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updated Tue. July 23, 2024

When political leaders use the language of doctors, you know they are planning something barbarous. 'Cancers' must be eradicated, not tamed; 'viruses' can only be met with 'harsh cures'; and 'epidemics' must be contained before they can spread. Read any newspaper after October 1917 and you will see ...
Undiagnosed by the mainstream media and much of the academic community, a major intellectual renewal is underway across the left. It is energetic and tech-savvy, building platforms such as Novara Media. It maintains a radical, rich heritage within the European left, embraces bold ideas, and is ...

So what the hell happened and where is California today? Perhaps the best explanation is from Ayn Rand. She tells us not to bring socialism to our shores. But somehow we stopped listening. Perhaps the best explanation for modern-day socialism is to look at what is actually happening in California today.
Which part of it is unacceptable? “Why wouldn't you support the Chinese Communist Party?” Qiao stressed that even as Hong Kong practised capitalism, the city could still support the country's wider system of socialism, just as China had always backed the city's capitalism. “Does the [party deserve] support ...
At this past February's “Alternative Models of Ownership Conference” hosted by the Labour Party in London, party leader Jeremy Corbyn asserted the centrality of energy policy to his vision of socialism: “The challenge of climate change requires us to radically shift the way we organize our economy.
Studies suggest that young people with few memories of the Cold War embrace socialism far more than older people do. A 2016 survey of 18- to 29-year-olds by Harvard's Institute of Politics found that 16 percent identified as socialists, while 33 percent supported socialism. Only 42 percent supported ...

I take no issue with Charles Misak's explanatory descriptions of capitalism and socialism but, nonetheless, I believe it necessary to elaborate on the subject as a result of his final comment that he is amazed “anyone would advance it (socialism) as a viable economic system.” I agree that socialism, as an ...
Nepal's Constitution promulgated through the Constituent Assembly (CA) in 2015 has enshrined "socialism" as an aspired principle of the nation for the first time in its history. The preamble states that Nepal shall move forward on a path of socialism by adopting democratic values and norms including a ...
Socialism advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or controlled by the community as a whole. Most Socialists, but not all of them advocate for government ownership of industry and public services. This rings a bell in the minds of many Zambians that are familiar ...
Suddenly, about 20 years too late, Britain's supposedly radical left has become woke about anti-Semitism. Having spent years happily attending demos on which placards described the Jewish State as baby-eaters, and getting far angrier about Israeli militarism than the militarism of any other nation on ...
Socialism's appeal has always lain primarily in its vision of living in a fantasy land, a land of lollipops and lemonade, a land where everyone has plenty and all have the same. Aside from the utter impossibility of attaining such abundance without private property and free markets, this vision has a fatal ...
CNBC reports the U.S. Census Bureau projects that in 2035, adults over age 65 will outnumber children under age 18 for the first time in U.S. history. I will be 72 in 2035 — if taxes don't kill me before then — and it will be the most glorious time of my life. It will be glorious, partly, because surveys show that ...
The idea that Socialism is the “Politics of co-operation” didn't apply without firstcourse to the economy, and business, as its way. Not now. We can after it, say, by logic, that politics, or political theory, like Aristotle wanted, was the study of political actors in the state. Further, non-state political participants can, ...
There will be many who say you can have both, and there are others who clearly believe the pendulum has swung too much towards the almost academic differentiations of what kind of socialism you believe in. And there are others who say this is the kind of discussion you should be able to have three ...
Marxism is an ideology that is dangerous and oppressive, and its popularity within our generation is chilling. Whether it goes by the name Communism, Democratic-Socialism or more recently, Progressivism, it's a system that is kept alive by teachers and students hoping to usher in the next utopia by ...
Many people understand that socialism is an alternative to capitalism, but few know what socialism really means. The nature of an economic system depends upon which social class controls the means of production. Power over the means of production enables the controlling class to govern the entire ...
Less than 100 years ago, my grandfather was an ardent socialist in the valleys of South Wales. My father was recruited at the age of four. He would be hoisted up to the stage at a large gathering and told to shout “Socialism is the salvation of the working masses.” The masses, usually male Welsh miners, ...

