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updated Mon. June 10, 2024

Palestinians are setting up tents in preparation for mass demonstrations along the Gaza strip border with Israel, in eastern Gaza City, Tuesday, March 27, 2018. Gaza's embattled Hamas rulers are imploring hundreds of thousands of people to march along the border with Israel in the coming weeks -- a high ...
At least three Palestinians have been killed and dozens of others wounded during clashes with Israeli forces as thousands marched near Gaza's border with Israel in a major demonstration marking the 42nd anniversary of Land Day. Mohammed Najjar, 25, was shot in the stomach in a clash east of Jabalia ...

Palestinians in Gaza have marched in their thousands to the Israel border at the start of a six-week-long protest. Palestinian officials say one farmer and one protester have been killed and dozens of demonstrators wounded by Israeli gunfire. The Israeli military reported "rioting" at six places and said it was ...
The West Bank, and even more so Gaza, survive thanks to international donor aid and to Palestinians working in Israel as day laborers. When the aid spigot is open, the Palestinian economy thrives, as it did in 2008 to 2012, when aid accounted for close to a third of GDP. When the aid spigot is turned lower ...
Israel has survived regional wars, instituted a hierarchy between Jewish and Palestinian citizens, and made the occupation a sustainable and profitable enterprise. Efforts to formally annex settlements and displace Palestinians in Area C have faced few repercussions from allies abroad. In cities like Hebron ...
As part of the spending package that President Trump signed last week is a law that cuts aid to Palestinians because of a controversial practice in which ... The move was in response to a controversial Palestinian policy of paying millions of dollars each year to Palestinians who carry out attacks on Israelis ...

The UN Special Rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian Territory, occupied since 1967, Professor Michael Lynk, has found Israel to be “in profound breach of the right to health with respect to the Occupied Palestinian Territory,” in his latest report released this week. As the occupying power, Israel is ...
The decision of an Israeli court to allow Jewish settlers to perform prayers at the gates of Al-Aqsa Mosque caused wide-scale rage among Palestinians yesterday, Quds Press reported. Chairman of the Higher Islamic Council in Jerusalem, Sheikh Ekrema Sabri, said: “The Israeli court lacks jurisdiction to ...
On Wednesday (March 21), 17-year-old Ahed Tamimi entered Ofer military court with bright pink socks tucked underneath the metal shackles that held her feet together. In a prison-issued jacket that was too big for her, she smiled from cheek to cheek. The Israeli judge presiding over her case accepted a ...
With this historical context in mind, HIFF is making an important statement about refusing the geopolitical boundaries forced upon Palestinians. By hosting a film festival that celebrates Palestinian and wider Arab cinema, the organisers are making a point that Haifa remains part of the Arab world. HIFF also ...
Israeli soldiers injured, Tuesday, many Palestinians, who suffered the severe effects of teargas inhalation, in addition to cuts and bruises, near Abu Dis University, in Abu Dis town, southeast of occupied East Jerusalem. Media sources said several army jeeps invaded the town, on Tuesday morning, before ...
Banna's music was sober and serious, always reflecting the pain of the Palestinian people. Speaking to the Qantara website in 2006, she described her work, saying it consists of “collecting traditional Palestinian texts without melodies. So that the texts do not get lost, we try to compose melodies for them ...
(JTA) — A Jordanian court sentenced a Palestinian man to several years of hard labor for plotting to commit terrorist acts against Israelis, and three others for smuggling arms into the West Bank. The terrorist, a resident of Jordan who was not named in a Jordan Times report about the sentencing ...
President Donald Trump's pick for national security adviser has divided opinion nowhere more than the Middle East, where Israelis lauded his appointment and Palestinians decried it as another blow for their hopes of statehood. Trump announced on Thursday that John Bolton, a Fox News pundit and ...
Ukrainian Yuri Vladigier was crowned at the 6th Palestine International Marathon, held today Friday in Bethlehem . The marathon, which took place in front of the Church of the Nativity in the city of Bethlehem, was attended by about 7,000 runner contestants from 72 countries, in races including 42 km, ...
The Taylor Force Act, which would slash funding to the Palestinians until the Palestinian Authority stops payments to Palestinians killed or arrested during attacks on Israelis passed the U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday as part of the $1.3 trillion spending bill that keeps the government from ...
Al-Bakri said the marathon sent the message that asserts the Palestinian people's right to freedom of movement and the right to establish the independent state, with East Jerusalem as its capital. Among the racers was the 2017 Arab Idol competition winner Yacoup Shaheen, a resident of the city, who ...

