State's head football coach Joe Paterno introduced him to a ...
Cohen admitted he paid Daniels with his own money days before the 2016 presidential election to keep her silent on her claims that she and Trump had a sexual encounter in 2006. Potter, who was chairman of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) under President George H.W. Bush, on Sunday called it ...
He then served as deputy communications director for George H.W. Bush's 1992 re-election campaign and as communications director for Elizabeth Dole's presidential campaign in 2000. When Dole dropped out of the race, Fleischer joined George W. Bush's presidential campaign after Dole dropped out ...
George W. Bush hits the campaign trail with his father, former U.S. President George H. Bush, his wife Laura Bush, former First Lady Barbara Bush at a ... in Philadelphia on July 31, the political focus has centered on who Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush will pick to be his running mate.
The final day of campaigning Monday before votes are cast in Pennsylvania's congressional election that will reverberate nationally drew a visit by .... A 68-year-old retired engineer who described himself as a "John Kasich-Daddy Bush Republican," Bruce Bancroft said he always voted for Murphy, but finds ...
With two days to go, the fight for Pennsylvania's 18th congressional district is a toss-up. Polls released last week show contradictory outcomes, but peg the leader's margin as a tissue-thin three points. Democrat Conor Lamb and Republican Rick Saccone are racing toward a Tuesday finish uncertain of the ...
Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry also gave few media interviews and rarely debated his opponents in his gubernatorial campaigns. In the wake of his primary victory, Bush did not say whether he planned to change his strategy as he looks toward November's election where he will face off against Democratic ...
McClellan had been the top presidential spokesman from 2003 to 2006, nearly three years that spanned the early months of the Iraq War, Bush's successful 2004 re-election campaign and the administration's post-Katrina meltdown. In the book, McClellan offers a gauzy take on Bush personally, but goes ...
Love of George W. Bush's style of big government conservatism wasn't a staple of campaigns here. A decade later, his nephew George P. Bush, the Texas land commissioner, is thanking President Donald Trump's son Donald Trump Jr. for endorsing him in his bid for re-election. Texas candidates aren't ...

He breezed through the 2014 GOP primary, easily won the general election in a deep red state, and already had some Republican activists talking about ... president from the Bush dynasty, while George W. lost an early congressional campaign and seemed to enjoy running a baseball team into his forties.
Bush is running for re-election against several challengers for land commissioner. ... and meet with voters Thursday, he said President Donald Trump's endorsement of his re-election campaign this week has provided momentum the land commissioner believes may push him through Tuesday's primary.
George P Bush, with his son Prescott, turns out for a primary election in Fort Worth, Texas, in March 2014. ... Though he has far more campaign cash than his rivals and has reportedly spent $2m in the past month, Bush has run an anaemic – one might say “low-energy” – campaign, with scant media ...
Land Commissioner George P. Bush's re-election campaign spent $2 million in 30 days in an effort to win the March 6 Republican primary outright and not be forced into a May runoff. The latest numbers came on a day that Bush and seven other Republican statewide officials received endorsements from ...
AUSTIN -- Despite enduring weeks of controversy, Texas land commissioner George P. Bush maintains a comfortable fundraising lead with more than $1 million more than his closest primary opponent in his race for re-election. Bush spent $2 million on his campaign between Jan. 26 and Feb.
Ethics concerns: The optics of a political contribution to Bush from Horne LLP, an accounting firm that provides disaster recovery services to governments, are bad “during a time when they're supposed to be good,” Patterson said. He was referring to a November $27,500 contribution to Bush's re-election ...
A Bush campaign mailer says the Republican “contributed over $4 billion to our public schools,” but in an open letter Wednesday, State Board of Education member David Bradley said the sum is far ... As the primary election nears, Bush and Patterson have intensified their attacks against one another.
“My critics would condemn me if I was campaigning every day,” he added. Still, his opponents aren't the only ones criticizing him. State lawmakers, local leaders affected by Hurricane Harvey and ethics watchdogs have also called into question Bush's actions. As primary elections near, Bush says ...
In 1992, Barbara Bush made a fund-raising visit to Florida, stopping at the Poinciana Club in Palm Beach for a $1,000-a-plate dinner for her husband's re-election campaign. The stop was part of a statewide tour that raised $216,000 in Palm Beach County alone. After her time as first lady ended, she still ...
In particular, he acknowledged that his abortive 2005 attempt at reforming Social Security, which consumed much of the political capital gained in his re-election campaign, derailed much of his second-term agenda. “In retrospect, I should have gone with immigration reform,” he said. The former president ...
Richard Painter said on CNN's “OutFront” on Thursday that he has no doubt that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 presidential race. He pointed to a new court filing by Mueller alleging that former Trump campaign adviser Richard Gates was knowingly in contact ...
He was running against a charismatic and unrelenting Democrat in Bill Clinton and a pesky third-party candidate in Ross Perot, who, with his famous charts predicting economic disaster, was making Bush's re-election campaign even tougher. But President Bush had something special going for him in Mrs.
House Democrats' national campaign arm didn't endorse any one primary candidate in the Seventh Congressional District to challenge Republican Rep. John Culberson. But they knew who they didn't want to win: Laura Moser, who they fear will be sure to lose in the general election. Indeed, the DCCC ...
The House Majority PAC — which is closely tied to House Democratic leaders — will plan ad time in 33 media markets for the final weeks of the 2018 campaign. While the reservations can be changed or modified later, the early move allows the group to secure time on the airwaves at a lower rate.
Bush, a first-term incumbent, raised more than $1.5 million in the year before the election, while Patterson raised $107,588, including a $20,000 loan to ... Jeb Bush maintained a relatively low profile during the campaign, emphasizing his conservative values while his opponents criticized him for being a ...


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