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updated Wed. July 24, 2024

The building that will eventually host the agency will not be ready until the end of 2019 or even early 2020, according to two Dutch officials. The EMA has to move out of London by the end of March 2019, so it faces using one or more temporary buildings in different parts of Amsterdam for its sensitive work ...
Top officials in Dutch Ministries repeatedly interfered with research studies by the independent scientific research and documentation center WODC, according to a letter from a WODC employee in Nieuwsuur's possession. If the results of a study are unfavorable to a Ministry, the officials exert pressure to ...

Bailey's name was recorded on the Tablets of the Missing, an American Battle Monuments Commission Site in the Netherlands. Officials will place a rosette by his name to indicate that he's been accounted for, the Defense department said. "It amazes me what depth the Army went to do this," Carl Francisco ...
Dutch officials also bristled at his posting of one of the videos, which purported to show a "Muslim migrant" beating a Dutch boy. In fact, the perpetrator was Dutch born and raised, and had been sentenced for the incident, the Dutch government says. As the Dutch embassy tweeted back at Mr. Trump, "Facts ...
Convicted Bosnian Croat war criminal Slobodan Praljak died after taking potassium cyanide in a war crimes court in The Hague, Dutch officials have said. "The first preliminary result from the toxicology report shows that Mr. Praljak had a concentrated amount of potassium cyanide in his blood," the Public ...
Mr Trump posted a video originally shared by Britain First's deputy leader which claimed to show a Muslim migrant. But the Dutch prosecutions service says the man shown was arrested and was born and raised in the Netherlands. The first video retweeted by Mr Trump shows two young men fighting near a ...

Similarly, the European Commission, which oversees all 28 members' food safety alert systems, refused to disclose if and when it knew about the reported Dutch finding. A spokesman for Germany's agriculture ministry, Carsten Reymann, said he could not comment on reports that Dutch officials knew of the ...
Any suspects in the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over Ukraine in 2014 will be prosecuted in the Netherlands, the Dutch government announced Wednesday. Foreign Minister Bert Koenders said in a statement that the decision was made by the countries jointly investigating the crash — Australia, ...
When it comes to water, South Florida has a lot in common with the Netherlands. Both regions are close to sea level and rely on canals, seawalls and pumps to prevent flooding. And both face an increasing threat from sea-level rise. So it makes sense that Dutch officials and South Florida leaders exchange ...
One of the videos has been discredited as not purporting to show what it claims by Dutch officials. The White House said Mr Trump was simply promoting border security and suggested that verifying the content was not a top concern. "Whether it's a real video, the threat is real and that is what the president ...
According to Dutch officials, the New Look power bank in question doesn't feature any kind of over-current protection and is hence capable of ...
... was canceled around 7 p.m. local time, shortly before doors were to be opened for guests, after a tip from police in Spain, Dutch officials said.
In Zaandam in the Netherlands, authorities used PlastiRoute cold plastic from Geveko Markings to create rainbow-crosswalks to set a statement for the lesbian, ...
Dutch officials reject the claim that they were aware of the pesticide issue in November, Colin added. Belgian authorities discovered the traces ...
Belgium's agriculture minister has accused Dutch authorities of keeping reports of Fipronil use a secret. The allegations come after Belgian ...
Both Belgian and Dutch officials therefore would like to make the medicinal product available, and expressed their hopes that Vertex would ...
Eggs tainted with the insecticide were discovered in Belgium in early June, and in the Netherlands. Authorities there are investigating how it ...