In its report -- which so far appears to have been of less than no interest to both the foreign media and international human rights groups -- the Palestinian Independent Commission for Human Rights states that it has received complaints of torture and mistreatment from 46 Palestinians detained by the ...
The tension of the days of rage that followed America's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital remains palpable. The Palestinians have totally cut themselves off from the Trump administration. A peace deal seems further away than ever. And into the Muqata in Ramallah marched a senior Israeli ...
Thousands of Palestinians have been unable to renew their entry permits to Israel and or the settlements because of labor sanctions by employees of Israel's Civil Administration in the West Bank. The sanctions, which began six days ago, have also frozen invitations to bid on construction projects in West ...
TEL AVIV — Despite no shortage of foreign policy challenges, President Trump appears intent — like the last three occupants of the Oval Office — on mediating the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. His administration has proceeded with laudable circumspection, insisting that the aim is not to impose a settlement ...
Zelkovitz says the Palestinian leadership was making a big mistake by ignoring the U.S. administration, as it will only harm their cause: “There can't be a real solution to the conflict without American involvement, and the Americans have the ability to influence world opinion about how the Palestinians are ...
Demanding that Palestinians to come close to an attack site is immoral and cruel. The legal clause “not preventing a crime” is a most irregular charge in the Israeli legal system. Its clearest test was the case of Margalit Har-Shefi, who was ultimately convicted by the Supreme Court for not preventing the ...
“My sense was that the Israeli public had lost the hope for peace and that the Palestinians' plight no longer interested them. They didn't want to see them as human beings anymore, because they'd internalized the assertion that 'there is no partner.' I felt that my reports were gradually being moved to the ...
WASHINGTON (JTA) — The Taylor Force Act, which would slash funding to the Palestinians until the Palestinian Authority stops payments to Palestinians killed or arrested during attacks on Israelis, will likely pass this week. Jewish Insider reported Wednesday that the bill would be added in the Senate to a ...
Under a recently enacted law, Israel's Interior Minister Aryeh Deri has expressed his intentions to strip the residency status of 12 Palestinians in Jerusalem, accusing them of being involved in "terror". The law, passed two weeks ago, gives the interior minister the power to strip the residency documents of ...
Hanging in a row on one wall of the upper gallery in the Jerusalem Artists House are eight white canvases. They resemble one another: At the bottom of each, someone's first name is drawn in hollow print lettering; from the name rise black smoke stains that scorch the canvas; in the center is a circle only ...
The Israeli Knesset approved last week a $137 billion state budget that will perpetuate occupation and intensify illegal settlement construction in the West Bank, according to the Palestine Liberation Organization's (PLO) National Bureau. The Nablus based organization took a close look at the allocation of ...
Since the U.S. does not provide any direct aid to the PA, Trump looked for another means to punish Palestinians and force the PA back to the (non-existent) negotiating table. He found UNRWA. For Trump, crippling UNRWA serves another political aim by attempting the removal of a second final-status ...
JERUSALEM - Israel said on Monday it had arrested a French citizen, an employee of France's consulate in Jerusalem, on suspicion of using a diplomatic car to smuggle guns from the Islamist Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip to Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. Held since 15 February, Romain Franck ...
A country of roughly six million people, Lebanon has hosted a sizeable population of Palestinians for decades, who now number an estimated 175,000, according to a recent government poll. Legally categorisedas refugees, Palestinians, even those who were born in Lebanon, are neither eligible to vote ...
On Sunday, an Israeli settler from Havat Mor violently unleashed his dog on a Palestinian shepherd and his sheep in the occupied South Hebron Hills. There is a long history of attacks by Israeli settlers on Palestinians, often met with support from the Israeli army.
Despite recent claims by planners and architects that they did not know about the intention to bar Palestinians from the site, two things happened during the development process that has made it Ein Hanya inaccessible to them. First, the fence was erected around the site, ostensibly to protect the antiquities ...
About a fifth of Israel's population are Palestinians, remnants of communities that were not expelled during the Nakba – Arabic for "catastrophe," the word ... was a partner in the [Oslo] peace process, he won a Nobel peace prize, and he was the internationally recognised leader of the Palestinian people.
