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updated Thu. July 25, 2024

On March 2, 2018, Salman Masalha, an Israeli-Arab intellectual of Druze origin,[1]published an article in the Dubai-based Al-Hayat daily that harshly criticized the Arab leaders' response to the civil war raging in Syria, which is currently in its eighth year. Masalha claims that the Arab leaders aren't lifting a ...

BEIRUT: Sectarian and partisan polarization resulting from fierce competition for parliamentary seats in Lebanon has led to the first armed clash between two rival Druze parties. Machine guns were used in the clash between the Progressive Socialist Party, led by MP Walid Jumblatt, and the Lebanese ...
The Druze have identified as a religious monotheist ethnic group since the 11th century, revering Jethro, the father-in-law of Moses, and considering Moses, Jesus and Mohammed to be their prophets. They live mainly in the mountainous region of the Golan Heights. As minorities in Israel, they have civil ...
This is how Ziyan describes herself: “I'm a photographer, and I live in Yarka, a Druze village in the western Galilee. A lot of my work focuses on issues relating to social and cultural identity, and women in my society. My photographs are staged. Some of them contain very clear symbolisms through which I ...
The most rebellious community in Syria's modern history is a people called the Druze, most of whom live in a region called the Druze Mountain, Jabal al-Druze, about 70 miles south of Damascus. Members of this syncretic, semi-Shiite Muslim sect battled the country's successive overlords, notably the ...
Three exceptions include the Druze, the Georgians, and the Orkney Islanders, among whom the frequency of X2 reaches 11%, 8%, and 7%, respectively. The high frequencies of X2 in the Druze and the Orkney Islanders are combined with a low haplotype diversity… and the relatively high frequency in ...
However, Druze Israelis in other areas of the country have told this reporter that Golan Heights residents find themselves in a complicated position because they fear that international pressure could one day force Israel to withdraw from the area, leaving them at the mercy of the notoriously brutal Assad ...
Syria (MNN) – Every day Druze believers in Syria face struggles ranging from familial and government sanctioned persecution to a lack of resources. They are a minority in every country they live in. Yet despite the difficulties, Arab for All Ministries (AFA) reports great growth in the Druze Church.
If you've never heard of Druze, it is both a culture and a religion, says Gazala Halabi. It is one with Abrahamic roots and myriad influences including Islam, Gnosticism and Hinduism. The chef grew up in a Druze community in Daliat el-Carmel, a village near Haifa, Israel. It is from there that so many dishes at ...


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