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updated Sat. July 6, 2024

His patrols along this border with Eritrea are helping Sudan crack down on one of the busiest passages on the European migration trail. Yet Lieutenant Omar is no simple border agent. He works for Sudan's feared secret police, whose leaders are accused of war crimes - and, more recently, whose officers ...
If you pay a trip to South Sudan and visit the Eastern part of the landlocked country in East Africa, you'll likely come across the Latuka tribe. They're a small ethnic group living in mountains and settlements. The people of Latuka, or Otuho as they're commonly referred to, are predominantly farmers keeping ...

Last week, the commissioner of Bau county of the Blue Nile State Abdel-Ghani Digais said his county is witnessing the voluntary return of displaced persons as well as refugees from Ethiopia and South Sudan. He pointed out that 1700 refugee families have arrived in Madeem and Khor Maganza areas ...
KHARTOUM, April 28 (Xinhua) -- Sudan's Ministry of Oil and Gas on Saturday announced completion of maintenance works at Khartoum Oil Refinery. "Gradual operation of the refinery will begin within two days prior to supplying the reservoirs with oil derivatives," Saad Hussein Al-Bushra, State Minister at ...
With Sudan facing a spiraling economic crisis, he may have had an important future role to play in keeping the current US administration on side and encouraging further sanctions relief and international investment. Remarks in parliament last week, however, spelled the end of his tenure as Sudan's top ...
On 23 April 2018, UNAMID handed over a police post at Al Riyadh camp for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in El Geneina, West Darfur, to Government of Sudan police forces. The project is part of the Mission's efforts to strengthen rule of law and enhance security in the area. The police post is expected ...

U.N. officials say 10 aid workers are missing in South Sudan in what has been described as unclear circumstances. The U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, or OCHA, said the workers went missing early Wednesday outside of Yei town, the capital of South Sudan's Yei River State.
This Ramadan, Sudanese Muslims will fast all day from food and water. When the month is over, they'll celebrate the Eid festival with festive gatherings featuring vibrant clothing, music, lots of food and sharbot — Sudan's delicious almost-wine-but-not-quite beverage reserved for celebrating. “Almost wine ...
NAIROBI, April 26 (Xinhua) -- The African Union is considering imposing sanctions on leaders who will appear to be frustrating the South Sudan peace process, a senior official at the pan African body disclosed on Thursday. Visiting African Union Commission (AUC) Chairman Moussa Faki Mahamat who ...
Famine was declared in South Sudan's Unity State counties of Mayendit and Leer in early 2017. Although this Famine was constrained through increased humanitarian assistance, subsequent updates from the Integrated Phase Food Security Classification (IPC) for South Sudan have continued to highlight ...
Yacoub is a beauty queen — named Sudan's Miss Nuba Mountains in 2014 — and her triumph wasn't merely over the 24 other contestants, but over something more profound: the deeply ingrained colorism in Sudanese society. She is a dark-skinned woman challenging a culture that promotes light skin as ...
When the first settlers from the tribes of the Nilotic people began to occupy the rich lands on the banks of the White Nile's glistening waters, which centuries later would become the Republic of South Sudan, they were among the first people to penetrate a territory that would at one time defeat the best efforts ...
KEY FIGURES. INSIDE SOUTH SUDAN. 292,314 Refugees in South Sudan as of 31 March 2018. 1.85 million IDPs in South Sudan including 202,776 in UNMISS Protection of Civilians sites as of 19 March 2018. US $809.4 million Funding requested by UNHCR for the South Sudan Situation in 2018.
Adam and his family are part of a first convoy of 53 Sudanese refugees, who returned to Sudan from eastern Chad on 14 April, after more than a decade in exile. The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the Commissioner of Refugees (COR), Hamad El-Gizouli, welcomed the returning Sudanese refugees at ...
This is the third time in six months that aid workers have been held by militants in South Sudan, the world's youngest country. At least 98 aid workers have been killed in South Sudan since it devolved into civil war in 2013, two years after it was founded. The majority of the aid workers killed since the conflict ...
Airstrikes and atrocities continue in Yemen. On Sunday, 22 April, an airstrike on a wedding party in northwestern Yemen killed at least 21 people, including children. Two days earlier at least 20 civilians were killed in another airstrike on a vehicle in Taizz governorate. It is suspected that both airstrikes were ...
Disabilities caused by conflict are on the rise as violence has spread throughout the country, killing tens of thousands. By Stefanie Glinski. JUBA, April 23 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Benson Mubarak saw his maths teacher enter the classroom in the South Sudanese capital, Juba, when everything ...

