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updated Wed. June 5, 2024

By Our Correspondent. According to a proclamation by President Julius Maada Bio, the fifth session of the parliament of Sierra Leone will take place on Wednesday April 25 at 10 in the morning. The Clerk of Parliament, Honourable Paran Tarawally (photo), a former member of parliament, has been duly ...
In Numbers. 141.59 mt of food assistance distributed. US$ 31,500 cash-based transfers made. US$ 7,914,883 six months (April-Sept 2018) net funding requirements, representing 64% of total. 4,907 people assisted in March 2018. Operational Updates. • The livelihood unit signed implementation ...

A contingent of 145 police officers from Sierra Leone arrived in Somalia last week as part of a surge capacity that will implement policing programmes in south central Somalia. All the 145 officers from the Formed Police Unit (FPU), travelled to the port city of Kismayo to join an advance team of 15 officers ...
PART II – Readers will recall from the previous article ( that a team of investigative journalists in Sierra Leone and indeed Liberia, are exposing how donor money earmarked for our countries development is literally stolen before our eyes by alchemist NGOs. Alchemist ...
The International Energy Agency (IEA) in their 2017 Energy Access Outlook report indicated, “Less than 10% of the population of Sierra Leone and three other countries has access to electricity whiles Ghana and 6 other countries have access rates of more than 80%.” Similarly so, the Untied Nation 2015 ...
Kismayo, 24 April 2018 – A contingent of Sierra Leone police officers who arrived in Somalia's port city of Kismayo last Tuesday, to boost the capacity of the local Police, have started work in earnest. A total of 160 police officers, from the Formed Police Unit (FPU), Sierra Leone's largest deployment in ...

Sierra Leone recently held peaceful presidential elections. But you would not know it from the media, which suggested that the country was frequently overwhelmed by violence during this period. The first round results were announced in mid-March, which concluded that no single party had the required ...
The world's top diamond miner is set to start a pilot program in Sierra Leone that will help trace the route from mine to consumer for what it calls ethically-sourced artisanal gems. The Anglo American Plc unit will train miners and provide them with equipment to digitally track their finds, and aims to buy the ...
Over the years, simplistic narratives about Sierra Leone have made the country's name practically synonymous with violence. In popular culture, films like Blood Diamond and memoirs such as Ishmael Beah's A Long Way Gone have offered portrayals of Sierra Leone as extremely violent. More recently, the ...
Sierra Leone's 2018 presidential election has gone to a run-off taking place next Tuesday, 27th March. No single party was able to win the 55% majority needed. But again, like all elections around the world, fraud, malpractice, violations and allegations always become the currency with which results are ...
29-year old Alpha* is one of the first patients treated for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in Sierra Leone. According to him, the journey to treatment at the Lakka Government Hospital was “long and rigorous,” but one that would restore his life and dignity. When Alpha started feeling unwell in 2013, ...
The message from the overwhelming majority of NGC members and supporters is clear: NGC should not endorse either APC or SLPP or enter into a coalition arrangement with either party. Rather, the NGC should concentrate on providing an effective opposition on behalf of the people of Sierra Leone.
A source within Sierra Leone's Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) revealed to the press that the 39-60% tuition fees currently paid by the government to subsidy amounts paid by university students, will now be shelved. The source, who spoke to the Concord Times, noted that the ...
Sierra Leone capital, Freetown, has a new mayor in the person of Yvonne Aki Sawyerr. She won the position in recently held March 7 general elections. ... Her closest contender was candidate of the main opposition Sierra Leone Peoples Party (SLPP). She polled over 309,000 votes representing 59.92% of ...
Last week, a number of tech blogs breathlessly brought news that Sierra Leone “became the first country in the world to use blockchain during an election” on March 7. “The tech, created by Leonardo Gammar of Agora, anonymously stored votes in an immutable ledger, thereby offering instant access to the ...
The main opposition, the Sierra Leone People's party (SLPP), won slightly more votes than the ruling All People's Congress (APC) in the first round of a historically peaceful election on 7 March and the two parties have been trying to win over voters ahead of the runoff next week, causing growing tension in ...
Following the presidential elections conducted in Sierra Leone on March 7, it was widely reported in the media that Sierra Leone had become the first country in the world to run blockchain-powered elections. These reports were based on the claims of a Swiss blockchain company, Agora, where it said that ...

