updated Thu. August 15, 2024
Farmington Daily Times
March 27, 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump in January recommended that the U.S. impose a 30-percent tariff on imported solar panels, citing a report from the U.S. International Trade Commission that found imported solar products are saturating U.S. markets and driving out domestic producers. Though the volume ofÃâà...
American Shipper
March 27, 2018
The U.S. International Trade Commission is scheduled to make its final decision on this petition for the antidumping duty investigation, filed by North American Steel & Wire/ISM Enterprises of Pennsylvania, by May 7. By Chris Gillis |Monday, March 26, 2018. The Commerce Department on Friday released its finalÃâà...
March 27, 2018
Law360 (March 26, 2018, 5:16 PM EDT) -- The Trump administration will not move ahead with duties on silicon metal from Australia, Brazil, Norway and Kazakhstan after the U.S. International Trade Commission on Friday found that the imported goods, while unfairly traded, are not a danger to domestic producers. All four ofÃâà...
World Intellectual Property Review
March 27, 2018
The US International Trade Commission (ITC) will investigate 50 companies that are allegedly importing patent-infringing toner products into the US, following a complaint made by Japanese company Canon. The ITC issued a release confirming the investigation yesterday, March 26. In its complaint, filedÃâà...
Youngstown Vindicator
March 24, 2018
"It will lead to quite the opposite," added Francois, a former acting director of economics for the U.S. International Trade Commission who has worked with the WTO. President Donald Trump is imposing new tariffs of 25 percent on imported steel and 10 percent on aluminum. He exempted some countriesÃâà...
Los Angeles Times
March 17, 2018
But to apply safeguard tariffs, the independent U.S. International Trade Commission has to find that increased imports caused or threaten to cause serious injury to the domestic industry. And it's not clear the commission would have come to that conclusion on steel. Last year the three largest U.S.-basedÃâà...
American Shipper
March 6, 2018
The U.S. International Trade Commission has determined there is a “reasonable indication” that domestic producers of large diameter pipe are harmed by similar imports being dumped on the U.S. market from six different countries. ITC: U.S. welded pipe producers harmed by imports Photo: TawansakÃâà...
December 31, 1999
Section 337 of the U.S. trade laws provides the U.S. International Trade Commission with the authority to prevent “unfair practices in import trade.” While the statute is best known for its provisions that allow the ITC to exclude imported goods that infringe U.S. intellectual property rights, the statute alsoÃâà...