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updated Thu. July 25, 2024

Europeans and European institutions have been attacking Turkey over its perceived democratic deficits, ruling Justice and Development Parliamentarian Yasin Aktay said, but Turkey actually exceeds Europe's democratic standards. “It is clear that there are many things in this election that are not in Europe, ...
The MPs were in Turkey as part of the commemorations for the 103rd anniversary of the landing of foreign troops on Turkish soil during World War I. Red Crescent Deputy ... This is quite important,” Australian MP of Turkish origin Natalie Suleyman told Anadolu Agency during the visit. "We have much to ...

Prospects on finding a solution to the Cyprus problem appear to be grim at the moment, a British Labour MP said on Friday. At a meeting ... Meanwhile, Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci 'has also lost his interest', Hamilton told the Cyprus News Agency. .... Once you give all to Turkey you will be Turkish.
Trend: President Ilham Aliyev's first official visit to fraternal Turkey after the election once again shows the importance of strategic partnership between the two countries, MP Hikmat Babaoglu told Trend on April 26. "Describing the Azerbaijan-Turkey relations, the president said these relations have an ...
There was an openly biased approach towards Azerbaijan in the corruption report of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), and this is unacceptable, said Yasin Aktay, a member of the Turkish delegation to PACE, a member of Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), ...
On Sunday, 15 deputies from the CHP jumped ship to join the newly-formed Good (IYI) Party. Erdogan said the Turkish opposition has too many people like George Soros in Turkey and these people are not only supported from inside but also supported from abroad. Soros is one of the richest people in the ...

The Council of Europe's parliamentary assembly (PACE) has called for the immediate release of two Greek soldiers who have been in Turkish prison ... The head of the Greek delegation, leftist SYRIZA MP Anetta Kavadia, said the continued detention of the two soldiers violated human rights and rule of law ...
Turkish members of the NATO delegation included Ahmet Berat Conkar and Ertan Aydin, two MPs from Turkey's Justice and Development (AK) Party; and Metin Lutfi Baydar, a lawmaker from Turkey's opposition Republican People's Party (CHP). From the Saudi side, talks were attended by Foreign Minister ...
Astonishingly, the HDP got 13.1 percent, breaking through the 10 percent threshold and gaining 80 members of parliament. This ate into the AKP's vote in the Kurdish provinces and was the main reason for its relatively low vote: in the previous general election, in 2011, AKP's vote had been 49.95 percent.
... leaving them with 48 sitting MPs since the parliament voted in 2016 to lift immunity from a select group of lawmakers facing criminal convictions. Most of the HDP members ousted from the legislature were convicted of ties to the PKK, a named terror organization. HDP supports the Kurdish struggle in Turkey, but denies the ...
Turkey's snap elections cannot be fair, says Turkish-German Left Party MP ... President Erdogan's announcement on Wednesday that Turkey would have snap presidential and parliamentarian elections on June 24 came the same day that the parliament voted to extend the state of emergency for a further ...
ANKARA: The Turkish parliament Thursday stripped two more MPs from the main pro-Kurdish opposition party, including a former spokesman, of their status as lawmakers, their party said. ... The party elected Pervin Buldan and former MP Sezai Temelli to replace Yuksekdag and Demirtas. The HDP is ...
The Turkish parliament approved on Wednesday the extension for another three months of the state of emergency, Reuters reported. It was declared after a failed military coup in July 2016. The move means Turkey will hold early June 24 parliamentary and presidential elections, announced by President ...
A senior Turkish lawmaker said on Wednesday that Turkey aims to increase the trade volume with Belarus at $1 billion. Volkan Bozkir, the head of Turkish Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee, received his Belarusian counterpart Valery Voronetsky in capital Ankara. Bozkir said that Turkey wanted to ...
ERBIL, Kurdistan – Altan Tan, a pro-Kurdish Peoples Democratic Party (HDP) MP, directed three questions to Turkish Premier Binali Yildirim regarding the alleged change to the ... Kilis is situated on the Turkish border with Syria, where Turkey is in conflict with the Kurdish Peoples' Protection Units (YPG).
This [Turkish government] will be a victim of its oppression the same way these [regimes] became victims of their oppression. [An example], with your permission: I apologize to all cats of Kurdistan. Now what the Ankara regime is doing is like what a cat does. When chasing a bird, cats climb trees, but they ...
Not only Azerbaijani citizens, but the entire Turkic world should not forget about March 31, head of Turkey-Azerbaijan Interparliamentary Friendship Group Necdet Unuvar told Trend. "This day symbolizes the brutal murder of thousands of our brothers in Azerbaijan by Armenians. This symbolic day shows ...

