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updated Fri. September 13, 2024

Executive Order 13526, signed by President Obama on Dec. 29, 2009, clearly states: "In no case shall information be classified, continue to be maintained as classified, or fail to be declassified in order to: conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error; prevent embarrassment to a person, ...
Executive Order 13526, signed by President Obama on Dec. 29, 2009, clearly states: "In no case shall information be classified, continue to be maintained as classified, or fail to be declassified in order to: conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error; prevent embarrassment to a person, ...

Executive Order 13526, signed by President Obama on Dec. 29, 2009, clearly states: “In no case shall information be classified, continue to be maintained as classified, or fail to be declassified in order to: conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error; prevent embarrassment to a person, ...
Executive Order 13526, issued by President Barack Obama in 2009, governs the process by which certain officials in the U.S. government can classify information, that is, make the decision to protect certain classes of information related to our national security for an established period of time. The process ...
Accordingly, he has directed lawyers and national security staff to assess the declassification request, consistent with established standards governing the handling of classified information, including those under Section 3.1(d) of Executive Order 13526. Those standards permit declassification when the ...
These e-Mails must have involved some classified information, given the nature of consultations between presidents and secretaries of state, the broad outlines of Obama's own executive order defining classified intelligence (see EO 13526, section 1.4), and the fact that the Obama Administration adamantly ...

Paman Sam memang punya kebijakan deklasifikasi arsip yang merujuk pada Executive Order 13526. yang diterbitkan pada 5 Januari 2010 untuk menggantikan Executive Order 12958 di bawah periode pertama pemerintahan Obama. Menurut aturan ini, dokumen rahasia yang sudah ditandai dengan titel ...
The ISOO Report to the President is required by Executive Order 13526, “Classified National Security Information” and contains an analysis of the federal government's security classification system, the National Industrial Security Program and the Controlled Unclassified Information Program based on data ...
This 25-year deadline for declassifying information has been a hallmark of intelligence communities for some time now, further solidified in the United States by former President Barack Obama's Executive Order 13526, which states “the duration of classification of a document […] shall not exceed 25 years ...
The new NGA approach evolved from the second Fundamental Classification Guidance Review in 2016-2017 that was required by the 2009 executive order 13526. That Review process has served to streamline and update classification requirements government-wide. In recent years there have been ...
The official documents governing classification and declassification stem from executive orders. But even these executive orders aren't necessarily binding on the president. The president is not "obliged to follow any procedures other than those that he himself has prescribed," Aftergood said. "And he can ...
Trump is protected under an executive order that was signed by Barack Obama in 2009 establishing a uniform system for "classifying, safeguarding and declassifying national security information." The order allows the president to determine the system of designating classified information, and he is the ...
Although that particular order would be replaced by further refinements of the classification system, the newer version (Executive Order 13,526 from 2009) retains the power for supervising officials to declassify information. “The way the system works now is that the successor agency to the organization that ...
The executive order on national security classification (EO 13526, sect. 4.3) explicitly says that “the Director of the Information Security Oversight Office shall be afforded access to these [special access] programs.” Mr. Bradley said that ISOO would communicate the point effectively to the Air Force.
... States by former President Barack Obama's Executive Order 13526, ... Some may hail Obama's executive order as a shift toward greater ...
... on its own classifiers beyond what the executive order mandates? ... in 2016-2017 that was required by the 2009 executive order 13526.
Part of the reason for this improvement in decision-making is that there is better training on Executive Order 13526, published in 2009, which ...

