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updated Mon. August 26, 2024

All the victims were local residents, the presidential administration of the unrecognized republic said. Nagorno-Karabakh has been under the control of ethnic Armenian forces since a 1994 cease-fire. Azerbaijan claims that Armenia's military also has troops in the region. HALO said the Thursday morning ...
The Election Observation Mission (EOM) of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) has publicized its interim report on the April 11 presidential election in Azerbaijan. The full text of the report has been placed on the organization's site, APA reports. The report covers the work ...

According to Mirchev, the report presents data on observations of the macroeconomic conditions and system, pre-election situation in Azerbaijan, legal framework and electoral administration, election lists and voter registration, nomination and registration of candidates, election campaign, media's role in ...
He said that the analysis of legal documents regulating the electoral process in Azerbaijan gives grounds to say that the country has a legal framework that fully meets international standards and fully ensures holding of democratic election. Observation of the work of the election administration makes it ...
He said that the analysis of legal documents regulating the electoral process in Azerbaijan gives grounds to say that the country has a legal framework that fully meets international standards and fully ensures holding of democratic election. Observation of the work of the election administration makes it ...
The genocide policy pursued by Armenians against the Azerbaijani people also affected national cultural and historical monuments, said Jeyhun Mammadov, Senior Adviser at the Department of Interethnic Relations, Multiculturalism and Religious Issues of the Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan.

The Iranian delegation includes the foreign minister, minister of industry, mine and trade, minister of sports and youth, head of the Presidential Administration and minister of transport, APA reports. With the framework of the two-day visit, the presidents of Azerbaijan and Iran will hold a one-on-one meeting.
Head of Department on Inter-Ethnic Relations, Multiculturalism and Religious Affairs of the Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan Etibar Najafov said that Armenian terrorism had historically caused serious problems not only for the Azerbaijanis, but also for other peoples from neighboring countries.
"In the main areas that determine food security, today Azerbaijan either fully provides itself or is very close to this target. Azerbaijan provides itself with meat ... The presidential administration, local executive authorities, companies, farmers, workers have achieved good results. The figures reached within two ...
The National Interest: Receiving illegal Karabakh regime "head" serves as detriment to US-Azerbaijan friendly relations ... He notes that after Donald Trump entered the White House, he signed a decree banning former administration officials from lobbying the United States on behalf of foreign governments ...

Azerbaijan, which claims Karabakh as its own, called the trip a “serious blow” to US-Azerbaijan relations and threatened to retaliate. Sahakyan appears not to have visited with any administration officials, but on March 14 attended a reception organized by the Armenian Embassy, Armenian-American ...
In the frame of these meetings, heads of the Agency and TV have met with Ali Hasanov, Presidential Aide for Public and Political Issues and Head of the Department of Public and Political Issues, Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan Republic. In the meeting, a wide range of questions were discussed, ...
Azerbaijan intends to give subsidies, create a mechanism for providing travel companies, organizing tourist trips and charter flights to the country, with ... wide use of the potential of the airports in the districts has been coordinated with Azerbaijan Airlines (AZAL) and the State Civil Aviation Administration.
In March 2000, Azerbaijan's President Heydar Aliyev signed an executive order on a new “State Policy on Women”, instructing the administration to ensure proportional representation of women in government based on the principles of equality; make sure women have their deserved place in business and ...
As a milestone of our traditionally good relations, President of Montenegro H.E. Mr. Filip Vujanović and President of Azerbaijan H.E. Mr. Ilham Aliyev signed the Declaration on Friendly Relations and Partnership in 2013. Lately, we have made significant steps in the field of public administration and signed ...
The minister noted that the two countries have lately made significant steps in the field of public administration and signed the Memorandum on Cooperation in Public Administration, which will significantly support Montenegrin public administration reforms. "During my recent visit to Azerbaijan in November ...
The level of professionalism of election administration in Azerbaijan has remained high, which led to the fact that the number of applications and complaints made during elections dropped considerably, Azerbaijan's representative to the European Court of Human Rights Chingiz Askarov said. He made the ...
Vugar Salimov, an employee of the Department of Public and Political Issues of the Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan, for his part, noted that the Presidential Administration actively supports projects of the Council of Europe on gender equality. “Equality is one of the main directions of development ...
A two-volume book on the formation of the national idea authored by academician, head of the Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan Ramiz Mehdiyev has been published in Moscow, Russia. The fundamentality and rarity of the two-volume book are due to the historic and philosophical approach of the ...


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