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 abuse of Iraqis

This photo, obtained by Jihad UnSpun, shows one instance of four thousand cases of alleged rape against Iraqi women by USA soldiers since the occupation began.
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updated Sun. June 23, 2024

The weekly series "Criminal Injustice" continues, where the hosts discuss the most egregious conduct of our courts and prosecutors and how justice is denied to so many people in this country, including the systematic abuse of prisoners across the system. Kevin Gosztola, a writer for and ...
In 2005, Haspel drafted the cable ordering the destruction of videotapes documenting the interrogations of two men at the Thailand prison, amidst ... “He says the worldwide reaction to the leak of photos of the actions of US military personnel at Iraq's Abu Ghuraib prison in April 2004 cemented his view that ...

The theocratic Shi'ite government in Iran is responsible for executing “a high number” of prisoners for crimes that don't merit the death penalty, the ... In addition, it said that through its support for Syrian regime leader Bashar Assad and Iraqi Shi'ite militias, Iran "materially contributed" to rights abuses in Syria ...
“The US should not be transferring anyone to a country where they face a risk of torture or ill-treatment,” said Laura Pitter, senior US national security counsel at Human Rights Watch. “The detainee has the right to contest his transfer to Saudi Arabia, Iraq, or any other country where he might face torture.”.
As she sits in a Syrian-Kurdish jail, waiting the US government to determine -- or not determine -- what to do with her, it is navigating that delicate ... of Yazidis when it took Mount Sinjar in Iraq, and many of the younger women were being sold as slaves, some purely for the purposes of sexual abuse.
International human rights organisations have long reported on the abuses faced by Iraqi prisoners and minorities at the hands of militias and ... While this did not directly impact Baghdad, it indirectly drew the Iraqis further into the Syrian conflict as the US-led military action affected its main ally, Iran, which ...

It is not by chance that this episode resonates with the witnesses' reports and the pictures taken by the US Army and CIA torturers of fellow-torturers smiling for the camera while performing the worst type of abuses on unarmed prisoners at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. What these episodes have in common ...
US rendition practices in the years following the September 2001 attacks resulted in numerous abuses. In addition to unlawfully detaining and torturing ... The only new detainee the Trump administration says it is holding is an unnamed American citizen in Iraq. This detainee requested a lawyer but the US ...
Democratic Senator Carl Levin proposed a 9/11-type commission on detainee abuse. In response, John Rizzo wrote an email on October 31, 2005, complaining about how it would “surface” the existence of torture tapes showing interrogations of Nashiri and Zubaydah. “I think I need to be the skunk at the ...
One of the major failings of the war on ISIS is that it has left us in the West little the wiser as to why this happened. We know local ISIS members in Iraq and Syria have obvious grievances of abuse against Sunnis by Shia, the Syrian civil war and the ongoing violence in Iraq. But foreign fighters? What brings ...
“With countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Egypt, Jordan and Bahrain all appearing in this gruesome tally of Middle Eastern states executing prisoners - many after unfair trials - the UK needs to ensure that abolition of the death penalty is a key part of its Middle East foreign goals. “As well as condemning ...
I was able to complete a six-month program for women who have dual diagnosis—mental illness and substance abuse. .... In the early 2010s, as U.S. military operations were winding down in Iraq and Afghanistan, Miller says many of those companies expressed that they were in search of new markets.
CROFTON, Md. (AP) — An Iraq war veteran who suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder has been sentenced to life in prison for stabbing his girlfriend more than 50 times. Forty-year-old Ryan Gregory Hollebon said in court Tuesday that he stabbed his girlfriend twice last spring before blacking out.
Others confided that they had been victims of sexual abuse, often at the hands of a family member, but had never spoken about it before. ... But we've noticed that the sentences are becoming longer and longer: Granny Jihad, who travelled to Syria three times, was given 10 years in prison, while earlier this ...
“The VA provides valuable services to the men and women who serve this country, but like all government agencies, it is susceptible to abuse by dishonest people,” said Kenji Price, U.S. attorney for the District of Hawaii. “Our office will continue to investigate and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law ...
Added Matt Pinsker, a U.S. military Judge Advocate General (JAG): “The desecration of enemy corpses is definitely a war crime.” Some consider the degrading treatment of our enemy's dead, below, the vilest war crimes since the Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse scandal during America's second Iraq ...
The interview comes 15 years after the 2003 US-led invasion into Iraq begun. During the war, US Army and CIA personnel committed a series of human rights violations against detainees at Abu Ghraib prison, including physical and sexual abuse, torture, rape, sodomy, and murder. Ali al-Qaisi was ...