... and Environmental Hygiene department had been collecting samples in response to a notice issued by Netherlands authorities warning that ...
Dutch officials have released a list with ID codes for eggs to help consumers identify those contaminated with fipronil. Millions of ...
... Hong Kong's Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, it had learned of a notice issued by the Netherlands authorities that certain eggs ...
Dutch police have recovered the iPhones and the van the men used during this incredible display of bravery and stupidity. Dutch officials think ...
According to European diplomats, Dutch officials insisted additional ... The Netherlands, officials say, is supportive of Ukraine in private ...
Any suspects in the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over Ukraine in 2014 will be prosecuted in the Netherlands, the Dutch government ...
Resiliency Goes Dutch: South Florida And Netherlands Officials Swap ... So it makes sense that Dutch officials and South Florida leaders ...
Refugee children on the Syrian border. Officials have 'no idea' if the 8,100 people who were refused recognition as refugees last year have ...
NETHERLANDS - Authorities in The Netherlands have shut down around 180 poultry farms and recalled over one million eggs following the ...
And both face an increasing threat from sea-level rise. So it makes sense that Dutch officials and South Florida leaders exchange a lot of advice ...
For the first time ever, German and Dutch officials banned Turkish government ministers from making stops in their respective countries to lobby for votes, claiming that Europe's democratic systems shouldn't be used as vehicles to aid in Erdogan's ...
Earlier this month, the outspoken Turkish leader branded Dutch officials as "Nazi remnants," after the government withdrew permission for Turkey's foreign minister to speak at a pro-Erdogan rally in Rotterdam.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan took a tough stance after Dutch officials blocked Turkey's foreign minister from campaigning in the country.
ING Groep tumbled 4.0%, after it disclosed that it is under a criminal investigation by Dutch officials over bribery case in Uzbekistan which could lead to significant penalties.
French and Dutch officials also said they were reviewing procedures, but have so far decided not to move ahead with any new rules," German Interior Ministry spokesman Johannes Dimroth said, as quoted by the media.
ING has confirmed it is facing a criminal investigation into alleged money laundering and corruption from Netherlands authorities. Dutch lender ING has confirmed it is facing a criminal investigation into alleged money-laundering and corruption from ...
Also weighing on the bank sector was ING Groep NV's disclosure that it is under a criminal investigation by Dutch officials which could lead to significant penalties. Reports Wednesday said the investigation was tied to an alleged bribery case in ...
Businessman Gordon Alan Joseph (right) is the new Netherlands Honorary Consul in Cebu. At left is Marion Derckx, Netherlands' ambassador to the Philippines, who was in Cebu for last Thursday's reopening of the Cebu consulate.
However, their attempts to hold campaign events in Europe sparked a thunderous diplomatic row that saw Erdogan compare German and Dutch officials with Nazis. On Monday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel had warned that Germany could ban all AKP ...
He insulted German and Dutch officials by calling them "Nazis". He said that the Netherlands was acting like a "banana republic" while Turkey itself is turning into a similar republic under his emotionally-charged leadership.
Dutch officials refused to allow the visit, which coincided with their own hotly contested election, and the Turkish government erupted in rage.
The hacking incident appears related to recent hostilities that flared up over the weekend after Dutch officials barred two Turkish ministers from political campaigning in the Netherlands.
Dutch officials refused to allow the visit, which coincided with their own hotly contested election, and the Turkish government erupted in rage.
Last weekend, Mr. Erdogan accused the Netherlands of Nazism after Dutch officials stopped the Turkish foreign minister from landing there for a pro-Erdogan rally, and then escorted the Turkish family minister out of the country, citing risks to public ...
Then there is the possibility of unforeseen circumstances also hindering any negotiations. That scenario is rather likely considering the current antagonism between the EU and Turkey after Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan described Dutch ...
The hacking incident appears related to recent hostilities that flared up over the weekend after Dutch officials barred two Turkish ministers from political campaigning in the Netherlands.
Today, Twitter accounts across the world, including Forbes, Amnesty International, BBC's North American service, Justin Bieber - as well as many others - were compromised by supposed Turkish government supporters.
The Netherlands has been involved in a dispute with Turkey since Dutch officials decided to bar a plane carrying Turkish Foreign Minister Melvut Cavusoglu from landing on Saturday, and so prevent him from attending a planned political rally in Rotterdam.
Erdogan called the Dutch "Nazi remnants" and the Turkish Twittersphere exploded with messages of Turkish pride and condemnations of Dutch officials. The spat came less than a week after Germany blocked similar Turkish political campaigning, spurring ...
North Korea warns of "merciless attacks" if the USS Carl Vinson infringes on its sovereignty or dignity during US-South Korea military drills.
In the lead up to this vote, Turkish diplomats in the Netherlands had been speaking at Dutch rallies to Turkish ex-pats in support of the referendum.
The Netherlands has been involved in a dispute with Turkey since Dutch officials decided to bar a plane carrying Turkish Foreign Minister Melvut Cavusoglu from landing on Saturday, and so prevent him from attending a planned political rally in Rotterdam.
subject to restrictive measures with a view to combating terrorism. As a result of that designation, their financial resources were frozen.


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         bert koenders
         joris voorhoeve
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