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updated Tue. August 13, 2024

New evidence - including satellite imagery, photo and video analysis - shows that the Iranian authorities are deliberately destroying suspected or confirmed mass grave sites from the country's 1988 massacre which saw thousands of political prisoners secretly killed, said Amnesty International and Justice ...
Amnesty International has renewed its call on governments worldwide to impose a comprehensive arms embargo on Israel following the country's ... But other countries, including EU member states such as France, Germany, the UK and Italy, have licensed large volumes of military equipment for Israel.

The mural was removed from the wall of the Project Arts Centre but has now been repainted on a wall at Amnesty International Ireland's headquarters on Fleet Street. The Project Arts Centre took the decision to paint over the mural earlier this week when its charitable status was threatened, but the Charities ...
Italy allows the US to fly drone sorties over Libya from a base in Sicily, while the UK deploys RAF pilots on the command of the US Air Force's 432d Wing, which operates drones in Afghanistan and Pakistan, which may indicate that British pilots take part in those missions, the report said. Amnesty warned ...
Oliver Sprague, Amnesty International UK's arms control director, told MEE: “It's clear that UK arms sales to Israel are increasing significantly against the continuing backdrop of Israel's ongoing serious human rights abuses against thousands of men, women and children suffering the consequences of life ...
Mamana is one of hundreds of civilians killed by US drone strikes – and the UK has been assisting in this. Urge the UK government to launch a full inquiry into its role in the US's expanding drones programme. ... We don't know how often British intelligence being weaponised by the USA's secretive drones programme.

K-pop band Red Velvet performed to a packed theatre in Pyongyang with Kim Jong-un's attendance earlier this month - they are the first South Korean singers to perform in North Korea in more than a decade. This is just one of a string of surprising moves North Korea has made recently, including peace ...
Amnesty International has renewed its call on governments worldwide to impose a comprehensive arms embargo on Israel following the country's ... But other countries, including EU member states such as France, Germany, the UK and Italy, have licensed large volumes of military equipment for Israel.
Responding to the news that Donald Trump will be visiting the UK on Friday 13 July, Kate Allen, Amnesty International UK's Director, said: "When Donald Trump arrives on these shores, we and thousands of our supporters will very definitely be making our voices heard. “In the 15 months of his presidency, ...
They shared the same nationality as the resident population as well as the many other British subjects of the Empire and former colonies. There are, however deeply shameful aspects to the history of these Commonwealth citizens who, as British subjects, came to the UK to fill labour shortages after World ...
“Turkish authorities have deliberately and methodically set about dismantling civil society” - Gauri van Gulik. The crackdown on civil society in Turkey since a state of emergency was declared almost two years ago has created a “suffocating climate of fear”, Amnesty International said today in a new report ...
Following the sentences handed down to 13 journalists and executives of the Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet on charges of “acting on behalf of a terrorist organisation or making the organisation's propaganda, Milena Buyum, Amnesty International's Turkey campaigner, said: “Since the start of this trial, ...
Amnesty International calls for full public inquiry into the UK's 'shadowy role' in US drone programme ... “What we don't know is how often is British intelligence being weaponised by the USA's secretive drones programme, what are the rules and is the legality of the strikes ever questioned,” she said.
According to the latest report of the Amnesty International as reported in Iran Focus website, among all the recorded executions worldwide last year, more than 51 percent were carried out in Iran. Although second, behind China in terms of executions, Iran “carried out 84 percent of the global total number of ...
Amnesty International UK 2017. Amnesty International UK Section Charitable Trust. A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (03139939) and a charity registered in England and Wales (1051681) and Scotland (SC039534). Amnesty International United Kingdom Section.
The UK, the USA and France have now followed through on hints and threats and taken military action against the Syrian government, which they hold responsible for the recent suspected chemical weapons attacks in Douma. It's important to remember the context here. For the past seven years, the ...
The Scottish arts festival, now entering its second year, has appointed contemporary ceramicist Carrie Reichardt to create a piece of permanent public art to highlight Amnesty International's project in support of women human rights defenders in the UK – Suffragette Spirit. The ceramic mural entitled ...