Joslin also submitted fake certificates "proving" he had received certain military awards. He purchased the documents online from a veteran who was previously convicted for owning and selling counterfeit U.S. paperwork. In addition to his 18-month prison term, Joslin is required to pay $48,595 in restitution ...
... clips – including one from Trump, that's greeted with a chorus of boos – play over the top as alone figure stands in front of it wearing a FEVER 333 boiler suit and a sack over his head, a reference to the human rights abuses carried out by the U.S. in the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and in Guantanamo Bay in the early 2000s.
The relative free rein for extremists is reminiscent of Bucca Prison, a now-closed facility that the U.S. military ran in southern Iraq in the 2000s. The facility proved to be a petri dish where militant detainees mingled — including the man who now leads the Islamic State group, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who spent ...
The relative free rein for extremists is reminiscent of Bucca Prison, a now-closed facility that the US military ran in southern Iraq in the 2000s. The facility proved a petri dish where militant detainees mingled - including the man who now leads Daesh, Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, who spent nearly five years there, ...
Human Rights Watch warned in November that the broad use of terrorism laws meant those with minimal connections to the Islamic State group are caught up in prosecutions alongside those behind the worst abuses. The group estimated a similar number of detainees and prisoners — about 20,000 in all.
U.S. Navy Hospital Corpsman HM1 Richard Barnett, assigned to the 1st Marine Division, holds an Iraqi child in central Iraq in this March 29, 2003, photo. ... as Spc. Sabrina Harman, (middle) and Cpl. Charles Graner Jr. (above) pose behind them in late 2003 at the Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad, Iraq.
A hooded and bound prisoner being attacked by a dog in Iraq's notorious Abu Ghraib jail supposedly during interrogation by US soldiers in Baghdad in 2004. ... In April 2004, photographs showing prisoners being subjected to torture, sexual humiliation, rape, and other forms of abuse at the hands of US ...
Despite the efforts of countless journalists, and a major report by the US Senate — which was made public only in abbreviated, censored form — the public still ... Since Spring 2004, when 60 Minutes II revealed the disturbing pictures of appalling prisoner abuse at the notorious Iraqi prison Abu Ghraib, ...
That helped normalize authoritarianism and a disdain for human rights, putting America on a path that has led us, now, to Trump. ... Photos of CIA abuses at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, made public in 2003, sparked worldwide condemnation and damaged U.S. diplomacy in the Middle East for more than a ...
Their purpose is to prevent one of the most horrific prison incidents in U.S. Army history from happening again–Abu Ghraib, in which Iraqi prisoners were tortured, abused and photographed in humiliating fashion. The ghastly images from inside that prison made their way around the world in 2004. Shortly ...
So in 2004, when the young University of Chicago mathematician found himself outraged by photographs of abused Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib, he was readily welcomed into Hyde Park's community organizing fold. The work eventually consumed him, and he left his professorship in 2008 to run for office.
There was a sharp intake of breath from those of us who litigated civil rights last year, when Gina Haspel, one of the key players in America's ... Given President Trump's cheerleading for prisoner abuse, it's hardly farfetched to imagine a scenario where Haspel is called into the Oval Office and asked to put ...
In the year since President Obama commuted her 35-year sentence for stealing classified U.S. military files and diplomatic cables and leaking them to WikiLeaks, Manning has resumed her role of public advocacy — declaring her candidacy for the U.S. Senate in Maryland, granting press interviews and ...
Editor's Note: This is the third and final installment of a series, produced in collaboration with the U.S. Institute of Peace, on the challenges faced by a ... Despite these daunting challenges, there are ways for Iraq's long-abused religious and ethnic minorities to reclaim their rightful place in the country's future ...
However, a U.S. Army veteran serving a life sentence in Central Prison told Task & Purpose via WhatsApp that from his vantage point it appears as if the American inmates will be .... Most of the abuse, he said, occurred during raids carried out by an ultra-aggressive police unit dubbed “special forces.”.
What happened at Abu Ghraib prison happens in the U.S., too, Shapiro told Bloomberg Law, referring to the mistreatment and torture of Muslim prisoners by U.S. personnel at the infamous Iraqi prison. The court's opinion weakens one of the few tools we have to combat that kind of abuse, Shapiro said.
... during the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, but former Abu Ghraib detainees say the defense contractor's employees were responsible or complicit in a host of abuses that first came to light in 2004 with the release of photographs depicting the abuse and sexual humiliation of Iraqi prisoners by grinning soldiers.
Large numbers of Iraqis were detained during the 2000s, when the U.S. and Iraqi governments were battling Sunni militants, including al-Qaeda, and ... that the broad use of terrorism laws meant those with minimal connections to ISIS are caught up in prosecutions alongside those behind the worst abuses.
With his trademark bushy gray mustache and his take-no-prisoners style, Mr. Bolton positioned himself to the right even of the foreign policy veterans ... “Bolton played a key role in politicizing the intel that misled us into the Iraq War,” Senator Edward J. Markey, Democrat of Massachusetts, wrote on Twitter.
His fellow Bollywood star Aishwarya Rai, a former girlfriend, accused Khan of verbal and physical abuse in a 2002 interview – allegations Khan has ... Eight years later, he was convicted of killing the blackbucks and sentenced to five years in prison, a decision he appealed to the Rajasthan high court, which ...


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