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updated Tue. July 9, 2024

JEDDAH: The year 1909 is known by old Saudi people as the “Year of Hunger.” In that year, Saudis suffered to such an extent that some of them perished while searching for a mouthful of food that could keep them alive for a few days. Old people tell heartbreaking stories about how miserable their ...
The information you requested is not available at this time, please check back again soon. More Video. Most Popular. {{item.title | formatTitle}} · Investing. 3h ago. Saudis to delay IPO of its stock exchange on hopes MSCI will lift valuation: Report. Matthew Martin, Archana Narayanan and Glen Carey, Bloomberg News.

Iran's foreign minister has said that neither Iran nor Saudi Arabia can be the dominant power in the Middle East and called on countries in the Persian Gulf region to start talking to each other. "In an attempt to be the strongest in the region, to exclude one another from the region, we have managed to destroy ...
Saudi air defences on Sunday intercepted a ballistic missile fired by Yemeni rebels at the kingdom's southern border city of Najran, which set a farm ablaze, state media said. "Saudi forces were able to intercept (the missile)," the Saudi Press Agency said, citing the Saudi-led coalition fighting Iran-backed ...
The Trump administration has aggressively courted the Saudis and found a willing partner on a range of issues, including Iran, counterterrorism and ... AMI denies that it shared an advance copy of “The New Kingdom” with the Saudis or consulted with them on the project, and AMI says the Saudis did not ...
(Bloomberg) -- Saudi Arabia is delaying the initial public offering of its stock exchange on hopes that a potential MSCI Inc. upgrade could boost its value, according to people with knowledge of the matter. The Tadawul, as the Middle East's biggest stock exchange is known, has pushed back plans to sell ...

As questions swirled about the glossy magazine's origins, the Saudis said they were just as perplexed as everyone else, declaring on Twitter: "If you find out, we'd love to know." But files obtained by The Associated Press show that a digital copy of the magazine, produced by American Media, was quietly ...
When, a couple of years ago, Saudi Arabia was twisting the arms of Russia and 22 other oil producing countries to stem the flow of crude, the oil price was already off its low of less than $30 a barrel. But at around $50 in late 2016, it still represented a big problem for the oil-rich kingdom. With an expensive ...
Reforms open up new vistas for Saudis: Spain ... SPAIN has praised the ongoing reforms in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia claiming that they have opened up new horizons and opportunities for the Saudi people. Madrid's admiration has come in a joint statement issued by the Kingdom and Spain at the end ...
(JNS)—Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman made history after telling The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg that his country recognized the right of the Jews to “their own land.” Though he added that the Saudis also care about the rights of Palestinians and the fate of “the holy mosque in ...
Once, not too long ago, a cynic could argue that such supplication was necessary to feed a national addiction to the Saudis' liquid gold, but no more. As domestic energy sources have swelled (dangerously, from an environmental standpoint) and renewables technology has advanced, the U.S. no longer ...
Riyadh: Saudi air defences intercepted a missile fired by Yemeni rebels at the kingdom's southern city of Jizan on Thursday, the Saudi-led coalition fighting the rebels said, the latest in a series of such attacks. “The missile was fired at Jizan indiscriminately with the aim of hitting civilian areas,” a coalition ...
Human rights campaigners have begun an attempt to overturn a high court judgment that allows the British government to continue to export arms to Saudi Arabia for use in Yemen. The Campaign Against Arms Trade brought the case against Liam Fox, the international trade secretary, seeking permission ...
Saudi Arabia on Tuesday said it would reimburse contractors for increased expatriate worker fees in government projects approved before December 2016, as the labour-intensive construction industry reels from an economic slowdown. The kingdom has long relied on foreign labour for jobs such as ...
A Saudi sovereign wealth fund has teamed up with the Japanese technology conglomerate Softbank to fulfill a truly ambitious project, notably, in the nascent solar energy segment, thus challenging the conventional for Saudi Arabia way to generate energy – burning oil. The world's biggest solar station, ...
For one, the Saudis are seeking to leverage their oil wealth and expand into refining and chemicals manufacturing, Ross said. If successful, this would allow the kingdom to capture more value in the energy supply chain by selling not just feedstock crude oil, but higher-cost refined products and chemicals.
LACONIA, United States - It's maple sugaring season in New Hampshire's Lakes Region. The snow is melting, turning the ground to mud, and syrup makers are busy boiling tree sap in shacks out in the forest. The rest of the world can seem far away here. Boston, the nearest major city, is two hours away by ...