Introduction. Following the outbreak of violence in Juba in July 2016, the conflict in South Sudan expanded to previously peaceful areas, including Greater Equatoria (Central, Eastern, and Western Equatoria States). Many areas in Greater Equatoria are, as of now, largely inaccessible to humanitarian ...
Khartoum — Chairman of the External Relations and International Cooperation Committee at the National Assembly, Dr. Mohamed Al-Mukhtar, Tuesday briefed the visiting envoy of France to Sudan and South Sudan on the political situation in Sudan and Sudan foreign relations, in presence of the ...
This is a rich, raw example of the human experience with sound from northern Sudan, an ancient part of the world, and the birthplace of civilization. ... styles, Abu Obaida's Shaigiya music was an in demand party affair in an era when a vibrant nightlife and roving sound systems were staples of life in Sudan.
South Sudan President Salva Kiir has rejected opposition calls for him to resign as part of efforts to end a civil war, accusing anti-government groups of making “unreasonable demands” in peace talks. Despite several agreements and ceasefires, fighting has rumbled on in South Sudan with barely any ...
Pentecostal Bishop Isaiah Majok Dau, head of the Pentecostal Church of South Sudan, and Father James Oyet Latansio, general secretary of the South Sudan Council of Churches, are pictured in this composite photo at the headquarters of U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in Washington April 23.
Khartoum — The State Minister for Finance and Economic Planning, Dr Abdul Rahaman Dhirar, said five ships loaded with petroleum materials arrived in Port Sudan. The five ships, including two benzene and three gasoline, started offloading their loads and the material stated being loaded to service ...
After initial denials, the Bank of Sudan acknowledged the salaries crisis. ... A presidential committee, formed by the governor of the Bank of Sudan and ministers of the economic sector, took in February decisions to face the sharp rise in prices and to put an end to the deterioration of the Sudanese currency.
Sudan has invited Russian companies to take part in the development of its oil industry, Sputnik reports, quoting the adviser to Sudan's energy minister. Abdel Zahir Mohammed said that the government had offered Russian energy companies several oil sites, including both producing and untapped ones, ...
In the absence of a functioning state, outside NGOs are left to provide healthcare – even primary healthcare – to most of South Sudan. Yet those organisations continue to face major obstacles to doing their work: saving lives in a country beset by civil war is impossible without access to the wounded and the ...
Farid was one of hundreds imprisoned in Sudan in January following peaceful protests against government austerity measures. While some were released after a few weeks, dozens were detained for nearly three months without charge, including British citizen Sidqi Kaballo. Many were kept in a bitterly ...
KHARTOUM (24 April 2018) – The UN Independent Expert on Sudan expressed concern about reports that the security forces were using violence, intimidation and other forms of abuse to silence women across the country. “These abuses are made worse in the wider context of gender inequality in ...
Israeli secret service agents ran an entire fake luxury beach resort in Sudan as a front for its operations in the 1980s, according to a BBC investigation. A group of Mossad agents were tasked with smuggling thousands of Jewish refugees in Ethiopia, known as Beta Israelis, from Ethiopia to Israel in the late ...
Writers, poets and musicians in South Sudan have little control over their work. And the lack of copyright laws means it is likely other people will make more money from their songs or literary works than they do. Al Jazeera's Hiba Morgan has more from the capital Juba. Africa · South Sudan · Arts & Culture.
Khartoum — The acting Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mohamed Abdalla Idris, on Sunday received copy of the credentials of the new UK ambassador to the Sudan, Mr. Irfan Siddiq, in preparation for submission to the President of the Republic. The new ambassador conveyed the greeting of his minister for ...
She claimed his community-based organization is being targeted by the South Sudanese security operatives, who have accused her of promoting the rights of sexual minorities in the war-torn nation. Asan said it is hard to talk about same-sex marriages in South Sudan. Juma claimed about six members of ...
ABU JAMAL, Sudan — At Sudan's eastern border, Lt. Samih Omar led two patrol cars slowly over the rutted desert, past a cow's carcass, before halting on the unmarked 2,000-mile route that thousands of East Africans follow each year in trying to reach the Mediterranean, and then onward to Europe.
JUBA, South Sudan (AP) — Everyone and everything is a target in South Sudan's civil war, as attacks against health facilities and aid workers increase, a new report says. At least 50 medical institutions were attacked in 2016 and 2017, says the report released Monday by the New York-based Watchlist on ...
