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updated Fri. July 19, 2024

This series is a satire on the politics of guns in the Sulu Archipelago as undergirded by arms trade in the Philippines. It is interlaced with historical and cultural issues with some linguistic ingredients among Tausug while framed in the politics of arms in the Philippines. The aim is to reveal the impact of ...
Aside from its white sand beach and clear blue waters, why is this Sulu Archipelago-island special? Panampangan's bragging right is its crescent-shaped sandbar. Extending to 3,128 meters, it is the longest in the country (Let me add: +/- a couple of feet depending on the tide. Apparently, someone holds ...

The Philippines is also home to the militant group Abu Sayyaf, which stretches out along the Sulu Archipelago. Its members continue to harass security forces at about the same rate as they did before and during the Marawi City siege: however, the Abu Sayyaf gangs that ran maritime piracy operations ...
The Bajau are a small community from Southeast Asia, living in Malaysia, the Sulu Archipelago in the Philippines, Mindanao, Borneo, and the eastern Indonesian islands. Some pockets of Bajau still live a traditional lifestyle, living in houseboats or wooden huts propped over the water on wooden stilts.
The largest island in Sulu archipelago, Basilan consists of the Muslim groups of the Yakans and Tausugs and the Christians called Chabacanos. The Yakans are believed to have migrated from Borneo where the people are short, dusky in complexion, and have slanted eyes and straight hair. The Yakans ...
“The sultanate possessed an efficient political organization, extending its influence in Zamboanga, Basilan, Palawan, aside from the Sulu archipelago and was granted the northeastern part of the territory as a prize for helping the Sultan of Brunei against his enemies in 1658,” Boncales wrote. “When the ...

The southern island group of Mindanao, one of the three major subdivisions of the Philippines, consists of main-island Mindanao, several small islands off the northern and southern coast, and the Sulu Archipelago in the west, which stretches to Borneo. Mindanao covers two-fifths of the country's total land ...
He said there is an estimated 300 to 400 Abu Sayyaf terrorists operating in the Western Mindanao region, especially in Sulu, Basilan, and Tawi-Tawi provinces in the Sulu Archipelago. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has directed government forces to 'sustain' its offensive to defeat the ASG, which is ...
President Rodrigo Duterte says he's worried about lumping together Muslim provinces in mainland Mindanao with those in the Sulu archipelago under one Bangsamoro entity. Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana says he is personally against the resumption of peace talks with communist rebels.
Those who, at the advent of the Spaniards, were considered natives or original inhabitants of Mindanao and the Sulu archipelago and its adjacent islands including Palawan, and their descendants, whether of mixed or of full blood, shall have the right to identify themselves as Bangsamoro by ascription or ...
... smallest population of any of the critically endangered hornbill species and must in fact be considered the rarest and most endangered hornbill in the world.” This hornbill, which was also rediscovered by the PBCFI last year, is only found in Tawi-tawi and other islands in the Sulu archipelago in Mindanao.
The Sulu hornbill — “tawsi” in the local language — is endemic to the Philippines, occurring only on islands in the Sulu Archipelago between Mindanao and Borneo. It is the sole member of the Bucerotidae family within its area and was described as widespread and abundant at the time of its discovery in ...
The festival aims to showcase the better and positive sides of Basilan, the largest island in Sulu Archipelago. Pakaradjaan was first launched in 2011. This year, the celebration started on February 26 and culminated on Wednesday with the theme “Sowing Seeds of Peace: Celebrating Life, Culture and ...
“For a region where residents miserably experience daily rotational brownouts due to power shortage, this is great news,” Que said. The whole of Sulu archipelago, including Tawi-Tawi, is the least penetrated market for power projects. Que also reiterated his mayorship would continue implementing an ...
... unsubstantiated but credible reports Sabah was fast becoming a hotbed of extremists particularly with the ISIS-backed terror group Abu Sayef plotting on carrying out further kidnappings off Sabah's coast or from onshore raids from the nearby Sulu Archipelago. Malaysian authorities have also warned that ...
The U.S. military resumed its counterterrorism mission in the Philippines in September 2017. This new operation comes on the heels of the rise of ISIS-linked groups in the southeast Asian nation. Political analysts believe the new operation will share some similarities with a past one that lasted from 2001 to 2015, but will ...
THE Rotary Club of Bacolod South (RCBS) once again organized their annual Academic Excellence Contest. Now on its 43rd year, this Department of Education supported and approved endeavor is the longest running project of Rotary International District 3850 where RCBS belongs to. Eight hundred six ...