Also a former Ukrainian lawmaker, Kirimoglu paid the Turkish parliament a visit. During the meeting, Sahin, a ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party lawmaker from the Bursa province, laid emphasis on the special importance Turkey attached to protecting the rights and welfare of "our fellow Turks in ...
Following French President Emanuel Macron's Thursday meeting at the Elysee Palace with a PYD/PKK-led SDF delegation, the French presidency said in a statement that Macron hopes "a dialogue can be established between the SDF and Turkey with help from France and the international community," ...
A senior Greek politician has suggested that Athens hand over eight Turkish servicemen wanted by Ankara on coup charges in exchange for two Greek border guards jailed in Turkey on charges of alleged espionage. “Let's be honest,” Kostas Katsikis told a local television broadcaster. “That's where ...
ISTANBUL, Turkey – The Turkish government has taken the first steps towards ending its economic isolation of the Kurdish Regional Government in ... Soran Omar, an MP from the Kurdistan Islamic Group (Komal), told MEE that most of the population was no longer interested in ties with Turkey after its ...
An MP of junior coalition partner Independent Greeks (ANEL), Costas Katsikis, sought on Wednesday to clarify that he was talking “hypothetically” when he proposed, in comments to Skai TV earlier in the day, exchanging the two Greek soldiers currently being detained in Turkey for the eight Turkish ...
Turkish and Syrian rebel forces overtook the Kurdish-held enclave of Afrin on March 18 where they declared full control following a nearly two-month long offensive against the People's Protection Units (YPG). Ankara launched its military incursion in January claiming the operation was meant to secure its borders of YPG ...
It's unclear whether Turkey's government respects the rule of law, even though the administration has redesigned many of the laws to suit itself. ... Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses members of parliament from his ruling AKP during a meeting at the Turkish parliament in Ankara, Turkey, ...
A senior Turkish lawmaker has blasted a statement from a group of Egyptian MPs that criticized Turkey's ongoing counterterrorism operations in the region. Volkan Bozkır, the head of the Turkish parliament's foreign affairs committee, told Anadolu Agency on Tuesday that the Egyptian parliamentary ...
MP Marianne Mikko (SDE), head of the Estonian Delegation to and Vice-President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) is on an ... of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of the Interior as well as the speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, or Turkish Parliament.
It is understood Anna Campbell, 26, from Lewes in East Sussex, died on 15 March in Afrin, which has been under bombardment by Turkish forces. ... Ahmet Berat Conkar - an MP from Turkey's ruling AK Party and head of the Turkish delegation to Nato - told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that the YPG ...
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan greets members of parliament from his ruling Justice and Development Party as he arrives for a meeting at the ... Turkey's parliament has introduced new election rules the government says will better secure ballots, while the opposition says the overhaul could lead ...
The Turkish MP said that although certain activities of the Turkish community in Switzerland are now allowed, the country permits those of the PKK as well as the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETO), the group behind Turkey's defeated coup attempt in 2016. Several terrorist PKK, DHKP-C, and YPG rallies ...
Senior-ranking Golden Dawn member Ilias Kasidiaris verbally attacked a Muslim SYRIZA lawmaker on Tuesday during a closed session of the Parliament's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. According to reports, Kasidiaris demanded the removal of SYRIZA MP Mustafa Mustafa using “unacceptable” ...
Turkish Cypriot deputy parliament speaker and a group of lawmakers visited Tuesday Turkey's southern Hatay province in a bid to show solidarity with Turkey's ongoing Operation Olive Branch. "Imperialist countries are trying to prevent Turkey from becoming a great power by supporting terrorist ...
The two Kurdish lawmakers, Ibrahim Ayhan (L) and Ahmet Yildirim, were ousted from the Turkish Parliament after court rulings against them, including one convicting the latter of ... The MP had campaigned for the repatriation of Guler's body from Syrian Kurdistan, a process the Turkish government stalled for two months.