Importantly, despite having immense oil reserves, the Saudis, Emiratis, Iranians etc. ruling elites have been contemplating to diversify their countries' energy source. Therefore, they are contacting the Nuclear Supplier Nations, especially United States to purchase nuclear power reactors. Prior to the Islamic ...
Following the joint venture between the two companies announced at the end of last year, selected Saudis — both female and male — will have the chance to enhance their professional development by taking part in the inter-company program focused on lean management, Four Principles tailored ...
As with nearly every ballistic missile launched by Yemeni forces targeting Saudi Arabia, the kingdom overnight said it intercepted all seven fired — but online videos raise new questions about those claims. One video appears to show a Patriot missile launch on Sunday night go rapidly wrong, with the ...
The Trump administration staged a warm welcome for Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and the Saudis are pleased by the president's choice for his third national security adviser, John Bolton. But behind the warm words and photo ops, there were few substantive accomplishments, and ...
Israeli sources have said two Israelis are competing as drivers in the Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge rally, after receiving an official invitation from the hosts, according to al-Quds al-Arabi. The newspaper stated that the drivers, along with three escorts, entered the UAE with Israeli passports. The invitations ...
The Saudis and the Americans have accused Iran of violating a United Nations arms embargo by providing military weapons and supplies to the Houthis, including missiles. Iran has denied the accusation but has defended the missile launchings, calling them a justified response to devastating Saudi-led ...
Yemen's Shiite rebels fired a barrage of ballistic missiles targeting Saudi Arabia late Sunday on the third anniversary of a kingdom-led war in Yemen, with fragments of one missile over Riyadh killing one person and wounding two. The casualties were the first in Saudi Arabia's capital since the Saudi-led ...
Americans will have a chance to own shares in Saudi Arabia's oil company, the nation's energy minister said. Saudi Energy Minister Khalid Al-Falih also said some investors have been slow to sign on to the reform plan proposed by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman because they are focused on ...
That virus allowed Osama bin Laden to recruit 15 Saudis to take part in that terrible deed on September 11, 2001. We Saudis failed those young men and that failure had global implications. Salafi clerics and Muslim Brotherhood imports worked in concert as they were given unsupervised access to private ...
The Saudis, as opposed to Iran, have their own uranium and want to enrich it. This is the heart of the disagreement between Washington and Jerusalem on one side and Riyadh on the other. According to Section 123 of the U.S. Atomic Energy Act of 1954, Congress has the right to reject any transfer of ...
WASHINGTON – During the US visit of Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman, deputy premier and minister of defense, the Saudi Federation for Cyber Security and Programming signed on Wednesday a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Draper University that specializes in teaching ...
When President Trump met on Tuesday with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia, a year after he first hosted the prince at the White House, something was missing. Women. Photos from Tuesday's meeting show that the dynamics at the table remained relatively unchanged since the last ...
In an unexpected turn of events, the sequence of dramatically different policies of the Obama and Trump Administrations has exacerbated the problem of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East. President Barack Obama's major legacy in the nuclear realm was the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action ...
Washington: President Donald Trump welcomed Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman as a friend of the US and “great purchaser” of American armaments and investments. “A lot of people are at work” because of Saudi Arabia's business, Trump said, adding that the kingdom has finalised $12.5 ...
Saudi Arabia is set to revoke its ban on imports of Egyptian strawberries and peppers, according to reports in the Egyptian press. Egypt's Deputy Minister of Agriculture Safwat al-Haddad said the announcement that the ban would be lifted would be made “within days” following meetings between officials ...
