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updated Mon. August 5, 2024

The Goldwater Institute is warning Arizona public school superintendents that they could face lawsuits if they don't open the doors to students and resume teaching immediately. In the letter to schools, the conservative think tank said superintendents who don't reopen schools are failing their constitutional ...
In West Virginia, teachers went on strike for almost two weeks in late February over low teacher pay, a severe teacher shortage and low levels of school funding. In Kentucky, teachers staged a quasi-strike in late March, after legislators voted to overhaul the state's pension system in a way that introduces ...

SNYDER, N.Y. (WIVB) -- - New allegations against former teachers at the Park School have some parents in shock. The teachers allegedly had sex with high school students. Now administrators are investigating those allegations. “I'm just totally shocked,” said Larry Scheur. It's shocking for Larry Scheur to ...
In light of this deficit, the district will experience a reduction in force that will impact teachers, campus-based employees, and staff at the central office. Having a reduction in force is very difficult, particularly when you consider all we've experienced this year. I understand these are stressful and challenging ...
We are programmed from childhood to reflexively say teachers are underpaid. The sun comes up in the east and teachers are underpaid. So how is it that, for the most part, there is a teacher in every classroom? Teacher shortages do happen, we're likely in one now, so districts must pay more to fill those ...
Today's the second day of a teacher walkout in Colorado. In two dozen districts, teachers plan to leave school to rally at the state capitol in Denver. The demands are similar to what we've seen by teachers in other states. They are asking for better pay, more school funding and a protected retirement plan.

It's about the kids," Jennifer Samuels, an eighth-grade English teacher and the athletic director at Desert Shadows Middle School in Scottsdale, Arizona, told NBC News. "If we can't reach our students, we're not doing a good job. We can't sleep at night knowing that we're leaving our kids behind." The rally ...
The recent run of teacher protests began in March in West Virginia, where teachers won a raise after going on strike. The strategy soon spread to Oklahoma, Kentucky, Colorado and Arizona, where educators joined together online and have held increasingly frequent protests during the past six weeks.
AUSTIN — Texas remains in the bottom third of states in per-student funding of public schools but is holding steady. On teacher pay, though, its ranking among states has slipped, the country's largest teachers lobby reported Monday. This school year, average pay is $53,167 in Texas, compared with a ...
Two Republican state lawmakers are trying to shut down a potential teachers strike in Colorado with the threat of jail time. The bill, introduced in the state Senate Friday, prohibits districts from supporting a teachers strike and requires schools to dock a teacher's pay for each day they participate in a walkout.
With Arizona teachers set to walk out for #RedForEd this Thursday, parents are concerned about the impact their absence could have on student testing. Last week in a vote of Arizona educators, 78 percent of 57,000 voted in favor of a walkout, according to Arizona Educators United. Debbi Berggren, a ...
Students without access to technology tools – laptops, smart tablets and educational software – providing up-to-date instruction. Drastic cuts in teacher assistants. Shortages of nurses, psychologists and counselors. Funding for supplies. It's so miserly that teachers spend hundreds of their own dollars and ...
As of 8 p.m. Monday, at least 62 Arizona school districts and charter networks have notified parents that they will close their schools Thursday in response to the statewide #RedForEd teacher walkout. Eight of the state's 10 largest school districts — Mesa, Chandler, Peoria, Gilbert, Deer Valley, Paradise ...
WASHINGTON — Americans overwhelmingly believe teachers don't make enough money, and half say they'd support paying higher taxes to give educators a raise. The findings of the new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research come amid recent teacher strikes and other ...
At the national level, earnings of public-school teachers have fallen behind inflation since the mid-1990s, and have fallen even more behind the earnings of comparable workers. At this point, teachers earn 23 percent less than other college graduates. But this national average is a bit deceptive: Teacher ...
Those in support of this initiative say it's the number one solution to the current teacher shortage and salary shortfalls. “It's an embarrassment that Colorado is not attracting and keeping high quality teachers,” retired teacher, Phyllis Writz said. Writz spent three plus decades in the classroom and now she is ...
There are 300,000 pupils studying in schools where their teachers have no or very little budget for continuing professional development (CPD), according to a recent analysis of figures by the Teacher Development Trust. There is huge variation in investment from region to region, with spending per teacher ...

