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 Millennium Challenge Corporation

The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is a bilateral United States foreign aid agency established by the U.S. Congress in 2004, applying a new philosophy toward foreign aid. It is an independent agency separate from the State Department and USAID.

At the Inter-American Development Bank meeting on March 14, 2002, President George W. Bush called for a new compact for development with accountability for both rich and poor countries. He pledged to increase development assistance by 50% by fiscal year 2006 (which, by the end of 2004, doubled and was to double again by 2010). Other development programs like USAID have been thought to suffer from many different and sometimes conflicting goals, which often are a result of political pressures, and for not delivering long-term economic improvements. logo
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updated Tue. August 13, 2024

Per the compact, the Millennium Challenge Corporation is expected to inject about $418 million into ECG, while Meralco will invest about $500 million. Speaking Wednesday on Starr Today with Naa Dedei Tetteh and Atiewin Mbillah-Lawson Mr. Jinapor said the suit by BXC Consortium could throw the ...
... and the White House national security council. Cindy Huang is the co-director of migration, displacement, and humanitarian policy and senior policy fellow at the Center for Global Development. She previously served in key roles at the US State Department and the Millennium Challenge Corporation.

The MCA Nepal will execute schemes with a $500 million grant provided by Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), an independent US government agency working to reduce global poverty through economic development. Following the decision, the government has moved a step closer to enforcing ...
WASHINGTON — The Millennium Challenge Corporation can now make regional compacts, a move the organization says will allow it to better maximize resources and results by investing in projects that can benefit multiple countries at once. President Donald Trump signed the African Growth and ...
Ghana signed the Power Compact with the United States of America, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) – an independent United States government agency, on the side-lines of the US Africa Leaders' Summit in Washington DC on August 5, 2014. The Ghana Power Compact will ...
President George W. Bush established the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) that reaches out to external experts in order to rate African countries with respect to the environment for private business, political freedom, and overall stability. African countries that receive high ratings receive large ...

Among the recommendations is to ensure the Build Act mandates a chief development officer to coordinate development finance policy and implementation with the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Millennium Challenge Corporation and their field missions. Maintaining USAID's strong ...
This legislation draws from best practices from previous foreign assistance programs including the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the Millennium Challenge Corporation. Such efforts to prevent conflicts are urgently needed. The recent reported chemical attacks on civilians in ...
SEATTLE — On April 9, 2018, the U.S. Senate passed the AGOA and MCA Modernization Act unanimously. This Act will strengthen the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), two programs that have proven effective in improving the lives of millions of ...
Between 2005 and 2017, the U.S. Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) invested more than $6.5 billion in 14 sub-Saharan African countries through completed or ongoing compacts in infrastructure, health, education, and other sectors. These compacts are designed to drive investment into projects ...
... ~ Green Powered Technology, LLC is an energy and engineering consulting firm based in Arlington, Virginia. We were established in 2010 with a vision of employing innovative solutions to sustainably manage the Earth's resources and to meet society's needs. ~. GPTech offers technical, financing, and ...
Oxfam America. Fatema Sumar, a regional deputy vice president at the U.S. Millennium Challenge Corporation, has joined the humanitarian aid group as vice president for global programs.
... promote the use of AGOA privileges and access by eligible sub-Saharan African countries though trade capacity building and technical assistance efforts. It also enables the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) to engage in regional compacts and cross-border investments in MCC eligible countries.
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., applauded the Senate passage of his bipartisan African Growth and Opportunity Act and Millennium Challenge Act Modernization Acton Monday. The goals of the African Growth and Opportunity Act and the Millennium Challenge Corporation are to ...
GLENDALE, Calif.—Vahan and Anoush Chamlian Armenian School students rallied support for expanded Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education funding for Armenia, urging leaders of the U.S. Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) to sign a second compact which would fuel ...
At its quarterly meeting on Tuesday the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Board of Directors approved a $35 million threshold program with the Togolese Republic, though the Board directed MCC to continue to closely monitor citizens' rights to freedom of expression and association, and due ...
Monrovia – The United States Government says it is proud of the results of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Liberia Compact being implemented by the Millennium Challenge Account - Liberia, which encourages economic growth that reduces poverty, creates new opportunities, and improves ...

