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 John McCain and Iraq

[re: Iraq]
"I wonder at what point do you stop doing what you think is right and you start doing what the majority of the American people want?" Pelley asked the senator.

"Well, again, I disagree with what the majority of the American people want. Failure will lead to chaos, withdrawal will lead to chaos," McCain replied. logo
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updated Sat. June 29, 2024

John McCain walks inside the Hoa Lo prison, nicknamed “The Hanoi Hilton” in Hanoi, Vietman on April 27, 2000 where McCain was kept as a prisoner of ..... Members of Iraq's workers union parade through Baghdad Sunday April 27 1997 to mark the start of a lavish week of celebrations for the birthday of ...
John McCain of Arizona, who is being treated for cancer, was absent. In the run-up to Pompeo's ... May 12 is also the date for parliamentary elections in Iraq that will be held amid concerns that pro-Iranian candidates may win, giving Tehran further influence in Middle East. ___. Associated Press writers ...

“The president needs to lay out our goals, not just with regard to [the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria], but also the ongoing conflict in Syria and malign Russian and Iranian influence in the region. Airstrikes disconnected from a broader strategy may be necessary, but they alone will not achieve U.S. objectives ...
"Didn't the president, by saying that he wants to get out of Syria, essentially give a green light to Assad to do this, as John McCain had suggested?" queried a second one. McCain's assessments of Obama's Iraq troop withdrawals would have been quoted more skeptically. Yet when Trump does use military ...
His stern remarks on Sunday came after he has in recent weeks indicated he'd like to bring U.S. troops home from Syria "very soon," saying the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria is nearly defeated and the U.S. is shouldering a large cost to remain in the region. McCain on Sunday acknowledged that the U.S. ...
The election night victory remarks cited above were those of American patriot John McCain, on the occasion of the senator from Arizona's surprise 2008 ... some 15 years later, continues to defend the wisdom of the U.S. war in Iraq, apparently misses any moral inconsistency between his own decision as a ...

A Cold War-informed hawk, McCain in 2015 became the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee and would be consistent in his support of a strong national defense and muscular foreign policy, which included a vote to authorize the Iraq War. It also helped develop McCain's sense of patriotism.
When asked by John McCain if the surge in Iraq worked, she called it “the catalyst that turned the tide in Iraq,” and said she “supported it because I lived it,” having worked in the National Security Council when the administration decided on the surge. For the record, most experts disagree with Slotkin's ...
This morning: President Trump met with Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar. This morning: Vice President Pence had a phone call with Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi of Iraq. 2:30 p.m. EDT: President Trump meets with members of the American Petroleum Institute. 3:30 p.m. EDT: President Trump meets with ...
Shortly after ordering invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, President George W. Bush pushed to double its budget. ... One, the International Republican Institute, is run by a board headed by Senator John McCain, who never saw a war he didn't like and salivates at the thought of deposing unfriendly regimes.

Larry Kudlow, 2008: Oil prices will help the stock market rally and Sarah Palin will strengthen John McCain's presidential bid. ... “Taking Back The Market — by Force,” is the name of Kudlow's 2002 piece for the National Review, which makes the case for invading Iraq on the basis that the “stock market is ...
I'm going to do everything I can to block them." Paul cited Pompeo's support of the Iraq War as well as his backing of enhanced interrogation tactics as reasons for opposition. Of Haspel, Paul said: "My opposition to ... John McCain (R-Ariz.) does: "Sen. McCain has voiced some misgivings about the CIA appointment," mused ...
“I'm perplexed by the nomination of people who love the Iraq War so much that they would advocate for a war with Iran next,” Paul said of Pompeo, according to Politico. On Haspel, the senator said: “My opposition to her is over ... John McCain (R-Ariz.) is currently in Arizona receiving cancer treatment, with ...
Just as with his support for the invasion of Iraq in 2003 that left hundreds of thousands of Iraqis dead or for Israel's 2014 bombing of Gaza that killed over 1,500 civilians, McCain's concern over human rights is, at best, selective and, at worst, self-serving. For “human rights” to be more than a branding ...
John McCain -- means Republicans might need to rely on some support from Democrats. Democratic aides said it was ... About Pompeo and Haspel, Paul said at his news conference their support for the Iraq War and Haspel's "joyful glee" of waterboarding prompted his move. "To really appoint the head ...
President Donald Trump's pick for the next director of the CIA will face questions on Capitol Hill over her involvement in past torture programs. Senators from both parties raised questions about Gina Haspel, who Trump announced Tuesday morning would replace current director Mike Pompeo, who he has ...
In Iraq, the United States seems to still be basking in the feeling of victory after the liberation of Mosul this summer. Meanwhile, Iranian forces are working to sow discord inside Iraq, as we saw in Kirkuk; maneuver Iraqi politics against the United States; and turn next year's election into a strategic setback that ...
President Obama contributed to that problem when he got elected largely on the proposition that Hillary Clinton and John McCain had supported a dumb war in Iraq, then staffed his foreign-policy team with hawks who supported that same war. His team's ill-fated intervention in Libya showed that the staffing ...


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       john mccain

John McCain's positions:
          habeas corpus

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