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updated Sat. January 27, 2024

Democratic control of the House or both chambers would appear to be devastating for congressional efforts to protect unborn children and the conscience rights of health-care professionals who oppose abortion. On religious freedom, Republicans have led the way in seeking to protect the United States' ...
Rauner, a moderate Republican trying to hold onto his seat in a bright blue state with complete Democratic control of the Legislature, was almost beaten in the March GOP primary by a little-known hard-right Republican state legislator. Some Democrats, meanwhile, have complained that the party ...

Biafore added most local seats, such as county commissioners, remain in Democratic control. “We still hold the numbers on that,” she said. As for Republican growth, Beller said the party should be concerned about later fracturing within the GOP, much like the national divide between President Donald ...
ALBANY - Republicans will maintain their tenuous grip on power in the state Senate regardless of the outcome of a key special election in Westchester County. Democratic Sen. Simcha Felder of Brooklyn confirmed Tuesday that he would continue to caucus with the GOP for the remainder of the state's ...
In many ways, the most pressing issues of society today — increasing income disparity, chronic health problems, and climate change — are the result of the dramatic gains in higher productivity we've achieved with technology and science. The internet, artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, ...
Cuomo vowed to work to win Democratic control of the Senate as part of an agreement to win the endorsement of the Working Families Party. Progressives say he didn't follow through. That the Republicans still control the Senate, despite Democrats' 32-31 advantage, is one of the left's main criticisms of ...

CEDAR RAPIDS — Winning control of the U.S. House would “cut our time in hell by half,” said U.S. Rep. Eric Swalwell, who is in Iowa to help energize Democrats and raise money for candidates in the 2018 elections. And winning control of the House could be as simple as Democrats winning in Iowa, the ...
Republicans shrugged off Berman's statement and said Democratic control of the Senate would be an "unmitigated disaster." "More than ever before, we need checks and balances to prevent the radical New York City politicians from doing whatever the hell they want," said Senate GOP spokesman Scott ...
The winds have often shifted at the FCC as it passes from Republican to Democratic control over the years, frustrating many companies and lobbyists looking for more permanent regulatory vision. Activists immediately pounced on Kennedy's bill. “Louisiana residents, small businesses, and Internet users ...
Ill Hanford workers will no longer have to prove to the state that their poor health was caused by working at the nuclear reservation. On Wednesday, Gov. Jay Inslee signed sweeping legislation that should help more Hanford workers win approval for state worker compensation claims. “Washington state has ...
He has allowed the New York City subway system to descend into rot, entered into insane personal spats with the New York City mayor, empowered a group of Democrats in the Democrat-led New York State Senate to essentially relinquish Democratic control by caucusing with Republicans (a move that ...
Proponents of local democratic control of our health and safety are reminding us that we have another choice. We have an inalienable right to health and safety in our community. We have a constitutional right to decide through the ballot if we want a charter form of government to protect our health and ...
That goal dovetails with Steyer's hope of recapturing Democratic control in Washington and forcing an impeachment vote, even though party leaders have dismissed his campaign as an unwanted distraction. "There is a huge split between American citizens and Washington insiders," said Steyer, whose ...
As the year began, the House that Howell had led with a quick wit and firm hand had been transformed by an electoral tsunami that flipped 15 seats to Democratic control and whittled a two-thirds Republican majority to two seats. As he recovered in a Fredericksburg hospital, political control of the House ...
None have bothered to acknowledge me, much less taken any action to help. If something is not done to relieve the property tax burden on seniors, I fear the county and state will have a much larger financial and social burden to deal with. Remember that the entire state Legislature is in Democratic control, ...
Some Republicans are also eyeing San Antonio-based House District 117, which switched party hands briefly in 2014 as part of a Republican wave but switched back to Democratic control in 2016. Though the Democratic margin of victory wasn't wide in 2016, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary ...
When I worked for the House Democratic leadership, the first Speaker I served under was Tip O'Neill (D-Mass.), a grandmaster of the art of maintaining Democratic control of the House. Tip brilliantly understood that the Democratic Party is a big tent, with members of diverse viewpoints all knowing that the ...

