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updated Sun. June 9, 2024

However, erudite students of history are not surprised; the same scenario played out when the two leaders' fathers united Kenya early in the history of our ... Province People's Progressive Party (NPPPP) while those who believed in a united Kenya formed the Northern Province United Association (NPUA).
A Canadian-Kenyan opposition figure who claims he was drugged and forcibly deported to Dubai said Friday he was "marooned" at the airport there but intends to return to Kenya as soon as possible. A Kenyan court on Thursday fined top officials including the interior minister and national police chief for ...

Armed rebels killed at least one soldier during an attack on a house owned by Congo President Joseph Kabila in the restive east where a number of conflicts have flared in recent months, rebel and Congo military sources said on Thursday. Kabila was not present when Mai-Mai militiamen attacked the ...
Kenya has scrapped visa requirement for Mozambican nationals who wish to visit the country, Presidenbt Uhuru Kenyatta announced while on a State visit in Maputo. The announcement came hot on the heels of Miguna Miguna's dramatic deportation after he was denied entry into the country as separately ...
At least six people were killed and two others injured in a suspected ethnic attack in Kenya's northeastern Mandera province near the Ethiopian border on Wednesday, according to local media. Mandera's Banisa district police officer Mathias Chisambo confirmed that most of the victims come from Degodia ...
Last week I was invited by North Eastern Province University Students Association (NEPUSA) to Garissa County to give a talk to about 2000 form four ... This is after the hullabaloo created by the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) in relation to how unsafe it is for non-local teachers to work in ...

The government has twice imposed emergency rule, most recently after Hailemariam's resignation, to contain unrest mainly in Oromiya province, the ... politicians have blamed rising ethnic tensions in the diverse country on Ethiopia's federal system, which redrew the borders of provinces largely along ...
ZHENGZHOU, China, March 25 (Xinhua) -- Chelimo Eliaskemboi from Kenya won the men's title of Zhengkai Marathon on Sunday in Central China's Henan province with 2 hours 13 minutes and 53 seconds. "It's my first time to (run) the ZhengKai Marathon. Clear weather and flat road helped me to win.
There is not a Swede visiting Africa who has not been asked when IKEA will come to the continent. Unfortunately, it is not going to happen anytime soon. The founder of the world's largest furniture company (IKEA), Ingvar Kamprad, passed away a few weeks ago at the age of 91, in his native province of ...
Cuban President Raul Castro (right) receives Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta at the Revolution Palace in Havana, on March 15, 2018. ... Every province in Cuba has a medical school and to ensure everyone who graduates and adds the title “Dr” to their name is at the same level, we all had to do the ...
Bungoma province found in western Kenya is in the Mt Elgon area on the Kenya-Uganda fringe. Around 8,000 Kenyan ladies pass on from pregnancy-related inconveniences every year. As indicated by Kenya's wellbeing service, conveyances in general wellbeing offices expanded from 44% out of ...
Collins Wanjala is the notable change in the KCB side ahead of todays Kenya Cup final against Kabras at the Lions Den in Ruaraka. ... South Africa's Western Province forwards coach, Hanyani Simange, has been helping KCB improve their technical ability and approach to matches in the last two weeks.
Nairobi — AT least 15 people have been killed and about 1 000 others evacuated as a result of floods in Kenya. Heavy rain has pummeled the East African country since the beginning of the month culminating in an overflow of water that submerges homes and other structures. The south-west and ...
NAIROBI, March 2 (Xinhua) -- Kenyan teams Pipeline and Prisons wound up their training, hoping their preparation was enough to help them win the ... to the FIVB Volleyball Women's Club World Championships, which will be held in Zhejiang Province of China for the next two editions in 2018 and 2019.
“Four police officers and a reservist have died in the attack,” said Eric Oronyi, deputy commissioner for Lafey sub-county in the North Eastern Province of Kenya. He said three other officers were wounded and one was in serious condition. “This is al Shabaab who carried out the attack because we are near ...
The U.S. Senate on Wednesday passed a bill promoting closer U.S. ties with Taiwan, which China has warned could threaten stability in the Taiwan Strait, but drew praise from the self-ruled island which pledged to deepen cooperation. Beijing considers democratic Taiwan to be a wayward province and ...
Kenya's Ol Pejeta Conservancy said Thursday that Sudan was struggling despite 24-hour care by veterinarians. Sudan appeared to recover well from an infection that developed on his back right leg at the end of 2017 but another, deeper infection was recently discovered in the same area, the conservancy ...

Pappa Nyong'o was in Zimbabwe last week for MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai's funeral along with Kenyan opposition leader Raila Odinga. He spoke ... Peter, who is the governor of Kisumu province in Kenya, said that it took sacrifice and a solid support structure for his daughter to get as far as she has.
Combined joint task force of the Somali National Army (SNA) and Kenya Defense Forces (KDF) AMISOM contingent killed 23 members of Al-Shabaab terror group in Fahfahdun town situated in the South West prefecture of Gedo Province of Somalia. KDF conducted an assault targeting the new base of the ...
DW columnist Jenerali Ulimwengu says they must also discuss the deteriorating political crisis in Kenya. ... Miguna Miguna, the self-styled 'general' of the Kenyan National Resistance Movement, who administered Odinga's oath, was abducted by security agents and whisked to the airport to be deported to ...
NAIROBI, Kenya — Kenyan authorities want to deport an opposition politician again despite court orders that he should be allowed into the country, a human rights official said early Tuesday. The politician, Miguna Miguna, had been deported to Canada as part of a government crackdown on opposition ...
Construction of Simbolei Academy, a high school for about 300 girls in Rift Valley Province, Kenya, has been slower than Andrea and Richard Kaitany ... “There is a huge Kenyan community here in the United States and a lot of them are responsible for the education of nieces and nephews and cousins at ...
The TSC, through a letter, directed non-local teachers from Wajir to make arrangements to report to their new stations immediately. But Mr Duale claimed that the directive by the commission was discriminatory and a violation of the students' rights and residents who pay taxes to the government.


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