Government in 2014 signed the Ghana Power Compact with the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) an independent USA government foreign aid agency which provides the country a grant of $498.2 million to improve the performance of Ghana's power sector to unlock the country's economic ...
The man in the beige tie is White House personnel director Johnny DeStefano. Photo: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images. A core premise of Donald Trump's hit television show was that he is extremely good at making hiring decisions. This was also a core premise of his 2016 campaign: Whatever the real-estate ...
It also requires deliberate communications with partners to ensure they understand the different approaches the organization may deploy to achieve its varied objectives. The Millennium Challenge Corporation is a good example of an institution that both makes direct investments and works to make the ...
One widely accepted vision of development is found in the statute establishing the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC): “economic growth and poverty reduction.” Today that objective would be updated by inserting “inclusive” before economic growth. This, and other improvements to the development ...
To the contrary, when the administration announced the budget, 121 former flag officers took the unusual step of writing an open letter to congressional leadership advocating for the State Department, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, the Peace Corps, ...
Government is expected to look for a private operator to manage the ECG under the Power Compact Two agreement to enable the U.S government inject 498 million dollars into the company through the Millennium Challenge Corporation. But speaking at a press conference, a member of the group, Dr.
It will be recalled that the new Country Director of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), Kenneth James Miller, last week warned that Ghana risks losing $119 million under Power Compact II if government does not take steps to meet certain requirements by September this year. “We have three ...
As an alternative, he lauded the U.S. Millennium Challenge Corporation, which ties development assistance to good governance. However, peaceful, reasonably well-governed, democratic countries such as Ghana and South Africa—the largest U.S. trade partner in the region—often visited by past U.S. ...
She was previously the Millennium Challenge Corporation's chief of staff during the Obama administration and before that worked for APCO Worldwide. NEW JOINT FUNDRAISERS: FreedomWorks Victory 2018 (Sens. Mike Lee, Ron Johnson and Rand Paul; Reps. Rod Blum, Dave Brat and Thomas ...
He noted that it would make Ghana a power distribution hub in West Africa and position the country to offer technical advice to countries in the sub-region.The US Government, through the Millennium Challenge Corporation, in August 2014, signed an agreement with the Government of Ghana, to support ...
... signed into law by the president, includes $7.6 billion for humanitarian assistance, $8.7 billion for global health programs, and would maintain or slightly increase funding to the Millennium Challenge Corporation, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, and the Peace Corps, among other agencies.
In addition, the legislation seeks to create a website which will detail the benefits of the program and provide the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) greater flexibility with which to facilitate trade by permitting up to two compacts with one country. In addition, the act will strengthen the accountability of ...
From President George W. Bush's drive to establish the Millennium Challenge Corporation to the USAID's efforts to leverage the private sector on food security and energy, we've seen a smart shift towards results-driven programs that are not only fighting global poverty and advancing our national security, ...
Against this backdrop, the United States Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) has pledged assistance to develop 300-km high capacity transmission line in Nepal. US Ambassador Teplitz further said that the existing arrangements between the countries in electricity trade will provide a foundation for ...
The IEA is a critical requirement of the Compact, a condition precedent to the disbursement of the Millennium Challenge Corporation's (MCC) funds for the implementation of the NEDCo Financial and Operational Turnaround (NFOT) Project. In August 2014, the government of Ghana signed the Second ...
Meanwhile, that decision to allow the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) to play a key role in Ghana's power sector was started by the NDC administration in 2016 under John Mahama. Mahama Ayariga, a former Minister in the John Mahama administration said, on Joy News/MulitiTV news analysis ...
The Senate is set to vote on a bill authorizing the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), a U.S. foreign aid agency that gives large grants to developing countries, to enter regional compacts in Africa. What's next: The bill, which passed the House last month, authorizes MCC to support increased regional integration ...
SANTA ANA, Calif.—Students from the Ari Guiragos Minassian Armenian School put pen to paper this week, calling on Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to lead the effort to secure a potentially transformative Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) grant for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math ...
WASHINGTON — In a brief nomination hearing Tuesday, senators on the Committee on Foreign Relations asked Sean Cairncross, the nominee for chief executive officer of the Millennium Challenge Corporation, to outline his relevant credentials — which some in the development community have ...
... of State for international organizational affairs, director of the Peace Corps, U.S. alternate executive director of the international bank for reconstruction and development, and chief executive officer of the Millennium Challenge Corporation at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday at Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 419.
"As part of this review process, it has come to my attention that a current member of Millennium Challenge Corporation's senior political leadership has made a number of concerning statements and remarks to staff that call into question the MCC's commitment to an open and diverse workplace and an ...
The Acting Chief Executive Officer of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), Mr. Jonathan Nash, has expressed his and the MCC's appreciation to the President of the Republic, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, for his efforts to try and find a lasting solution to the political impasse in Togo. According ...
The rest are Power Generation Sector Improvement Project and Energy Efficiency, and Demand Side Management Project,. The Government of Ghana signed the Ghana Power Compact with the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), an independent United States government agency, on the sidelines ...
Feb 17, Colombo: Following its competitive selection by the US Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) for grant assistance, the Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL) is now focusing on improving transport infrastructure and land administration in the country, consistent with the government's Vision 2025.
From left: Nepal's Minister of Finance Gyanendra Bahadur Karki, acting CEO of Millennium Challenge Corporation Jonathan Nash, and U.S. Deputy Secretary of State John J. Sullivan, address guests before the signing of MCC's Nepal Compact on Sept. 14, 2017 in Washington, D.C. Photo by: MCC.
"Today's crises do not have military solutions alone, yet America's essential civilian national security agencies -- the State Department, USAID, Millennium Challenge Corporation, Peace Corps and other development agencies -- faced a significant cut last year," the generals wrote. "We call on you to ensure ...
Mr. Kenneth James Miller, the Resident Country Director of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), has said Ghana risks losing US$119 million if the nation fails to meet the deadline for taking certain decisions required under the Compact II. He said the implementation of the Compact II was behind ...
The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is an independent U.S. foreign assistance agency that has the goal of reducing poverty in developing countries through supporting economic growth. Since its creation in 2004, MCC has supported development programs in 40 low- and lower-middle-income ...
Per the compact, the Millennium Challenge Corporation is expected to inject about 418 million dollars into ECG, whiles Meralco will invest about 500 million ... will stand by a decision to amend the Private Sector Participation (PSP) agreement of the ECG with the Millennium Challenge Corporation(MCC).
SANTA ANA—Students from the Ari Guiragos Minassian Armenian School put pen to paper last week, calling on Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to lead the effort to secure a potentially transformative Millennium Challenge Corporation grant for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) ...


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