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 Yesh Din

Yesh Din is an Israeli human rights group providing legal assistance to citizens of the Palestinian territories. Its name comes from a Hebrew phrase meaning "there is law". The group has been active since March 2005.

Yesh Din's activities are overseen by its Public Council. Members include prominent former Israeli government officials and retired high-ranking generals of the Israel Defence Force (IDF):

- Shulamit Aloni - former Israeli minister of education and culture, minister of communications, minister of science and arts

- Shlomo Lahat, General (Ret.) - former mayor of Tel Aviv-Jaffa

- Michael Ben Yair - lawyer, former attorney general of the State of Israel.

- Shlomo Gazit, General (Ret.) - former head of Military Intelligence

- Paul Kedar, Colonel (Ret.) - former Israeli consul in New York; head of Ministry of Defense delegation to Europe; IDF attaché to Turkey. Member of Beyt Hatfusot founders; director of Shlomi's Community Center. logo
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updated Mon. September 9, 2024

Statistics provided by Yesh Din, an Israeli organisation of volunteers for human rights, however demonstrate that criminal investigations into alleged offences committed by Israeli forces against Palestinians have a poor chance of being effectively ...
The Israeli rights group 'Yesh Din' reported that out "of the 186 criminal investigations opened by the Israeli army into suspected offenses against Palestinians in 2015, just four yielded indictments.

The Israeli rights group Yesh Din reported that out "of the 186 criminal investigations opened by the Israeli army into suspected offenses against Palestinians in 2015, just four yielded indictments.
On reading the detailed appeal submitted March 5 to the court by 23 heads of Palestinian village councils, five Palestinian landowners and a dozen nongovernmental organizations led by Yesh Din, Peace Now and the Association of Civil Rights in Israel ...
By Yossi Gurvitz / Yesh Din | January 23, 2017. Resource: Israel's refusal to compensate Palestinians. By +972 Resources | March 8, 2017.
In fact, the entire Israeli justice system is systematically unjust to the occupied Palestinians. The Israeli rights group Yesh Din reported that out "of the 186 criminal investigations opened by the Israeli army into suspected offences against ...

It's just that we're on it's good side, so it doesn't really bother us," he continued. He went on to praise Israel's human rights organizations, including B'Tselem, Breaking the Silence and Yesh Din, as "the most legitimate and healthy thing in Israeli ...
The Israeli rights group Yesh Din reported that out "of the 186 criminal investigations opened by the Israeli army into suspected offenses against Palestinians in 2015, just four yielded indictments.
It's just that we're on it's good side, so it doesn't really bother us," he continued. He went on to praise Israel's human rights organizations, including B'Tselem, Breaking the Silence and Yesh Din, as "the most legitimate and healthy thing in Israeli ...
It's just that we're on it's good side, so it doesn't really bother us," he continued. He went on to praise Israel's human rights organizations, including B'Tselem, Breaking the Silence and Yesh Din, as "the most legitimate and healthy thing in Israeli ...
March 5, 2017 - ACRI, Peace Now and Yesh Din submitted a petition to the High Court of Justice today, on behalf of 27 Palestinian local councils and 13 Israeli civil society organizations, in an effort to strike down the new "Regularization Law," aimed ...
According to rights group Yesh Din, of the 186 criminal investigations opened by the Israeli army into suspected offenses against Palestinians in 2015, just four yielded indictments.
Breaking the Silence, B'Tselem, Yesh Din. Dozens of organisations that are only trying to tell Israeli society what is happening.
It's just that we're on it's good side, so it doesn't really bother us," he continued. He went on to praise Israel's human rights organizations, including B'Tselem, Breaking the Silence and Yesh Din, as "the most legitimate and healthy thing in Israeli ...
It's just that we're on it's good side, so it doesn't really bother us," he continued. He went on to praise Israel's human rights organizations, including B'Tselem, Breaking the Silence and Yesh Din, as "the most legitimate and healthy thing in Israeli ...
Ultra-leftist groups like Yesh Din and B'Tselem were welcome guests in the Supreme Court. It was almost as if the court was waiting for them to file a petition so it would have an excuse to overturn the government.
According to the Israeli organization Yesh Din, a police complaint filed by a Palestinian in the West Bank has a mere 1.9 percent of being effectively investigated.

