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updated Fri. July 26, 2024

"The AL condemns the Israeli obvious, systematic and large-scale crimes against the defenseless Palestinian civilians that are considered war crimes and ... The United States is the number one backer of Israel and U.S. President Donald Trump has recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital and expressed ...
During the negotiations establishing that tribunal and its rules, it was — ironically, in view of later events — the United States that insisted on including the crime of “waging a war of aggression” and on placing it at the head of the list. The U.S. position was that all the rest of Germany's war crimes sprang from this first “crime ...

He has no hope of ever walking again but, thanks to a new war crimes tribunal, he finally has some hope that, after 10 years as an independent ... The special court, which is expected to issue its first indictments soon, is supported by the United States and Europe, Kosovo's main backers and funders.
A barely noticed anniversary slid by on March 20th. It's been 15 years since the United States committed the greatest war crime of the twenty-first century: the unprovoked, aggressive invasion of Iraq. The New York Times, which didn't exactly cover itself in glory in the run-up to that invasion, recently ran an ...
John Bolton, President Donald Trump's incoming national security adviser, is talking like a war criminal. Acting on his argument in favor of the preemptive use of nuclear weapons against North Korea and/or Iran without congressional authorization would define the United States as a “rogue” state in ...

During the meeting, Trump held up posters of recent Saudi weapon purchases from the United States and said, “We make the best equipment in the world.” Human rights groups warn the massive arms deal may make the United States complicit in war crimes committed in the Saudi-led bombing campaign ...
So isn't it wonderful that the Saudis are going to give the United States some of their wealth, by profiting Boeing, providing jobs, so they can better bomb airports and schools in Yemen? They can do so confident that the U.S. media will ignore their war crimes due to the pressing need to cover presidential ...

“But this has not deterred the USA, the UK and other states, including France, Spain and Italy, from continuing transfers of billions of dollars worth of such arms. As well as devastating civilian lives, this makes a mockery of the global Arms Trade Treaty.” The United States and Britain are both signatories to ...
Donald Trump has nominated a woman who ran a torture site to be head of the CIA. Within the United States, there is a "debate" over whether "enhanced interrogation" was legitimate or illegitimate. Here's a test for Americans who can't figure it out. If Iraqis or Iranians or Russians treated captured Americans ...
Chemical weapons in Syria: A huge distraction from conventional war crimes ... the use of such weapons reverberates around the world and makes substantial political waves, constituting what amounts to a de facto front separating the United States, Russia and the rest of the international community.
Saudi Arabia is a major buyer of Western weapons and European governments have come under pressure from NGOs over fears their arms could potentially be implicated in war crimes in Yemen. Norway suspended arms exports to the UAE while Germany said no weapons will be supplied to countries ...
Poland's special prosecutors are seeking his extradition for alleged war crimes during the second world war. Photograph: Richard Sennott/AP ... The AP also established that Karkoc lied to US immigration officials to get into the United States several years after the war. German prosecutors also opened an ...
The panel also rejected the United States-led coalition's account of multiple airstrikes last March on a school building in Raqqa Province, which investigators said killed at least 150 of the 200 civilians who were housed there after fleeing fighting elsewhere. The panel said it had found no evidence to support ...
Milan Trisic tortured Muslims during the Bosnian civil war and then lied his way into the United States in 2000, concealing his ethnic cleansing history while claiming to be a refugee fleeing persecution. Earlier this week, a federal judge sentenced him to 18 months in prison, after which he faces deportation.
BOSTON — A Providence man accused of war crimes and human rights violations during Guatemala's civil war was ordered deported back to his ... In a brief hearing Thursday afternoon, U.S. Immigration Judge Jose Sanchez rejected Samayoa's petition to remain in the United States and ordered him to be ...


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