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updated Sat. July 27, 2024

In little more than a week, they built secure homes for 27 impoverished families in El Salvador. “We wanted to build more homes than any other group had done in one week,” says Dave Bodell. But before doing that, they had to raise financial support in Lethbridge. “We successfully fundraised over $75,000 ...
Like many traditions in El Salvador and throughout Latin America, the holiday is a result of the mixing of Catholic and indigenous beliefs; this occurred with the arrival of the Spanish and their desire to convert the native people to Catholicism by introducing their religion in ways that would seem familiar.

Cardinal Gregorio Rosa Chavez of San Salvador, El Salvador, takes a selfie with young people March 16 during the 2018 Religious Education Congress at the Anaheim (Calif.) Convention Center. He concelebrated a mass and gave two talks during the March 16-18 congress, sponsored by the ...
Since 1998 under Article 133 of our Penal Code abortion has been completely illegal in El Salvador in all circumstances. Women have been sentenced to up to eight years in more typical cases, but if a judge decides that the abortion was in fact an “aggravated homicide” then a much higher sentence – up ...
... the 2018 Article IV consultation [1] and held productive discussions with the Salvadoran authorities, parliamentarians, business community, and social partners. The consultation was based on revised National Accounts statistics. El Salvador has suffered from low growth, low investment, high public debt, ...
Edgar Cordova, who was born in El Salvador and became an American citizen, presented a program on his background and life experiences at a recent dinner meeting of Victor-Farmington Rotary Club. Cordova grew up on a rural farm in El Salvador at a time when civil war was happening in the Central ...

Cardinal Gregorio Rosa Chavez of San Salvador, El Salvador, takes a selfie with young people March 16 during the 2018 Religious Education Congress at the Anaheim (Calif.) Convention Center. He concelebrated a mass and gave two talks during the March 16-18 congress, sponsored by the ...
March 22 (Renewables Now) - AES El Salvador announced on Wednesday it will invest USD 33.1 million (EUR 26.8m) to improve its power distribution system in the country. The local unit of AES Corporation (NYSE:AES), will use its distribution companies -- CAESS, CLESA, EEO and DEUSEM -- to ...
A slew of power plants for a combined 650MW are scheduled to enter service in El Salvador in the near and ... Subscriber-Only Content. BNamericas develops thousands of news articles, analyses and features every month, always concentrating on how to make or save money in Latin American business.
(BPT) - El Salvador, Central America's smallest country, attracts a wide array of intrepid travelers who come to experience its vibrant culture and diverse outdoor activities. From its rich Maya history, to its volcanic beauty and generations-old artisan heritage, El Salvador provides plenty for travelers to explore ...
With that said, many people will lump pupusas under the category of Mexican food, but pupusas are Salvadoran. They were first created by one of the earliest civilizations in El Salvador—the Pipil—and they have been eaten there for centuries. They became El Salvador's national dish decades ago.
Assassination of a Saint traces the story of how an international team of lawyers, private investigators and human-rights experts fought to bring justice for the archbishop, killed by members of an El Salvadoran death squad. Nearly four decades later, Romero's killers remain free, but Eisenbrandt's book ...
In the wake of an electoral rout and growing internal divisions, El Salvador's Left is facing its starkest crisis in decades. ..... At its best, the FMLN is the “political instrument for the struggle of the Salvadoran people,” a vehicle for the demands of the labor unions, peasant cooperatives, student organizations, ...
Last fall, ASU-Beebe's Global Awareness Committee hosted four El Salvadoran students from UNICAES to study on the ASU-Beebe campus. The four students were co-sponsored by the U.S. Embassy in El Salvador. During this year's field trip, ASU-Beebe's group was joined by Tim Christmann, professor ...
Salvadoran nationals who live in Houston were filling out and submitting paperwork to re-register as Temporary Protected Status (TPS) recipients on Monday, since it was the deadline set by the government, but they are also considering other options to stay in the United States after the status is terminated ...
Five of El Salvador's seven cabinet ministers announced their resignation Sunday, amid the ongoing fallout from the March 4 congressional elections, ... Subscriber-Only Content. BNamericas develops thousands of news articles, analyses and features every month, always concentrating on how to make or ...
El Salvador may be the first country to have a community of 3D-printed homes. A nonprofit called New Story is raising $1 million to bring more than 100 3D-printed homes to the country over the next two years. The organization funds homes for families in need and people displaced by natural disasters.

El Salvador, a Central American country, wrestles with one of the region's biggest challenges: the rise of criminal gangs like MS-13. Gangs test the government's policies on policing, detention and crime-prevention initiatives. Different camps debate whether to invest more in strong-hand punitive ...
Cardinal Gregorio Rosa Chavez: This question is so important that we [the bishops of El Salvador] discussed it with the pope when we met with him last March because there was an attitude that his canonization was like having won the lottery. But this is a gift from God, and now this gift has to be merited.
El Salvador has one of the highest murder rates in the world, much of it gang-related. The group's MS-13 and Barrio 18 have some 70,000 members in Central America. El Salvador's government has struggled for solutions, cracking down on gangs and also negotiating with them. But nothing has seemed to ...
The international criminal group originated in Los Angeles in the 1980s and later spread to other parts of the U.S., Mexico and especially Central America as members were deported from the U.S. for committing felonies. Most members are of Central American origin, principally from El Salvador. Respond: ...
March is all about celebrating womanhood, and throughout the month we'll be honoring influential women in history whose inspirational stories helped pave the way for female empowerment and progress. These advocates and pioneers have contributed incredible things to not only women's history, but to ...
It was celebrated in El Salvador, where the gulf between the rich and the poor remains as wide as ever, and where Romero's unflinching advocacy for the ... The miracle that cleared the way for Romero's sainthood concerned the medically inexplicable cure of a pregnant, terminally ill Salvadoran woman ...
President Sanchez Ceren's party suffered a stinging defeat in recent El Salvador elections (PanAm Post). As the polls predicted, the Salvadorian electorate punished the ruling Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN) party, granting an important victory to the opposition, the ARENA party, and ...
Elmer Edrulfo Rios-Mancia, 37, is wanted in El Salvador for aggravated homicide and membership to an illicit group. Rios departed the United States on Friday from Alexandria International Airport in Louisiana under escort by ERO deportation officers. He was transferred to El Salvadoran law enforcement ...
Flores knows El Salvador's poverty, crime, and violence are even worse than what he fled when the nation was embroiled in a brutal civil war. Then, a young Salvadoran had two options: fight for the guerillas against the government, or fight for the government against the guerillas. Boys were pulled from ...
In 2016, 524 women in El Salvador—one in every 5,000—were killed, with most of them under the age of 30. From the beginning of 2017 through October, there were nearly 2,000 sexual assaults, with about 80 percent of victims 17 or younger, according to the Salvadoran Women's Organization for Peace.
He was transferred to El Salvadoran law enforcement authorities upon his arrival in San Salvador, El Salvador. ICE offices in El Salvador and ERO's Security Alliance for Fugitive Enforcement (SAFE) taskforce provided key assistance to the Washington field office ahead of Gomez's arrest and subsequent ...


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