Plans for Arizona teachers and educational staff to walk out of school Thursday to protest cuts in education funding has left parents of children with disabilities scrambling to find appropriate childcare and worrying about how the strike will affect their kids. Debbi Berggren, a special-education paraeducator at ...
On the other hand, armed teachers have stopped school shootings. An assistant principal held a school shooter at gunpoint until police arrived. Teachers at Keene saw how, during the Florida school shooting, the security guard waited outside. "It made me mad," says one teacher who brings a gun to school ...
Colorado has 54,691 teachers, according to the National Education Association's 2017 Rankings and Estimates report. There are roughly 16.4 students for every teacher, which is slightly above the national average of 15.9 students. In the 2012-2013 school year, Colorado ranked 40th in per-pupil spending ...
The recent public demonstrations have also surfaced the fact that about 40% of public sector teachers are not covered by Social Security. When Congress enacted the Social Security Act in 1935, it excluded all employees of state and local governments from mandatory coverage owing to constitutional ...
But on Tuesday, DPS said “due to significant anticipated teacher absences,” it would cancel all classes Friday. “This still is a working day for DPS staff, and teachers and others participating in the rally must work with their supervisor to take an appropriate leave. Employees must take personal leave, unpaid ...
Many teachers tell NPR they too tried to appeal but were rejected. Others chose not to appeal at all because, they say, they were told by a FedLoan representative that it wouldn't make any difference. David West, a high school teacher in Lexington, S.C., says when he called to contest the conversion of his ...
Teachers in Arizona say they're striking next week - that despite a promise by the state's governor to give them a 20 percent raise by 2020. Cathy Zinkhon Matsumoto has been a special education pre-K teacher in the Mesa Public Schools for the past eight years, and she joins us now. Thank you so much ...
Jersey City teachers will receive a 6 percent raise over the next two years if they ratify a contract that has already been agreed upon by the union and school district. Teachers in the 29,000-student district walked off the job last month saying they need relief from Chapter 78, New Jersey's 2011 law that ...
Teachers across the state are expected to vote this week on whether to walkout in efforts to increase state education funding beyond what Gov. Doug Ducey proposed Thursday. ... Joshua Buckley, the head of Mesa's teacher union, said the superintendent's email may sway the teachers still on the fence.
And they don't just apply to teachers. "Police officers, prison guards, even in the military! It's against the law in the military for someone who's a sergeant or officer to be having a relationship with lower-ranking people." A position of power and trust, one Doug says teachers shouldn't take lightly. "If you've got ...
"The magistrate will listen to both sides and make recommendations," said Stephanie Baxter-Jenkins, executive director of the teachers' union. The union declared an impasse shortly after the district – after months of uncertainty – said it could not honor a pay plan negotiated in 2013, during teacher reforms ...
"We're still disappointed in the governor and his comments," Berlin, a high school teacher in the state, added. "A real apology includes the words, 'I was wrong' and his did not," Kelsey Hayes Coots, a teacher in Kentucky's Jefferson County Public Schools, said in a video published by WAVE News.
PHOENIX - Arizona teachers on Tuesday began weighing whether to walk out of their classrooms to demand more school funding after weeks of growing protests -- a vote that's raising questions about how an unprecedented strike could play out across the state's education system. The walkout vote comes ...
(Newser) – Middle school teacher Kyle Byler thought the Lancaster, Pennsylvania, school board was going to fire him at a meeting Tuesday night because he served students pancakes during state testing. But that was before his story got nationwide attention. The district now says the 8th-grade teacher ...
What finally lent weight to the incipient professional ideals of public-school teachers was, ironically, their unionization; that is, their self-identification as a constituent part of the working class. The struggle to create teacher unions was one of the less heralded breakthroughs of the 1960s and early 1970s.
Before they are allowed to go, they must be replaced in post by a teacher who qualified during or since 2013 and does not have a permanent job. DE said that teachers who had qualified "in the years 2013 up to and including 2017 have experienced the greatest difficulty in securing meaningful employment ...
Katharine Lindenberg, a teacher from Waltham Forest in London, said the baseline tests were unnecessary, expensive and even immoral. “Baseline tests will be given to four-year-olds in the first weeks of reception. They are unnecessary, they are pointless, they are expensive and above all they are ...