Turkey says the toll was much lower and rejects the term "genocide". The move is likely to heighten Dutch-Turkish tensions at a time when they are already strained. Turkey condemned the vote, saying it was not valid or legally binding. "The politicisation of 1915 events by taking them out of historical context ...
Turkey's top election authority has ruled that the fledgeling Iyi (Good) Party will be allowed to run in June snap elections, according to the state-run ... Fifteen Turkish MPs from the main opposition switched to the nationalist Iyi Party to ensure they could run in the elections in two months, officials from the ...
ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – The Speaker of the Turkish Parliament on Monday, during a special session on the country's official Children's Day, took strong offense at the ... Bestas explained that provinces Kurds constituted a majority were Kurdish as MPs from President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's ruling Justice and Development ...
“The U.S.' YPG preference is a completely wrong choice,” Volkan Bozkir told a group of Turkish journalists at a meeting hosted by Turkey's ambassador to the U.S. Serdar Kilic in Washington. The Turkish MP is in Washington along with a delegation as part of an official visit by the Turkish parliament's ...
Along with Yildirim, nine HDP MPs have been removed from the Parliament. As of June 2017, the number of people under investigation for insulting Erdogan was 3,658. School children, a former Miss Turkey, lawyers, doctors, journalists, and cartoonists were among the target of such cases. Turkish authorities even went ...
Lezgin Botan, member of parliament for the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), was sentenced to 18 years, eight months, and 15 days by Van High Criminal Court on Friday for ... Botan represents the Kurdish city of Van and is a member of the culture, youth and sport committee in the Turkish parliament.
A brawl broke out in Turkey's parliament after controversial legislation that the opposition says could expose the next national elections to fraud was approved by MPs. Several nationalist lawmakers and parliamentarians from the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) traded punches and ...
Turkey's southeastern Kilis province, where more than 100,000 Syrian refugees live peacefully alongside more than 100,000 Turkish citizens, deserves a Nobel Peace Prize, head of a Turkish parliamentary commission said Wednesday. Lawmaker Atay Uslu, who chairs the commission on refugee rights in ...
Meeting with French MP Stephane Teste, the co-chair of the Turkish-French Interparliamentary Friendship Committee, Emrullah Isler, who heads parliament's ... Turkey says that during World War I, the deaths of Armenians in eastern Anatolia occurred after some sided with invading Russians and revolted ...
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (Kurdistan24) - A regional high court in Turkey upheld a prison sentence of ten years for Kurdish lawmaker Selma Irmak over charges of "membership in a terrorist group" on Wednesday, paving the way for her ouster from Parliament. Opposition Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) ...
Two more deputies from the pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) have been stripped of their seats in parliamentary after being found guilty in criminal cases. HDP MPs Ahmet Yıldırım and İbrahim Ayhan lost their parliamentary status this week after receiving the criminal verdicts, in Ayhan's case ...
The Turkish senior Member of Parliament, in this meeting, for his part, voiced his content with his visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran and hailed the stance of Iranian officials after the unsuccessful coup in Turkey. He once again offered his deep gratitude for this issue. The two sides also discussed bilateral ...


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        members of parliament

Turkish officials:
        abdulakadir aksu
        abdullah gul
        ahmet necdet sezer
        bulent orakoglu
        members of parliament
        mesut yilmaz
        mustafa kemal ataturk
        namik tan
        necmettin erbakan
        recep tayyip erdogan
        suleyman demirel

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members of parliament:

Turkish Members of Parliament (MPs)