The long-running insurgency of the Muslims of Mindanao and Sulu archipelago has been a pressing national security concern for the Philippines. There several peace agreements have been settled but implementation has typically been an issue. The latest agreement, the Bangsamoro Peace Process ...
The BBL provided a basic structure of government focusing on the rights of the Bangsamoro people, described as "natives or original inhabitants of Mindanao and the Sulu archipelago and its adjacent islands including Palawan." The measure paves the way for the creation of the Bangsamoro, the ...
Late last month, Japan and Malaysia concluded a weeklong joint coast guard exercise focused on combating piracy in Southeast Asia. Despite a recent decline, piracy is still a threat across the region and cooperation between states—including some, like Japan, that are outside the region—is seen as an ...
While it does not seem a major issue, the MNLF, dominated by ethnic Tausugs in the Sulu archipelago, claims Sabah. MILF, which receives key support from Malaysia, does not. This is yet another wedge in issues between the rival organizations, when a common position on the peace process is more ...
Some things should never be forgotten. Good, as well as evil things. The burning of Jolo town from February. 7 to 9, 1974 would fall under the latter category, but, paradoxically, remembering this great crime against the Bangsamoro Tausug has the potential of doing great good—that is, if we all remember, ...
The Marawi incident clearly rose above the long-running threat levels posed by the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters in central Mindanao and by the Abu Sayyaf in the Sulu archipelago. This was partly due to support from the core leadership of the so-called Islamic State (IS) both in terms of financing ...
Estimated to number at least 300 in strength, the Abu Sayyaf claims to promote an independent Islamic state comprising part of Mindanao Island and the Sulu Archipelago in the Philippines. Besides kidnappings for ransom, it has engaged in bombings, assassinations and extortion for more than a decade, ...
Its long and heavily indented coastline along with its proximity to the impoverished and lawless islands of the Sulu archipelago, awash with armed Islamist groups, will continue to make Sabah an attractive gateway for militants intent on not only resurrecting past territories, but with eyes on carving out new ...
A six-month hostage crisis followed and focused the world's attention on the increasingly lawless waterways separating Sabah from the Sulu archipelago. The hostages were all eventually released unharmed following the payment of large ransoms and a series of rescue operations launched by the ...
It said "the U.S. government has limited ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens in the Sulu Archipelago and Sulu Sea as U.S. government employees must obtain special authorization to travel to those areas," which is rife with "terrorist and armed groups that kidnap U.S. citizens on land and at ...
OTTAWA – Canada's updated travel advisory for the Philippines warns travelers to “exercise a high degree of caution” due to the threat of “terrorism and the high level of crime.” In particular, travelers are advised to avoid all travel to the Mindanao Region (excluding urban areas of Davao City, see advisory ...
SULU – The Philippines and Australia finished a 5-day joint maritime patrol exercise in the Sulu Archipelago as part of a bilateral agreement aimed at strengthening defense relations of the two countries, officials said Monday. Rear Admiral Rene Medina, of the Naval Forces Western Mindanao, said the ...
The tribe, which hails from the Sulu Archipelago, is known to be kind to guests and foreigners. Their religious passion helped them withstand the influence of Western colonization. Thus, throughout the Spanish period, the Tausug continued to develop their own culture from which they derive martabat ...
There's so much violence, in fact, that there's a travel warning advising people not to travel to the Sulu Archipelago because of crime, terrorism, and civil unrest. According to the State Department, “Terrorist and armed groups kidnap U.S. citizens on land and at sea for ransom,” and they “continue to conduct ...
MANILA, Philippines – While he has been assured by lawmakers that they can pass the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) by May this year, President Rodrigo Duterte said he's worried about lumping together Muslim provinces in mainland Mindanao with those in the Sulu archipelago under one Bangsamoro ...
He said there is an estimated 300 to 400 Abu Sayyaf terrorists operating in the Western Mindanao region, especially in Sulu, Basilan, and Tawi-Tawi provinces in the Sulu Archipelago. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has directed government forces to "sustain" its offensive to defeat the ASG, which is ...


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