In a time when hope can seem thin on the ground, we welcome the latest findings that there has been an overall worldwide drop in the use of the death penalty. Our new report, Death Sentences and Executions 2017, reveals that the number of executions declined by 4% compared to 2016 and the number of death ...
Amnesty International Secretary General Salil Shetty has praised the #MeToo movement as a powerful example of human rights activism. Mr Shetty said the global protest against sexual harassment showed “how people are willing to stand up bravely and say, 'Enough is enough'.” Speaking as he opened ...
“There is extensive evidence that irresponsible arms flows to the Saudi Arabia-led coalition have resulted in enormous harm to Yemeni civilians,” said Lynn Maalouf, Amnesty International's Director of Research for the Middle East. This, she posited, “has not deterred the USA, the UK and other states, ...
Sadly, the United States has become somewhat infamous for school shootings, but there's a crucial point missing from the gun violence debate: saving lives is not a policy choice for elected officials to consider or ignore. It is a legal obligation on the US government under human rights treaties that the ...
... reproductive rights of women in Poland…We call on Members of Poland's Parliament to listen to the voices of women across Poland and to reject this regressive legislative proposal and protect women's health and human rights.” The London demonstration will take place outside the Polish Embassy UK, ...
A Saudi Arabia-led coalition attack with a US-manufactured bomb, which turned a civilian home into rubble and killed or injured six members of the same family, is the latest in a long string of potential war crimes Amnesty International has documented over the past three years of Yemen's devastating ...
Amnesty International and relatives of people killed by police in Jamaica have delivered a 64,000-name petition to the office of Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness in Kingston today calling for accountability for a “deeply troubling wave of killings” in recent years. Last year, Jamaican law-enforcement ...
The United Nations Human Rights Office in Geneva condemned the "deeply shocking murder of a well-known human rights defender" and called for a "thorough, transparent and independent" investigation to be carried out as soon as possible. Amnesty International urged that the investigation be rigorous and focus on "the ...
NEW DELHI — Human rights NGO Amnesty International India March 15 launched an interactive data website to track and document hate crimes across ... Adivasis, members of racial or religious minority groups, transgender persons, and other marginalized people that are reported in mainstream English ...
A groundbreaking research project by Amnesty International has exposed evidence of serious negligence by oil giants Shell and Eni, whose irresponsible approach to oil spills in the Niger Delta is exacerbating an environmental crisis. Through the Decoders network, an innovative platform developed by ...
Amnesty has verified a video posted to Facebook showing Malagasy police beating and humiliating dozens of villagers, in the same town where law enforcement officials turned on citizens and set fire to their houses after two policemen were killed last month. Deprose Muchena, Amnesty International's ...
But this man-made humanitarian crisis is far from being resolved. Nearly 400,000 civilians are still trapped in horrendous conditions, deprived of food, medicine and basic aid. They're being bombed on a daily basis by Assad's forces with the full backing of Russia. Ongoing attempts to implement a credible ...
MYANMAR is conducting a “land-grab by the military” on sites where Rohingya villages formerly stood, a new report, Remaking Rakhine State, by Amnesty International, suggests. Images from satellites are used as evidence. Almost 700,000 Rohingya Muslims fled Myanmar in 2017, mostly to Bangladesh, ...
Politicians from the UK's main opposition party have denounced a $140 million humanitarian deal with Saudi Arabia, saying it "made a mockery" of ... Amnesty International also slammed the agreement, saying: "Selling more fighter planes to a country leading a military coalition that is already laying waste ...
IF people don't stand together in solidarity and defend their rights, they will get trampled on. These are the words of one local activist who has been recognised by one of the world's leading human rights charities, Amnesty International. Rodbourne resident Kate Linnegar has for the past five years been ...
Amnesty International is staging a living installation over Mother's Day weekend to highlight the importance of reuniting refugee families. The first work for the charity by VCCP will invite real families to spend time in a large Perspex box on London's South Bank, where the public can observe them sharing ...
Amnesty International UK has launched a living installation highlighting the significance of spending time with your family, as it calls on MPs to attend a parliamentary debate and vote to reunite refugee families via the Refugee Family Reunion Bill. Based in London, the glass box includes a table, TV and ...