To be sure, it would be preferable for the executive order to state this ... is probably not bound by the constraints of Executive Order 13526.
The official documents governing classification and declassification stem from executive orders. But even these executive orders aren't necessarily binding on the president. The president is not "obliged to follow any procedures other than those that he himself has prescribed," Aftergood said. "And he can ...
Trump is protected under an executive order that was signed by Barack Obama in 2009 establishing a uniform system for "classifying, ...
Although that particular order would be replaced by further refinements of the classification system, the newer version (Executive Order 13,526 ...
The classification system is regulated by executive orders, which presidents ... The current version is Executive Order 13526, which President ...
... be classified as "foreign government information" under Executive Order 13526, Aftergood says. That order allows the president to authorize ...
... on its own classifiers beyond what the executive order mandates? ... in 2016-2017 that was required by the 2009 executive order 13526.
Part of the reason for this improvement in decision-making is that there is better training on Executive Order 13526, published in 2009, which ...
Most commentary has focused on the executive order governing classification (EO 13526), which establishes the criteria for classifying ...
Trump is protected under an executive order that was signed by Barack Obama in 2009 establishing a uniform system for "classifying, ...
Although that particular order would be replaced by further refinements of the classification system, the newer version (Executive Order 13,526 ...
Currently, Executive Order 13526 governs national security information. The Supreme Court has stated in Department of the Navy v. Egan that ...
The classification system is regulated by executive orders, which presidents ... The current version is Executive Order 13526, which President ...
NSIP § 2:7. In 1976, President Ford issued Executive Order 11905, the first executive order designed ..... See Executive Order 13526 § 1.1(c).
... be classified as "foreign government information" under Executive Order 13526, Aftergood says. That order allows the president to authorize ...
On January 18, 2017, the CIA declassified and released new internal Central Intelligence Agency Activities: Procedures Approved by the Attorney General Pursuant to Executive Order 12333, approved by the Attorney General under Section 2.3 of Executive ...
The recently declassified documents from the archive of the Central Intelligence Agency C.I.A. point to Romania's military capabilities in the post-World War II, communist period.
There are three types: confidential, secret, and top secret, each of which would cause "damage to the national security" of the United States on an escalating scale if released, according to Executive Order 13526, which details government ...
There are three types: confidential, secret, and top secret, each of which would cause "damage to the national security" of the United States on an escalating scale if released, according to Executive Order 13526, which details government ...
Dalam informasinya, Federasi Ilmuan Amerika menyebutkan jika proses deklasifikasi mengenai dokumen AS tersebut terbantu oleh adanya Executive Order 13526 yang diteken oleh Presiden Barack Obama pada tanggal 29 Desember 2009. Dengan aturan ...
Dalam lamannya, Federasi Ilmuwan Amerika menyebutkan proses deklasifikasi dokumen AS tentang Indonesia pada kurun 1965 itu terbantu dengan Executive Order 13526 yang diteken oleh Presiden Barack Obama pada 29 Desember 2009. Dengan ...
The National Declassification Center has completed declassification review of more than half of the classified files from the U.S.
U.S. Department of Justice. "To the extent that plaintiff alleges informational injury - harm resulting from his inability to access the information he seeks - based on Executive Order 13526, he must seek redress under FOIA and not the APA," the ...
Under Executive Order 13526, which governs classification, information may only be classified when disclosure would produce "identifiable and describable damage" to national security.
Trump's calls with foreign leaders, meanwhile, would presumably be classified as "foreign government information" under Executive Order 13526, Aftergood says. That order allows the president to authorize release of information provided by foreign ...
Records searchable through CREST are available courtesy of Executive Order 13526 (formerly Executive Order 12958 as amended).
One of the lesser known U.S. intelligence agencies altered its transparency policies by making its budget records classified and switching previously "releasable" material like unclassified budget information to classified material, according to a blog ...
The declassification of 25-year-old records is mandated by Executive Order 13526, which requires agencies to review all such records categorized as permanent under the Federal Records Act for declassification.
"The declassification of 25-year-old records is mandated by Executive Order 13526, which requires agencies to review all such records categorized as permanent under the Federal Records Act for declassification," according to a statement released ...
Manning supporter Nathan Fuller argues that information such as that which Manning leaked is regularly overclassified, in violation of President Obama's own executive order 13526 which prohibits the classification of information to hide legal ...
"The declassification of 25-year-old records is mandated by Executive Order 13526, which requires agencies to review all such records categorized as permanent under the Federal Records Act for declassification," according to a statement released ...
Previously, the declassified documents were only accessible in person at the US National Archives. They were made public due to President Barack Obama's 2009 executive order, EO 13526, that automatically declassified non-exempt documents that were ...
Previously, the declassified documents were only accessible in person at the US National Archives. They were made public due to President Barack Obama's 2009 executive order, EO 13526, that automatically declassified non-exempt documents that were ...



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