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updated Sat. August 10, 2024

Despite persistent conflict-related threats to civilians on a daily basis, the overall number of casualties in Ukraine decreased by 16 percent from November 2017–February 2018 compared to November 2016–February 2017, according to the UN. February 2018 casualties also comprised the fewest ...
Judging by a new congressional letter, Poland's recent "Holocaust law" is catalysing US lawmakers' perception of Ukraine's own "decommunisation" laws. ... Perhaps this is reflective of how Washington assess the general geopolitical importance of Poland and Ukraine, respectively, but the Ukrainian ...

The document was signed off by Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Liliya Hrynevych and her Bulgarian counterpart Krasimir Valchev, the press service of the Ukrainian education ministry reports. The document provides that, along with learning the state language, representatives of Bulgarian ...
Among other things, the letter asserts that Ukraine glorifies "Nazi collaborators Stepan Bandera, Roman Shukhevych, and the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), as well as the Ukrainian Insurgent Army." "These paramilitaries and individuals in some cases collaborated with the Nazis and bear ...
The two leaders held seven hours of closed-doors discussions before the president announced “Ukraine is as close as ever to the emergence of its own Unified Orthodox Church.” Ukrainian nationalists have been trying to establish an autocephalous church since 1992, when Patriarch Filaret broke with the ...
The Round of 16 encounter between Ukraine and Switzerland at Germany 2006 will not feature on any compilation of classic matches. ... would end in the quarter-finals with defeat to eventual champions Italy, Blokhin's Class of 2006 left Germany with their places in Ukrainian football folklore firmly assured.

Ukraine is marking the 32nd anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster on April 26 with a memorial service and a series of events in remembrance of the world's worst-ever civilian nuclear accident. In neighboring Belarus, an opposition-organized event will also be held to commemorate the disaster.
... Ukraine's positions near Novotroyitske, using 120 mm mortars banned by the Minsk agreements, weapons installed on infantry fighting vehicles, as well as grenade launchers and small arms, the press center of government forces headquarters wrote on Facebook. Invaders engaged Ukrainian soldiers ...
The Our Future school, housed on the third floor of the Islamic Centre and searched by SBU operatives on that same morning, was celebrating the Days of Shevchenko, dedicated to Ukraine's national poet, when I visited. The corridor walls are hung with children's portraits of the Ukrainian poet alongside ...
About five years ago, fashion publicists Kate Zubarieva and Asya Varetsa were broke, cold, and living in a shoddy apartment in Kiev, Ukraine. At 23 and 25 years old, respectively, the two watched from their living room as the Ukrainian revolution of 2014 got underway. "It was a really, really hard time there," ...
The JCCC's Ukrainian members insist that "these cases are yet another proof that the Russian occupation administrations continue to obstruct the work of international observers tasked with settling the conflict in eastern Ukraine, and keep secretly building up weapons and equipment in violation of the ...
U.S. Senator Rob Portman said lethal defensive weapons that the United States will soon send to Ukraine will help the country "push back" against any future aggression by Russia-backed separatists. Portman made the comments in an interview with RFE/RL's Rostyslav Khotin on April 2 in Prague, a day ...
The host side is the Defence Ministry of Belgium. From the Ukrainian side, the stay of Ukrainian servicemen is coordinated by the Embassy of Ukraine in the Kingdom of Belgium. Three soldiers will undergo treatment and rehabilitation based at the Brussels military hospital. All the expenses are covered by ...
Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko claims that the pretrial investigation had established that Bakulin had highly likely participated in a criminal organization led by disgraced ex-President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych since March 2010. Lutsenko reported Bakulin "had planned and organized the ...
PRAGUE -- A top U.S. senator says advanced U.S. antitank weapons will allow Ukraine to better defend itself against Russian aggression as the conflict there enters its fifth year. ... So, we are going to be talking to the leadership [of Ukraine] as well as the members of the" Ukrainian parliament, he said.
A conflict between Ukraine and Russia since 2014 has killed more than 10,000 people, displaced 2 million and put businesses on the border, like the Metinvest ... The Ukrainian army has been fighting well-armed rebels for the past four years and this plant is located in a strategic position between them.
It is relatively easy to obtain a Ukrainian passport, so terrorists seek to go there," Rogachev said. According to Rogachev, the European Union introduced a visa-free regime with Ukraine to "encourage Kiev for its Russophobia" and revitalize the country's European aspirations. As a result, the politicization of ...