... following allegations of irregularities. Sierra Leone's March 7 general election witnessed a massive voter turn-out of 84%. Several incidents have happened in recent days between supporters of Samura Kamara and Julius Maada Bio, the two main candidates contesting the March 27 presidential run-off .
With over 50% of all polling districts now counted by the National Electoral Commission (NEC), it is understood that official announcement of provisional results will be made this weekend, amid claims by all parties of serious electoral malpractices. Today, the spokesman of the National Grand Coalition ...
Sierra Leone was embroiled in a 20-year plus civil conflict from 1991 to 2002, and was the epicenter of the 2014-2016 Ebola outbreak that left more than 11,000 dead across West Africa. Barry Callebaut suspended Biolands operations in the country after quarantined areas during the Ebola outbreak ...
On Wednesday, March 7, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson landed in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia for meetings with African Union and Ethiopian officials for the beginning of his week-long visit to the continent. Given the little attention this administration has shown so far to the continent and the lack of new ...
... Sierra Leone elections. A photo round-up of some of last week's events, including Tibetan activists' protest and the San Juan de Dios festival. 11 hours ago. Children watch an aid convoy of Syrian Arab Red Crescent drive through the besieged town of Douma, Syria's rebel-held Eastern Ghouta. Bassam Khabieh/Reuters.
Sub-Saharan Africa is home to four of the top five countries in early marriage – or child marriage – rates: Niger, Chad, Mali and Central African Republic. Despite decades of campaigning to restrict or forbid early marriage, little has changed for the world's poorest women. The percentage of these particularly ...
Bai Kamara Jr. is a singer-songwriter from Sierra Leone. As his country peacefully goes to the polls, the Brussels-based musician, who's lent his voice to Amnesty International and UNICEF, talks to RFI about reasons to feel proud of his home country and why he chose a musical path rather than following ...
The APC has reportedly won 25 out of 28 seats in the Western Urban and Western Rural Areas. All the seats in Bombali, Tonkokili, Koinadugu and Port Loko districts have been won by the APC. The SLPP has won all the seats in Kailahun, Kenema, Moyamba, Bonthe, Pujehun and Bo. The NGC candidate ...
After a rather peaceful election, the tallying process has kicked off on a dramatic note as Police have raided the offices of the main opposition candidate, saying they were tipped off of a possible hack. Local television station, AYV media, spoke to Julius Maada Bio of the opposition Sierra Leone Peoples' ...
A coalition of local and international civil society organisations that has been observing the Sierra Leone elections has projected an election run off, saying none of the candidates will secure the 55% constitutional threshold required to be declared outright winner. National Elections Watch (NEW) says it ...
D-Day is finally here for Sierra Leoneans to vote for a new president to shape the future of our country. “The campaign has been passionate by all parties and clearly it has exposed how divided our country is”. Make no mistake, “this election has divided our country. Whoever wins has to immediately forget ...
Voters wait in line to cast their ballots during a presidential, elections, outside a polling station in Freetown, Sierra Leone, Wednesday, March 7, 2018. Sierra Leone's voters are choosing a new president Wednesday from among 16 candidates in a race that has sparked debate over dual nationality and ...
FREETOWN, Sierra Leone — A deadly mudslide. A horrible Ebola virus that killed thousands. And a nation still in recovery from a civil war that killed more than 50,000 people. As Sierra Leoneans go to the polls on Wednesday, they hope to elect a leader who can help them overcome these tragedies.
By AGENCE FRANCE PRESSE, MAGBURAKA, Sierra Leone, Mar 6 – Down a dirt road that slopes off a bridge, hundreds of men and women waist-deep in the river sift through gravel, separating specks of gold from the sludge. It may be the eve of a general election in Sierra Leone, but those who eke out a ...
A Special Court for Sierra Leone was created in 2002 to judge war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during the war. Among others, it sentenced the former president of neighbouring Liberia, Charles Taylor, to 50 years in prison for aiding the RUF in return for "blood diamonds", so-called ...
The Sierra Leone Supreme Court has a big responsibility on its hands: either unify this nation or divide it for decades and risk massive civil disobedience. In an amazing twist of circumstances, the APC presidential candidate, Samura Matthew Wilson Kamara, could be disqualified from elections less than ...
In Liberia and Sierra-Leone, politically fawned insurgency had given birth to a surreal but rabid insurrection, not only killing progress in the course of at least a decade but actively taking those countries and the entire region decades back in terms of infrastructure and social structure. It had taken the effort of ...
Tribalism, regionalism and sectionalism in Sierra Leone politics, are some of the key reasons why our beloved Mama Salone is still in the doldrums, hindering development in communities and regions across the country, and manifesting in social injustice, marginalisation, nepotism, favouritism, violent ...
The president of Sierra Leone Association for Ebola Survivors, Yusuf Kabbah, says the outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus may be over, but the consequences and challenges of the disease still remain. Sierra Leone was one of three West African countries to be badly affected by the outbreak in 2014 and ...
Opala spent more than 40 years studying Bunce Island, the largest British slave trading base on the "Rice Coast" of West Africa, and its links to South Carolina and Georgia; he also organized two Gullah Homecomings to Sierra Leone in which Gullah families with proven historical ties were hosted by the ...
He noted, “We are the only political party that can give the people of Sierra Leone prosperity and increase the growth of the country in every sector.” ... A supporter of ReNIP, Alfred Sesay, said, “I believe in the ideology of the party and if he is given the opportunity to rule Sierra Leone, he will transform this ...
The Sierra Leone police are not seen as neutral but the country has had a peaceful transition before. At every election, Egypt faces two tests: Voter apathy and meddling by the armed forces. Sisi will be a shoo-in for president in March but the Egyptian State's legitimacy crisis will not go away. One day it will ...
The National Organization of Sierra Leoneans in North America (NOSLINA) is a non-political, nonpartisan body committed to promoting democratic principles and to ensuring the protection of basic human rights in an up-and-coming Sierra Leone that is striving to implement the principles of good ...
We would have to wait and see how the new government would approach Sierra Leone's many challenges, but the country would witness another remarkable transfer of power, as occurred in 2007. This outcome would cement Sierra Leoneans' reputation for being an unforgiving electorate.
Sierra Leoneans go to the polls on March 7 to elect a new president and a set of legislators and local council representatives. ADVERTISING. inRead invented by Teads. The process is seen largely as a test for its democratic credentials in the area of periodic elections. The West African nation will also be ...


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