According to the Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza, 25 protesters were wounded after hundreds of Palestinians held demonstrations along the Israeli wall that besieges the coastal enclave. Israeli soldiers shot live fire and rubber bullets at peaceful demonstrators. Five were wounded in Beit Lahya, four ...
It is therefore troubling, especially to Palestinians, that if these corruption cases are the harbinger of Netanyahu's downfall, it will have had nothing to do ..... Joint List (more so than the High Follow-Up Committee) has become an important political channel for voicing the demands of the Palestinian people.
Israeli soldiers injured, on Thursday evening, 38 Palestinians in the al-'Ezariyya town, east of occupied East Jerusalem. The soldiers invaded the town, attacked many Palestinians who protested the invasion, and fired gas bombs, concussion grenades and rubber-coated steel bullets. The Palestinian Red ...
Israeli forces detained over 1,000 Palestinians, including 274 children, during the months of January and February, according to Palestinian prisoners rights group Addameer. Addameer released a statement on Wednesday, citing a joint report by the Prisoners and Liberties Affairs Association, Palestinian ...
Israeli soldiers injured, Friday, sixteen Palestinians near the northern entrance of the al-Biereh city, in the Ramallah and al-Biereh governorate, in central West Bank. The soldiers attacked many Palestinian protesters, and fired dozens of live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets, gas bombs and concussion ...
The WAFA Palestinian News Agency said the soldiers, stationed on military towers and in tanks around Nahal Oz military base, across the border fence east of Gaza city, fired dozens of live rounds, moderately wounding at least seven Palestinians, who were rushed to the Shifa medical center. The News ...
Despite recent claims by planners and architects that they did not know about the intention to bar Palestinians from the site, two things happened during the development process that has made it Ein Hanya inaccessible to them. First, the fence was erected around the site, ostensibly to protect the antiquities ...
The United Nations says a donor conference has produced nearly $100 million in new pledges to fund the UN relief agency for Palestinian refugees this year after the U.S. slashed its aid, prompting the greatest funding crisis in its 68-year history. But the UN is still running about $346 million short for 2018, ...
Pompeo met with Abbas in Ramallah and listened to his concerns that Trump and Netanyahu would work out an outline for dealing with the Palestinian issue without input from the Palestinians. Pompeo then reportedly advised him to maintain peace and quiet, so the Trump administration would keep them ...
photo - Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah waves to crowd as he arrives to his office Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah waves to crowd as he arrives to his office in the West Bank city of Ramallah, Tuesday, March 13, 2018. An explosion struck the convoy of the Palestinian prime minister ...
Gaza, which hosts roughly two million Palestinians, is facing a humanitarian crisis, driven by Israel's 2006-present siege of the territory, and its incessant attacks and wholesale wars. The United Nations has said the enclave could become “uninhabitable” by 2020. Tel Aviv, however, says it has to employ the ...
Gallup just published another set of numbers showing that “Americans' stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is as strongly pro-Israel as at any time in Gallup's three-decade trend. Sixty-four percent say their sympathies in the dispute lie more with the Israelis, tying the high previously recorded in 2013 ...
No international institution has done as much for children's schooling on the ground for as long as the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). And yet, no international organisation has suffered an overnight funding cut as devastating as the one UNRWA ...
Israeli soldiers abducted, on Monday at dawn, ten Palestinians during massive and violent searches of homes, in many parts of occupied Jerusalem, and moved them to several detention and interrogation facilities. In Silwan town, in the center of Jerusalem, the soldiers abducted Ayyoub Abu 'Assab, Hafeth ...
Israeli soldiers and navy abducted, Monday, at least thirty-six Palestinians, including eleven fishermen, in several parts of the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and in Gaza waters, in Rafah, in the southern part of the besieged coastal region. In Qalqilia, in northern West Bank, the soldiers ...
Israel's military said Palestinians approached the Itzhar settlement and clashed with local residents. It says troops arrived and fired live rounds to disperse the confrontation. Palestinians have staged regular protests, which have often turned violent, since President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem ...


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