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updated Thu. September 26, 2024

Ahead of the Kurdish new year festival on Wednesday, Iraqi politicians announced an agreement capping months of back-room negotiations aimed at alleviating the political fallout and the Kurds' economic hardships and ultimately at bringing Iraq's Kurdish region back into the fold. Prime Minister Haider ...
As soon as U.S. troops withdrew from the country in 2011, Iraqi politicians resumed their zero-sum contest for power and influence against one another—a game Iraq's current prime minister, Haider al-Abadi, is struggling to tame to this day. Fifteen years removed, it is incredibly difficult to point to anything ...

The rampant sectarianism cannot last, the ineptitude of the government and Iraqi politicians will eventually lead to palpable popular fury, and the influence of Iran will one day diminish. Many Iraqi Shia will not want to play second fiddle to Iranian ayatollahs, and Iraqi Shia fighting Iranian theocrats is nothing ...
BAGHDAD, March 19 (KUNA) -- Iraqi politicians are set to slowly scrutinize and reassess the 100 orders by Paul Bremer, former Administrator of the Coalition Provisional Authority of Iraq. After the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and the eventual ousting of Saddam Hussein on April 9 of the same year, Bremer, who ...
Without solid action to remedy the most pressing problems facing normal people, Iraqi politicians may once again be leading their people into a quagmire of conflict and deprivation. Iraq reclaims Saddam-era assets. One of the main topics of contention in the Middle East is precisely how wealthy various ...

Pope emeritus Benedict XVI, Iraqi politicians like then Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, Christian as well as Sunni and Shia Muslim clerics, the Council of the Churches of the Middle East are but some of those who expressed deep condolences at the time of his disappearance. During his captivity, the then ...
Dealers said many of their regulars are assistants to Iraqi politicians and military officers who come to sell the valuable SIM cards gifted to their bosses. But for many, the desire for a distinctive number is less nefarious. Small businesses and start-ups covet them because the repetitive number combinations ...

Economist Salam Samesm believes that Iraqi politicians are exploiting budget issues for their own interests in the upcoming elections. If the budget is not passed soon, Samesm warned it will have economic impact on the population, "especially civil servants" and those who benefit from the social care ...
As some Iraqi politicians voice anti-US sentiment and others call for continued US support for Iraq as it struggles to rebuild in the post-IS period, and amid jostling for votes ahead of the May 12 elections, clarity on how such an incident was able to occur may prevent more widespread discontent. Found in: ...
As if that wasn't sufficient to make Iraqi politicians take notice, he finished by saying, “It is time to declare the Persian Empire in the region.” The remarks caused outraged responses from parties across Iraq's many political divides, some criticizing Iraq's Foreign Ministry for not immediately addressing them. A senior official of ...
National Coalition bloc MP Abdul Karim Abtan slammed Velayati and said Iraqis do not work for him. “We do not work for Velayati or anyone else. We are Iraqis and our national project is Iraqi. Velayati may have power over one or two Iraqi (politicians) but this power will not last,” Abtan told Al-Hadath ...
Reconstructing Iraq is part of this and a good thing in itself; the recent Kuwait conference was important, as is the outreach by Saudi Arabia and others to key Iraqi politicians and to Najaf. But this will take sustained attention, a lot of money and even more time. And Iran will still take its cut. The same goes for ...
Iraqi politicians are in for a tremendous shock when donor countries insist on economic reforms. They will be shocked because they will not be able to siphon one single cent of the donated funds. It is a shame that the country that these politicians looted is otherwise capable of being reborn without having ...
However, after various Iraqi politicians spoke out on the matter and the government was confronted with the fact that such purchases constituted a violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1747, the official position changed. A series of unconvincing denials and contradictory statements by Iraqi officials ...
Hamoudi, who is representing the United Iraq Alliance (UIA) in Iraqi parliament, was one of the many Iraqi politicians that attended a ceremony at Iran's embassy in Iraqi capital Baghdad to celebrate the 39th anniversary of the victory of Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution on Sunday. KI/IRN82830031. Facebook ...


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