Tens of thousands of teachers from Oklahoma are marching on the state capitol, following in the footsteps of teachers in West Virginia, Arizona, and Kentucky. The President of the National Education Association, Lily Eskelsen Garcia, joins Ali Velshi and Stephanie Ruhle to discuss the growing nation-wide ...
Riled by last week's passage of a surprise pension reform bill, thousands of Kentucky teachers are expected to swarm the state Capitol on Monday morning. The statewide teachers union is summoning teachers to Frankfort to press for adequate education funding in the state budget. More than 100 public ...
On Saturday, Fox News Host Abby Huntsman invited Hampton Middle School sixth-grader Josie Orihuela on her show to talk about audio she had recorded of her teacher, Johnetta Benton, talking about the president. “When my president says let's Make America Great Again, when was he talking about?
'It's sad that we have to be here on our spring break fighting for what is ours, but at the same time, we're here and we're strong in force,' said Paula Pleasant, a teacher in Greenup County. Educators came from every corner of the state. There were so many teachers, in fact, shuttle buses kept making rounds.
EMC immediately sent a letter to its agents in response to the prospect that districts could legally allow teachers to be armed on their campuses. “EMC has concluded that concealed handguns on school premises pose a heightened liability risk,” the letter read. “Because of this increased risk, we have ...
GOP legislators rejected some of Bevin's strictest measures, but their own version of pension reform would've reduced cost of living adjustments for teacher pensions. Pensions are an especially fraught issue in Kentucky because under a unique arrangement, the state's public school teachers aren't eligible ...
Teachers in Oklahoma received a pay raise when Gov. Mary Fallin (R) signed legislation last week hiking their salary as much as $6,100 a year, but they are seeking a bigger across-the-board $10,000 raise. Average teacher salaries in Oklahoma were lower than all but one other state before the recent ...
Kevin Courtney, the NEU joint general secretary, said his union “will prepare to consult members widely on the action we need to take in order to win these demands and solve the teacher recruitment and retention crisis”. For procedural reasons, any strikes are unlikely to take place before the end of the ...
Maggie Webb, a junior high school math teacher at Clark Avenue School in Chelsea, Mass., volunteered to teach in a high-needs area in exchange for a federal grant called the TEACH grant. But a new report found that Webb and thousands of others had their grants converted to loans because of ...
If signed, the bill could limit the number of sick days teachers can put towards their retirement and there would be no change to the cost of living adjustment staying at 1.5 percent. A private school in Boone County announced it would be closed Monday in support of statewide teacher protests. In a Facebook ...
... teachers from this September, fully funded by the government. Previous limited rises have had to be found from school budgets. NEU general secretary Kevin Courtney said: "The funding crisis is really playing into the workload crisis which is really playing into the teacher recruitment and retention crisis.".
Before attending A&M as a graduate student, Kim was a middle school teacher in a small, Texas town, where she says she didn't meet a lot of people with radically different life experiences. "He's taught me so much," she says. Kim often invites Mario to guest lecture her classes for teachers in training.
Recently, the Oklahoma teachers' union called for $10,000 teacher raises, $5,000 raises for support staff and more than $200 million for education funding. Lawmakers agreed on an average teacher raise of $6,100, $1,250 for support staff and a $50 million increase in education funding -- a measure Gov.
John "Bam" Carney, a teacher himself, made clear in a passionate speech from the floor that he was not impressed with the protests. "We have had grandchildren of members of this body come home crying from public schools because teachers are talking about their grandparents while they're at school," ...
This comes about a month after West Virginia teachers shut down schools for nearly two weeks. "Teachers just learn to survive. I'd like to eventually have a month where I don't have to look at my checking my bank account on a daily basis," said Brian Davis, a geography teacher in Bartlesville. The father of ...
Wickes resigned and was charged soon thereafter. Although the justices determined that the hugging was illegal in this case, they said teachers shouldn't be overly worried about innocent hugs with students. “It is important to note that nothing should prohibit teachers from hugging students for reassurance, ...


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