JH: There is a growing acceptance of socialism but it will not solve the economic problems in our society. Socialism ultimately is simply another form of totalitarianism which, unfortunately, is what we are realistically struggling against in the U.S. My frustration is that our mulling over standard approaches to ...
On my (Brittany's) college campus, the largest and most active club was the “Revolutionary Student Union,” also known as the school's resident Marxists. Even then, I passionately disagreed with socialism. But one thing that struck me was how these students were not only wrong but seemed deeply ...
To rejoice in a leave-induced housing crash in the name of socialism is like watching a millionaire's house burn down and thinking that it's good for equality. Perhaps, if it didn't set fire to any other houses; at a pinch, if he couldn't immediately rebuild his house; but as a general rule, “set fire to it” is the thing ...
Socialism is perhaps the only ideology that Americans are asked to judge solely based on its “successes.” Considering the massive human suffering that collectivism has inflicted over the past century in nearly every corner of the world, ignoring its most consequential moments seems like an odd way to ...
In the case of my column, this meant many interlocutors taking socialism to mean something along the lines of Soviet communism or the Venezuelan system, genocides, calamities, disasters and all. I don't think anybody actually believes I'm rooting for totalitarian forms of socialism, nor for its most ...
Whether from early years experiments in painting, or from later, more mature experiences in art classes, one thing will most probably be clear to all of us—the result of mixing red and green pigments can only be called 'sludge'… or, perhaps more prosaically, khaki. Later, in the adult world, we might have come across the ...
Last week, the Washington Post ran an opinion piece by Elizabeth Bruenig entitled “It's time to give socialism a try.” While such an outlandish idea isn't necessarily out of place on the Opinion page of the Post (or even in the thick of its news for that matter), Bruenig's casual suggestion that we simply upend ...
Since October, when the Communist Party held its five-yearly congress, banners and signs across Beijing hailed the newly announced Xi Jinping Thought On Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. Officials have been told to study it, perhaps at one of the 10 research institutes that have been ...
Why Americans should give socialism a try ... Not to be confused for a totalitarian nostalgist, I would support a kind of socialism that would be democratic and aimed primarily at decommodifying labor, reducing the vast inequality brought about by capitalism, and breaking capital's stranglehold over politics ...
London-based artist Paulina Otylie Surys describes her childhood memories of Communist Poland as dormant, flickering images, surpressed and boxed away from her “shiny new life” in the West. Now the multimedia artist is exploring her own view of the past by fusing hazy, socialist-era images with what ...
Rise: How Jeremy Corbyn Inspired the Young to Create a New Socialism – review. Liam Young's memoir-cum-analytical study of Jeremy Corbyn's appeal to young voters lacks coherence. Stephen Bush · @stephenkb. Tue 6 Mar 2018 02.00 EST. Share on Facebook · Share on Twitter · Share via Email; View more sharing ...
Conservative author and activist Ben Shapiro spoke at the University of Minnesota this week, despite protests from campus progressives. During his talk, he offered a sharp distinction between socialism and capitalism. As usual, a massive security presence was required for the event.
Editorial Cartoon · Phil Hands · Guns · Weapons · Nra · Socialism · Shooting · Dick's Sporting Goods · Walmart · Private Company · Company · Weaponry · Sporting Goods · Gun Control · Commerce · Hand · Assault Weapon · Dick · Wisconsin ...
In just one year, Trump-era Republicans have managed to do what former President Barack Obama couldn't accomplish in two full terms: make Obamacare popular. Following the collapse of the Republican effort to repeal and replace the national healthcare law, favorable views of Obamacare have shot up ...
The conflict between capitalism and socialism has continued for over 200 years. Indeed, the conflict is deeply implicated in all decisive events of recent times. Modern capitalism began in Italian city-states approximately six centuries ago. It eventually grew into a global economic system with the United ...
In addition to bringing awareness to issues on campus, Foster says he hopes the group will also spread awareness about Democratic Socialism and what the ideology stands for. As a member of the group, freshman Fintan Grafe said he wants to make sure action is the primary focus. “Many leftist groups ...
I'm sick of thoughts and prayers too. After every mass killing, whether the perpetrator uses knives, poison, bombs, or guns, rulers respond by saying something like “Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims.” Leftists politicize mass murders with calls for gun control before the bodies of the victims get ...
“Socialism is a movement that loves a smear.” In less bombastic terms, he blames left-leaning citizens for pushing for gun reform. He went on to say the Second Amendment staunchly defends every American's right to bear arms, and that his organization would be happy to work with schools to make them ...
"What does he say about socialism in the book?" asks a young woman. Nothing. "What would it entail, resource-wise?" asks another member. Very little. "Is there a donation to the organization?" No, but proceeds from the book will go toward supporting young people in activism. After nearly 10 minutes of ...
It's hard to spin Valentine's Day as a revolutionary holiday — so let's keep this simple. You probably have a friend or a loved one and here's a chance to give them a cool gift they might find interesting. And, in the process, you'll help your favorite magazine keep going. Gift subscriptions are $14 until midnight ...
Four speakers discussed the ins and outs of what Democratic Socialism actually is during an informational meeting held by the Colorado State University Young Democratic Socialists of America Monday night. The meeting, called Socialism 101, was open to the public and welcomed a variety of political ...
A good place to start is "The End of Socialism," a book by Wake Forest University professor of economics James Otteson that is anything but a dry college textbook. With a clear and accessible style, Otteson delves into the philosophical and moral underpinnings of each system. This his economics but also ...
So how remarkable that, even as the latest socialist experiment was melting down, Washington Post columnist Elizabeth Bruenig suggested that it was finally time to "give socialism a try," a proposal containing the assumption that the handiwork of Vladimir Lenin or Ho Chi Minh hadn't somehow been the ...


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