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updated Fri. June 28, 2024

Almost half of wartime shipwrecks in the Irish Sea, including hundreds of war graves, have been incorrectly identified on maps and charts, scientists say. Researchers at Bangor University are using the £2.8 million research vessel Prince Madog to survey hundreds of vessels sunk in the First and Second ...
But these busy marine “corridors” were also well-known to enemy forces, and losses due to German U-boat attacks, mines and collisions due to enforced “blackouts” in the Irish Sea were significant throughout both conflicts. There are more than 200 such wreck sites around Wales and many have yet to be ...

One school of thought is that the UK is going to agree to a situation such as Northern Ireland staying in the customs union and single market, so that there is a border in the Irish Sea rather than a land one. This analysis assumes that the DUP influence in propping up Theresa May's government will only go ...
Theresa May reiterated her opposition to a border in the Irish Sea and made clear, as she has done before, that the Province must retain full access to the internal UK market. Her comments are welcome and important, but they are still not the end of the matter. London in December committed to the fact that ...
It is called the paired exchange programme and allows voluntary donors to donate their organs in conjunction with donors on either side of the Irish Sea in order to broaden the 'pool' of potentially compatible donors. "It was like winning the lottery," Stacey said of learning of the programme last October.
Under the controversial arrangements – to be put in place if the UK fails to come forward with a better solution – Northern Ireland would continue to be considered “part of the customs territory of the Union”, effectively creating a customs border along the Irish Sea. When first proposed in February, Mrs May ...

Even the signs along the dock in Carlingford, showing obvious signs of age with murky covers scratched from years of visitors, boast about the statuses in place to protect the habitats that make the Carlingford Lough the oasis it is. Escaping into the Irish Sea, water from the Carlingford Lough carries with it ...
We do not desire a border in the Irish sea any more than we want to see a border between Newry and Dundalk, or between Holyhead and Dublin.” Britain has insisted it opposed a hard border. Darroch told the audience: “The prime minister said in December last year that the UK remained committed to ...
Tourism Ireland's latest initiative shines a light on 5000 years of legends created, and lives lived in the counties that lie between the Irish Sea and the mighty River Shannon. Discover 'The Land of 5000 Dawns' centred on the UNESCO World Heritage site of Newgrange and the Boyne River Valley.
It is now looking for franchise partners to build its presence in Ireland as it readies a launch across the Irish Sea into the UK. It currently has four outlets in Dublin, including Hatch Street and Parnell Street, and one in Cork. Like many franchise ideas, Darragh Fanning, general manager of Zambrero Ireland, ...
Tourism Ireland's latest initiative shines a light on 5000 years of legends created, and lives lived in the counties that lie between the Irish Sea and the mighty River Shannon. Discover 'The Land of 5000 Dawns' centred on the UNESCO World Heritage site of Newgrange and the Boyne River Valley.
European Union proposals for Northern Ireland to be separated from Britain by a customs border in the Irish Sea are “utterly unacceptable” and will never be supported by the Democratic Unionist Party, Arlene Foster told Michel Barnier today. The DUP leader, whose support in Brexit negotiations is ...
Swimmer rescued from Irish Sea in middle of winter storms. Gardai have appealed for people not to go swimming in the sea or in rivers or lakes during the extreme weather. The scene of the swimmer's rescue (@socodutweets/PA). 1 1 The scene of the swimmer's rescue (@socodutweets/PA). March 2 2018. 0 Comments ...
Swimmer rescued from Irish Sea in middle of winter storms. Gardai have appealed for people not to go swimming in the sea or in rivers or lakes during the extreme weather. The scene of the swimmer's rescue (@socodutweets/PA) 1 The scene of the swimmer's rescue (@socodutweets/PA). By Michelle ...
A scientist from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David is part of a team aiming to solve one of the oldest mysteries in Welsh history. Geoarchaeologist Dr Martin Bates is helping to discover whether there is a "lost land" under the Irish Sea. Oral traditions of "lost kingdoms" in Welsh mythology date back to ...
A group of Irish and international scientists has begun exploring the Irish Sea for submerged landscapes. Large areas of habitable land were submerged following climate change and sea level rises that came after the last Ice Age. Globally, an area twice the size of the US ended up underwater after the sea ...
A research expedition that set sail this week hopes to uncover evidence of prehistoric land under the Irish Sea. The Europe's Lost Frontiers project will explore extensive submerged land between Ireland and Britain. The group includes scientists from the Institute of Technology, Sligo, University College ...

However, Prime Minister Theresa May has already rejected the proposal and Mrs Foster, speaking to Bloomberg TV on Wednesday, said any border in the Irish Sea would badly damage Northern Ireland's economy. "What was there, in the [EU draft agreement] legal text, is around creating a border down ...
At the Imagining Ireland concert at the Barbican earlier this month, Paul Noonan of BellX1 described the multifaceted gig as “a photograph of some of the noises coming out of Ireland right now”; performers ranged from Lisa Hannigan and Crash Ensemble to Loah and Stephen James Smith, with a ...
As part of the 'Lost Frontiers' project, a research team from Ireland's Institute of Technology Sligo and University College Cork recently explored extensive submerged landscapes of the Irish Sea aboard the Marine Institute's 'RV Celtic Voyager'. As part of the 'Lost Frontiers' project, a research team from ...
Sinn Fein president Mary Lou McDonald has effectively called for the UK government to ensure there is no trade border between Northern Ireland and GB post-Brexit. In a move that is sure to surprise many unionists, the republican leader appears to have adopted a similar position to that of the DUP, who ...
#FerryNews - Heysham Port in recent weeks has had a new ro-ro ramp linkspan installed bringing to three berthing facilities serving the growing Irish Sea trade through the Lancashire port, writes Jehan Ashmore. The £10m investment by the Peel Ports operated harbour has created a dedicated loading ...


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