JEDDAH: Saudis are at high risk of obesity, which is one of the leading avoidable causes of death in the Kingdom. Many are opting for healthy options such as vegetarianism and veganism to avoid obesity, while others have converted to them out of a sense of responsibility toward living organisms. With the ...
Investment decisions at Kingdom Holdings and by Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal are now subject to approval by the Saudi government, The Wall Street Journal reports. Alwaleed is one of dozens of influential Saudis swept up in a controversial anti-corruption crackdown last year. Saudi officials have directed ...
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — Businessmen once considered giants of the Saudi economy now wear ankle bracelets that track their movements. Princes who led military forces and appeared in glossy magazines are monitored by guards they do not command. Families who flew on private jets cannot gain ...
Wearing big smiles and traditional full-length robes adapted for sports, they pounded through sleepy alleys. (Supplied). Reuters Friday, 9 March 2018. Text size A A A. A group of women whooped and cheered as they marked International Women's Day by exercising a recently acquired freedom: the right to ...
Saudi Arabia has enlisted a trio of U.S. firms as it tries to persuade the Trump administration to sign off on a sale of nuclear reactors to the country. Disclosures filed with the Justice Department, which oversees U.S. advocacy of foreign governments, show that Saudi Arabia could be spending upwards of ...
For months now, various analysts have been wondering whether Saudi Arabia will manage to pull off the listing of 5 percent of Aramco this year, amid speculation as to which foreign stock market the Saudis will choose, if any, and if the price of oil would be high enough to support a high valuation for the ...
The UK signed a memorandum of intent with the Saudis. The BAE chief executive, Charles Woodburn, described the news as “a positive step towards agreeing a contract for our valued partner, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. We are committed to supporting the kingdom as it modernises the Saudi armed ...
When Forbes published their billionaires list for the first time in 1987, it featured just five Saudi individual billionaires and families. Al Rajhi family, Bin Mahfouz family, Juffali family, Suliman Saleh Olayan and Alireza family were the entrants in the inaugural list. Cut to 2018, for the first time, the widely read list ...
Prince Mohammad bin Salman's two-day stay in Britain includes a visit to Windsor castle. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images. In February 1945, over lunch in Cairo, the leaders of Great Britain and Saudi Arabia met face to face for the first time. Churchill was just concluding his stewardship of the ...
The Saudis aren't saying they want to become the second country, after Israel, to have a nuclear arsenal in the increasingly unstable region. They insist the reactors would be used only to generate energy for domestic purposes, so they can rely on their huge reserves of oil to generate income from overseas ...
“The Saudis are compensating for their lost power in OPEC and they are showing pure geopolitical pragmatism in their new energy and foreign policy,” said Bill Richardson, a former energy secretary and ambassador to the United Nations. “But they are not just compensating for lost power. They are adding ...
Here's a look at some of the U.S.-made weapons the Saudis are considering for purchase, according to several memos of proposed sales from the State Department and the Defense Security Cooperation Agency. The cost, quantity and time frame of delivery may change pending final negotiations.
He supplies coffee to Starbucks. He owns much of Ethiopia. And he is known as “Sheikh Mo” in the Clintons' circle. But the gilded life of Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Al Amoudi took a sharp turn in November. Sheikh Amoudi, the gregarious 71-year-old son of a Yemeni businessman and his Ethiopian wife, ...
Her focus is on persuading the Saudis that Britain can still be an important trading, investment and business partner after it leaves the EU. A bilateral trade pact must be near the top of Liam Fox's things-to-do list after March next year. Before then, a key test of this post-Brexit ambition will be whether the ...
JEDDAH: Saudi air defences intercepted a "ballistic missile" fired by Yemeni rebels at the kingdom's southern coastal city of Jizan, the Saudi-led coalition fighting the rebels said. It was the latest in a series of such attacks. "Saudi air defences intercepted a ballistic missile launched by the Huthi militias ...


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