Six Nottingham women are being featured on an interactive map created by Amnesty International which pays tribute to women doing extraordinary things around the country. Each of the women who feature on Amnesty's 'Suffragette Spirit Map of Britain' have gone above and beyond, which resulted in ...
Amnesty International UK, the human rights organisation, is showcasing family life to highlight the importance of reuniting refugee families with a "living installation". Amnesty International fights for reuniting refugee families with 'living installation'. "The undeniable wonder of family life," created by VCCP, ...
Later today, a protest is planned outside Downing Street, with groups inlacing Reprieve and Amnesty International slamming the country's human rights record. The Prime Minister will raise “deep concerns” and call for urgent progress on securing a political resolution to the crisis when she meets the crown ...
According to Amnesty International, the E.U. and its member states pledged about $6 billion in aid to Afghanistan over the next four years. Both sides ... Behind Germany, Greece, Sweden and the United Kingdom, Norway sent the fifth largest number of asylum seekers to Afghanistan in 2016. In a leaked ...
Human rights journalist Eskinder Nega, who was been imprisoned in Ethiopia for the last seven years as part of an 18-year sentence, has been released. John Eschle, of the Halberton-based group, said: 'Eskinder can now join his wife and child in Canada. 'We've been campaigning on his behalf for some ...
“The UN's findings sadly echo our own – there is no question that the Myanmar authorities' vicious campaign of ethnic cleansing against Rohingya is still ongoing. "Fleeing Rohingya told us how they are still being forcibly starved in a bid to quietly squeeze them out of the country. “This is yet more evidence ...
The Sri Lankan authorities must respect human rights under the state of emergency that was declared today, Amnesty International has said. Yesterday, a mob set homes, shops and a mosque belonging to the local Muslim community alight in the Digana area of Kandy, in central Sri Lanka. This was the ...
A coalition of rights groups in the UK has said they will hold protests this week in London against a state visit by the powerful Saudi crown prince. ... "It is time for [British Prime Minister] Theresa May to end the arms sales and her uncritical political and military support for the regime," he added. Ten groups ...
"There are many media monitoring services available, and they are great at tracking sentiment and reporting how much is being written about an organisation," Amnesty International CIO John Gillespie told CIO UK. "This is sufficient for a company that is sending out a handful of press releases each month, ...
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – The Syrian Democratic Forces' (SDF) legal team has responded to a report by human rights monitor Amnesty International in ... of civilians, according to eyewitness testimonies obtained and verified by Amnesty International,” read an Amnesty report published on February 28.
Amnesty International told me that it “does not take a position on the current application” of U.S. economic sanctions that Trump's administration imposed on Venezuela in August “but rather emphasizes the urgent need to address the serious crisis of the right to health and food which Venezuela is facing.
“It is deeply disappointing and irresponsible that Ethiopia's MPs have chosen to restrict the people's fundamental freedoms further instead of listening to their legitimate grievances. “At this critical time of heightened political tension and protests, what is needed in Ethiopia is greater respect for human rights, ...
Whether you're for or against it, everyone's thinking about it. Of course we're talking about Brexit. But did you know that rights you currently have are at risk as a result of the EU Withdrawal Bill? The EU Withdrawal Bill (also known as the 'Brexit bill') is being debated in Parliament at the moment. What's ...
The current EU withdrawal bill will “substantially reduce human rights in the UK” and members of the British public “don't even know”, Amnesty International has warned in its latest annual report. Brexit could also inadvertently harm citizens abroad, since ministers may fail to press foreign nations on their ...
The incredible work of the suffragettes – ordinary women who stopped at nothing to get their voices heard – paved the way for a century of progress in women's rights. The suffragette spirit is alive and well in Britain today. Thousands of women across the UK are still fighting for our rights. They stand up to racism, sexism, ...
LONDON, April 14, 2018 (WAFA) -The Israeli authorities must put an immediate end to the excessive and lethal force being used to suppress Palestinian demonstrations in Gaza, Amnesty International (AI) said as fresh protests have started on Friday. “Following the deaths of 26 Palestinians, including three ...


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