“Despite Democratic control, the legislature just indicated that it will be unable to pass even a slimmed down version of Gov. [Jay] Inslee's proposed carbon tax,” Stein told Bloomberg Environment, referring to a bill that recently died in committee in Washington's Legislature. Inslee is a Democrat.
In the Monday conversation with co-host Brian Kilmeade, the governor said it was “so essential” for him to win re-election to counter Democratic control of drawing new legislative district boundaries after the 2020 federal census. Then-Gov. Pat Quinn signed the Democratic-drawn map after the 2010 census, ...
He said that as he was building a career and had a family to support, it would be “absurd” to think he should give up that job when administrations changed in 2003 to Democratic control. “Going without employment simply wasn't an option for me,” he said. He did leave after 10 months of that administration ...
Despite the twist, the Colorado House of Representatives will remain in Democratic control. The Colorado Republican Party said in a tweet that its House District 34 committee reserves the right to pick a replacement, but could decline to do so in consideration of Lebsock being a Democrat when he ...
The Republican-appointee agreed to the deal just days after Democrats took control of the Erie County Legislature, a precursor to Democratic control of the Water Authority later this year. If a Democratic-controlled Water Authority sought to remove Jann this year, the agency's customers would have to pay ...
Despite decades of Democratic control of the Illinois House, measures to clamp down on firearms are few and far between. Chicago Democrats, faced with daily headlines of gun violence in the nation's third-largest city, come to Springfield only to lock horns with more conservative central and southern ...
Disturbing revelations now appearing in special counsel Robert Mueller's "dirty dossier" investigation of President Trump bring to mind a similar case in which political differences were criminalized and partisan prosecutors spied on Americans. Remember the notorious "John Doe" prosecutions in ...
It would be an upset, but if O'Rourke were to pull it off, he'd be the toast of a class of young, constituent-focused Democratic legislators who are already winning state legislative races nationwide, perhaps leading the way in a post-Trump wave election that could flip Congress back to Democratic control.
The problem for the GOP is that this particular anti-immigrant message, on the heels of so many before it, is also being heard by suburban voters in swing House districts nationwide — the very people in the very districts who are poised to flip the House back to Democratic control. ADVERTISEMENT.
Despite decades of Democratic control of the Illinois House, measures to clamp down on firearms are few and far between. Chicago Democrats, faced with daily headlines of gun violence in the nation's third-largest city, come to Springfield only to lock horns with more conservative central and southern ...
Though eastern North Carolina used to be firmly entrenched under Democratic control, the region has trended Republican in later years so much so that a conservative Republican, state State Rep. Bob Steinburg, R-Chowan, who represents six counties, has been elected and re-elected and he is now a ...
Despite decades of Democratic control of the Illinois House, measures to clamp down on firearms are few and far between. Chicago Democrats, faced with daily headlines of gun violence in the nation's third-largest city, come to Springfield only to lock horns with more conservative central and southern ...
There have been several instances over the years in the Senate and House, under both Republican and Democratic control, where a panel approves a bill in the morning with then a full committee vote a few hours later. There are also instances when lawmakers suspend rules to hold a subcommittee within ...
20, 2018, in Shepherdsville, Ky.more +. The victory for Belcher, who lost her seat in 2016 by less than one percentage point, is the 37th flip from Republican to Democratic control of a state legislative seat since the inauguration of President Trump in January 2017. Democratic gains in state legislatures fuel ...
The objective: rapidly retake state legislatures and governor's mansions in a bid to recapture some form of Democratic control over the redistricting process. Their timeline, however, is quite ambitious. They're trying to somehow snatch back a dozen big state legislatures in one election cycle – after losing ...
Lewandowski said, "Fifty seats have already changed hands from the Republicans to the Democrats since Donald Trump was elected." We found evidence of almost 40 seats that flipped from Republican to Democratic control since Trump took office. The bulk happened at the state legislative level.
... following Tuesday, February 27, offers more promising opportunities for Democrats. GOP legislature posts in Connecticut and New Hampshire—two reliably blue states—will be up for grabs. Four seats in New Hampshire's House of Representatives flipped from Republican to Democratic control in 2017.
Republicans want to focus on the state's sluggish economy during the past eight years of Democratic control, on Connecticut's continuing fiscal struggles and on the tax increases that have not solved the money problem. Democrats will remind voters that Republicans had a hand in passing the most recent ...


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