Sudan — The ongoing scarcity of fuel in Sudan is affecting the provision of drinking water and the agriculture in the country. People in various states in the country complain about a scarcity of drinking water because of the lack of fuel needed for the pumps. Farmers in El Gezira and El Gedaref have again ...
NON-FOOD ITEM (NFI) DISTRIBUTION IN 'OPEN AREAS' COMPLETED FOR OVER 10,000 REFUGEE AND HOST COMMUNITY HOUSEHOLDS – UNHCR and the Government of Sudan's Commission for Refugees (COR) completed the distribution of an NFI package of blankets and plastic sheeting to ...
CAIRO – 23 April 2018: Sudan's Acting Finance Ministe Abdul Rahman Derar on Sunday called on the international community to totally lift the ... with visiting Human Rights Independent Expert in Sudan Arstide Nononsi, the minister called for lifting his country from the State Sponsors of Terrorism list, ...
KEY HIGHLIGHTS & RECOMMENDATIONS. Although the community was massively displaced to Aburoc and Sudan in April 2017, following the intensified fighting in March to April1 leaving the Kodok town empty, return movements have now been observed. The overall food security, nutrition, WASH, ...
April 21, 2018 (KHARTOUM) - Over fifty human rights defenders form Sudan, United Kingdom and the United States have called on the African Union and United Nations to put the needed pressure on Khartoum government to end arbitrary detention and improve the deteriorating human rights and ...
ONGOING STEADY RATE OF NEW ARRIVALS – Over 4,300 South Sudanese refugees newly arrived in Sudan in March, for a total of nearly 15,000 who have arrived in Sudan in 2018 so far. This is only slightly below the 4-year average of over 18,000 during the same period from 2014 – 2017. Following ...
KHARTOUM, April 21 (Xinhua) -- Sudanese authorities foiled an attempt to smuggle 63 illegal immigrants, including 29 foreigners, in Sudan's North Darfur State, the official SUNA news agency reported on Saturday. "The Rapid Support Forces, in coordination with the National Intelligence and Security ...
KHARTOUM - The protesters always wanted their rally to be peaceful, they said. But by the end of the day at the gold mine in Sudan's remote Wadi Alsingair region, one man was dead and five more injured. The workers had gathered at the site, 400km north of Khartoum, to protest against a government ...
After finishing his university placement, Kawahara took the role of medical attache to the Japanese embassy, first in Tanzania and then in Sudan. When not in his role treating Japanese residents of Sudan, he traveled the country with UNICEF and the World Health Organization and witnessed the scale of ...
April 21, 2018 (JUBA) - The African Union Peace and Security Council (PSC) delegation on Thursday urged all parties involved in the South Sudan conflict ... The AU team's visit followed the visit by the chairperson of the AU Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat to South Africa to meet South Sudan leader, ...
April 20, 2018 (KHARTOUM) - A government official at the Blue Nile State on Friday said thousands of refugees have recently returned to the state from South Sudan and Ethiopia. Blue Nile State and neighbouring South Kordofan state have been the scene of violent conflict between the SPLM-N and the ...
Al Ain Zoo has given its newborn southern white rhino the name Sudan to honour the world's last male northern white rhino who died last month in Kenya. Sudan died at age 45 after a series of age-related illness and infections. His death puts his subspecies on the brink of extinction. He lived in the Ol ...
Tourism businesses from 21 African countries and 12 African tourism authorities have already confirmed their attendance at the largest global travel trade show for the continent, the Travel Indaba in Durban, South Africa. “Tourism in Africa is growing – it's a sunrise sector for many African countries, and this ...
Sudan has been largely cut off from international financing in the past decades by U.S. sanctions, which were lifted in October. Since then, officials have been trying to attract investors to help prop up its economy, which has been struggling since the south seceded in 2011. That cost Sudan three-quarters of ...
He had joined the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) in 1983, when it was still a rebel group fighting for independence from Sudan. “It is with a heavy heart that I announce the untimely death of Gen. James Ajongo Mawut, SPLA army's chief of defence force,” government spokesman Michael Makuei ...
Israel's secret service ran an entire beach resort in Sudan in the 1980s as a front for its operations, a BBC investigation has found. The Mossad agents were actually in Arous, Sudan to help smuggle Ethiopian Jews to Israel. They posed as diving instructors, hotel managers, and staff while carrying out the mission. The ruse ...


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