Yesh Din is a lawfare group that uses the courts to subvert Israel's ability to detain and deport illegal Ethiopian and Sudanese infiltrators who cause undue suffering to southern Tel Aviv residents.
Palestinians and Israeli rights advocates said the events showed a callousness to Palestinian life. An Israeli legal and human rights advocacy group that opposes Israel's occupation of the West Bank, Yesh Din, has said that before the case involving ...
In August 2014, the human rights group Yesh Din helped file a criminal complaint against Levy for driving over plants on a plot of land owned by a Burin villager.
One of the groups fighting the proposed legislation is called Yesh Din - Hebrew for "there is law". But that name could soon become much less comforting and fortifying than those who chose it might have hoped.
Yesh Din, the Israeli legal rights group that represented the Palestinian landowners in court, welcomed the evacuation. In a Facebook post, it said the landowners are "waiting to return.
Israeli human-rights groups such as B'Tselem, the New Israel Fund and Yesh Din also prefer negotiations, and respected voices such as Desmond Tutu and Jimmy Carter have criticized Israeli policies.
"Ever since the notion of using abandoned property was suggested, we have claimed that one injustice cannot be corrected with another, and that additional land cannot be taken over just to appease Amona residents," Yesh Din, executive director Neta ...
Samah Abdullah, 18, was in a car with her family when she was shot in the head by Israeli soldiers, dying three weeks later. The army claims it was an accident.
Palestinian landowners also filed a petition to the Israeli high court on Monday with further objections to the government's relocation plans, said rights group Yesh Din, which is representing them. In response, the court issued an injunction ...
As if organizations such as B'Tselem, Breaking the Silence and Yesh Din were the only things keeping the nations of the world from accepting Israel's prolonged occupation of another people, ignoring the theft of private Palestinian lands, supporting ...
Menurut Yesh Din, organisasi HAM asal Israel, pada 2015 melaporkan ada 229 investigasi kasus pelanggaran HAM yang dilakukan pihak militer Israel terhadap warga Palestina di Gaza dan Tepi Barat, tapi hanya delapan kasus yang berujung penuntutan.
An Arab-Israeli citizen was shot and killed in the northern Israeli town of Sakhnin between Sunday and Monday, Israeli police said.
Israeli advocacy group Yesh Din is criticizing what it says is an "exceptionally low" prosecution rate by the Israeli military in cases of violence committed by soldiers against Palestinians.
Yesh Din says reports about land theft filed with Israeli police in the late 1990s went unaddressed and Palestinian attempts to draw awareness to the issue were thwarted.
In 2015 alone, Israeli human rights organization Yesh Din found that the IDF opened a total of 186 criminal investigations into suspected offenses committed by soldiers against Palestinians.
Al-Monitor learned this week that Yesh Din, the human rights organization at the forefront of the campaign to vacate Amona from the private Palestinian lands on which it was built, had located one of these "absentees" in Jordan and had sent a notary ...
Secondo l'organizzazione non governativa Yesh Din, finora su 186 indagini avviate nei confronti di militari dell'esercito di Tel Aviv per abusi a danno di palestinesi appena quattro hanno portato a incriminazioni. Fonti di stampa concordanti ...
Gilad Grossman of Yesh Din, a rights group that monitors the Israeli military justice system, said the video of Azaria shooting the Palestinian gave the military no choice but to prosecute.
A report by Israeli human rights organisation Yesh Din found the IDF opened 186 criminal investigations into suspected offences against Palestinians in 2015, but just four of those investigations yielded charges.
The "exceptionally low" prosecution rate by the Israeli military in cases of violence committed by soldiers against Palestinians was criticized in a report by Israeli advocacy group Yesh Din published yesterday, the AP reports. What's in store at ...
An Israeli rights group Yesh din has also explained in detail different tactics which are being adopted by Israel for settlement expansion.
The Palestinian petitioners are supported by Yesh Din, an Israeli human rights organization based in Tel Aviv. "Amona is a clear cut-case of land theft.
This is almost funny coming from a man who runs an organization whose NGO network includes Adalah, Breaking the Silence, B'Tselem, Yesh Din and others that "use their budgets to bombard the U.N., the European Union, journalists, academics and others ...
The next suit on Amona was filed in 2008 by the Palestinian landowners with the help of Yesh Din, an Israeli human rights group.
In recent years, Yesh Din opened 25 cases dealing with incidents of destruction of trees, which took place or were discovered during the harvest season or close to it.
According to figures collected by Israeli human rights organization Yesh Din, some 85 percent of all investigations into incidents of harm caused to Palestinians (physical assault, arson, damage to property, vandalizing trees, and taking over land) are ...
According to figures collected by Israeli human rights organization Yesh Din, some 85 percent of all investigations into incidents of harm caused to Palestinians (physical assault, arson, damage to property, vandalizing trees, and taking over land) are ...
... of progressive archaeologists in Jerusalem, submitted a freedom of information petition against the Coordinator of Government Activities in the (occupied) Territories (COGAT) and the staff officer of its Archeology Department with the assistance of ...
"Amona now is the largest unauthorized outpost in the West Bank, it is also one of the most clear-cut cases that this is private registered land owned by Palestinians," said Gilad Grossman, a spokesman for Yesh Din. "So there is no argument who the ...
Yesh Din verzamelt informatie over schendingen van de mensenrechten in de Palestijnse gebieden en start desnoods rechtszaken om de overheid te dwingen de schendingen te stoppen. Advocaat Muhammed Shuqier van de organisatie zegt dat het land bij ...
The decision was issued in response to a petition filed by human rights organization Yesh Din and archeology NGO Emek Shaveh, against the Israeli military government in the West Bank (the Civil Administration) and the staff officer of its Archeology ...


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       yesh din