"This punitive law targets those very individuals who seek to increase transparency and accountability in Ukraine, fulfilling the promises of the Euromaidan and the Ukrainian people's aspirations for a democratic country governed by the rule of law," she said. "We urge the Ukrainian government to ...
Today Savchenko is a member of the Ukrainian parliament. She has been imprisoned in Russia after her Mi-24 helicopter was shot down in the Lugansk area. The helicopter crashed and she was taken prisoner. Eventually she was swapped and made it back home, and her popularity helped her to get into ...
Moreover, it nullifies the work of NAPC and perpetuates a culture of impunity among Ukrainian elites. This will undermine the work of the Anti-Corruption Court that is to be set up this year. The U.S. government always has been a strong supporter of Ukraine sovereignty and its right to choose European ...
Read also"Easter ceasefire" in Donbas fails on its first day with attacks on Ukrainian positions In the Donetsk sector, the enemy opened fire from grenade launchers and small arms three times at the Ukrainian fortified positions near the village of Vodiane, the press center of the headquarters of Ukraine's ...
"According to the decision by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, six diplomats have been expelled from the Embassy of Ukraine in Moscow, five diplomats – from the Ukrainian Consulate General in Rostov-on-Don, and two diplomats – from Ukraine's Consulate General in St. Petersburg," a source ...
Read alsoBakhchysaray Palace in occupied Crimea under threat from "renovation" "The use of museum items of the Museum Fund of Ukraine, stored in the relevant institutions of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, for exhibiting outside Ukraine is illegal," the ministry said in a ...
EU4Energy covers all EU support to improve energy supply, security and connectivity, as well as to promote energy efficiency and the use of renewables in the Eastern Partner countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine). It does this by financing projects and ...
Monitors from the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine have spotted 15 howitzers in non-government-controlled areas in violation of the ... Russia's hybrid military forces mounted 57 attacks on Ukrainian army positions in Donbas in the past 24 hours, with three Ukrainian soldiers reported as ...
Read alsoNormandy Four leaders to seek ways to speed up peace efforts in eastern Ukraine – media As UNIAN reported, in a joint statement, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron and Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed ...
“In my view, Ukraine is politically sick and it is sick fatally because the name of its sickness is [corruption]. As any type of [sickness], this one is also incurable. One cannot eradicate corruption. One can only try to minimize it,” said Vladimir Zakhvataev, a prominent Ukrainian lawyer and author who has ...
The conflict in Ukraine started as civil unrest in November 2013 and escalated into an armed conflict in the Eastern regions of the country. To date, this complex emergency has resulted in thousands of lives lost, damage to critical civilian infrastructure in Lugansk and Donetsk Regions, and movement of the ...
A Moscow court has sentenced a Russian man in absentia after convicting him of fighting against Russia-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine. Roman Zheleznov, who is currently in Ukraine, was found guilty of mercenary activity and sentenced to four years in prison in absentia at a hearing on March 29.
Ukraine's Ministry of Foreign Affairs demands that Russia immediately release Volodymyr Balukh, a Ukrainian activist and recognized political prisoner, who was imprisoned in Russian-annexed Crimea for "storing ammunition" and who went on hunger strike for an unlimited period due to the verdict.
In a family of six siblings, Karen Royer grew up with the tradition of making pysanky, or Ukrainian eggs, around Easter. With the holiday right around the corner, she thought she'd share her roots in the classroom, so she brought in eggs and dye, and invited some colleagues to join her. Her faculty advisors ...
As UNIAN reported, the Verkhovna Rada on March 22 gave the greenlight arrest of Member of Parliament Nadiia Savchenko, a former Ukrainian pilot released from a Russian prison as part of PoW exchange effort. Read alsoChief Prosecutor suspects Medvedchuk of plotting coup in Ukraine together with ...
"However, should there be a threat to life and health of civilians or personnel of the Ukrainian army, any other provocative actions by the militants of the occupation administration of the Russian Federation, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are ready to immediately react," the headquarters said. As UNIAN ...
Commenting on research results showing that the intolerance rate stands at a mere 5% in Ukraine against higher figures in other countries that once had been under the Soviet influence, Deputy Minister of Information Policy of Ukraine Dmytro Zolotukhin admitted that a number of media outlets might still be ...
... Sergey Udovichenko, is an ethnic Ukrainian, speaks Ukrainian well and, in his political views, condemns the current government in Russia. According to him, he repeatedly participated in opposition rallies and finally decided to leave for Ukraine after the presidential elections [in Russia]," Slobodyan said.
Read alsoNew education law becomes effective in Ukraine In his opinion, it is not necessary to renounce a Cyrillic alphabet, while it is possible to develop a Ukrainian version of the Latin transliteration to use it in certain cases. For example, Serbs who write in Cyrillic, also have a Serbian version of the ...
The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe's Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (OSCE SMM) said in a statement that it will officially relaunch its drone surveillance program on March 28, near the government-controlled eastern Ukrainian city of Kostiantynivka, according to RFE/RL.
It is an insightful analysis that helps the reader understand the complex nature of Ukraine's transformation over the last 25 years. Kuzio describes the difficult path of the Ukrainian state in the period between the two Leonids (Kravchuk and Kuchma) and their clumsy attempts at transformation, as well as the ...
In a statement, the ministry said the group "infected with malicious software the computer systems of banks, mainly in Russia, but also in Belarus, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and Taiwan, taking control of critical systems that allowed them to empty ATMs remotely, alter balances, or modify accounts.".
Read alsoNew education law becomes effective in Ukraine In his opinion, it is not necessary to renounce a Cyrillic alphabet, while it is possible to develop a Ukrainian version of the Latin transliteration to use it in certain cases. For example, Serbs who write in Cyrillic, also have a Serbian version of the ...
After successive years of decline, 2017 finally saw Ukrainian M&A return to growth, both in terms of deal flow (22 per cent) and the aggregate value of transactions announced (37 per cent). However, deal activity remains well below the recent peak of 2013, and at just under one per cent of GDP, Ukrainian ...
In addition, the militants used heavy machine guns and small arms near the village of Zaitseve," the press center of the headquarters of Ukraine's military operations reported on Facebook on Wednesday morning. In the Donetsk sector, the Ukrainian positions in the villages of Opytne, Novotroyitske, ...
"In the Donetsk sector, the militants repeatedly fired 82mm mortars and grenade launchers of various types at the Ukrainian troops near the town of Avdiyivka. The occupiers also opened fire from grenade launchers, heavy machine guns and small arms on our fortified positions in the village of Vodiane," the ...
Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Volodymyr Kistion has declared Hr 526,759, or about US$20,060, in income for 2017. The salary accounted for his entire income for last year, according to the e-declaration of assets, which was posted by the deputy prime minister in the state register of e-declarations.
It is hard to find any other reasons for the Hungarian top diplomat's new claims toward Ukraine. Now, besides the "peculiar interpretation" of the decisions of the Venice Commission regarding the Ukrainian education law, he expressed outrage over Ukraine's intentions to deploy an army battalion in ...
The muscles the Service has grown over the years instill fear in the enemy's mind and confidence in Ukrainian society. The Security Service of Ukraine has finally become an effective protection mechanism for the security of the state and its citizens," Poroshenko said at the festivities on the occasion of the ...
Read alsoMalta can become powerful maritime hub for Ukraine: Poroshenko In a recorded message broadcast during the award ceremony in Kyiv, President Coleiro Preca expressed her gratitude and said she was confident ties between Malta and Ukraine would grow stronger in the years to come.
The occupiers also used grenade launchers, heavy machine guns and small arms three times against the defenders of the village of Lebedynske, which is in the Mariupol sector," the press center of the headquarters of Ukraine's military operations said in an evening update as of 18:00 on March 24, 2018.
Together with Commissioner Hahn, representatives of the Ukrainian authorities and heads of anti-corruption agencies, academic experts and civil society organizations MEPs debated the achievements and challenges to fight corruption in Ukraine, according to the European Parliament's press release.
As UNIAN reported earlier, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on March 16 announced the completion of the Anti-Terrorist Operation in Donbas and transition to the Joint Forces Operation. On the same day, he appointed Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Lt. Gen Serhiy ...


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