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updated Thu. July 18, 2024

It was just one line from Senator Bob Dole's acceptance speech more than 20 years ago, but it speaks volumes about where our politics is today. He was talking about ... It makes sense to regard your critics not just as an inevitable part of the tension between press and politicians, but as something worse: …
Russia announced Thursday it was expelling 60 US diplomats and closing a US Consulate in St. Petersburg in a tit-for-tat retaliation against the US expulsion of 60 Russian diplomats. The United States had taken the action in response to Russia's alleged use of a nerve agent to poison a former Russian ...

Commenting on the Skripal case amid heightened tensions between Russia and the West, Aydın Sezer, political scientist and head of the Turkey and Russia Center of Studies (TURAM) in Istanbul, has told Sputnik that the United States and the UK are trying to influence western countries' decisions and ...
In his tweets, Mr. Trump referred to “caravans” of immigrants heading north toward the United States-Mexico border — a subject that was addressed on the Fox ... But he said that “Mexico has got to help us at the border, and a lot of people are coming in because they want to take advantage of DACA.”.
Alex Mensing, one of the US collaborators who works for Pueblo Sin Fronteras, a caravan of 1,100 people, started in the city of Tapachula, which is located in the state of ... Mensing said the caravan's primary goal is to "flee Central America" and seek asylum either within Mexico or the United States.
Democratic U.S. House candidate Jared Pettinato of Bozeman says five of the nine candidates in the race, including him, have signed his pledge to ... Montana State University political science professor David Parker has said the pledge was a publicity stunt and wouldn't hold any sort of accountability.

The United States Senator for Florida, Marco Rubio, has waded into the recent re-arrest of Ethiopian journalists and other political prisoners, urging the Ethiopian government to release them. ADVERTISING. inRead invented by Teads. Tweeting the AP report on the re-arrest, Rubio's PressShop wrote on ...
At least a dozen states signaled Tuesday that they would sue the administration to block the change to the census, arguing that the change would violate the Constitution. Census data is important not just for redrawing political boundaries, but also for allocating billions of dollars of federal funding to the ...
Some House and Senate Republicans urged him to launch an investigation of what they said was evidence of political bias in the FBI and irregularities in the way evidence was presented to the foreign intelligence court, seeking permission to eavesdrop on a former Trump campaign adviser. But Sessions ...
WASHINGTON — Congress gave swift approval to a $1.3 trillion spending bill that will keep the federal government open through September but broadly defies the Trump administration's wishes to reshape it. The House voted 256 to 167 to approve the bill early Thursday afternoon, less than 24 hours after ...

The nine defendants, accused of working at the behest of the Iranian government-tied Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, hacked the computer systems of about 320 universities in the United States and abroad to steal expensive science and engineering research that was then used or sold for profit, ...
Mr. Bolton's political committee, known as The John Bolton Super PAC, first hired Cambridge in August 2014, months after the political data firm was founded .... Beyond their conservative politics, Mr. Trump, Mr. Bolton and Cambridge Analytica all share a patron — the Mercer family of Long Island, whose ...
Eric Greitens. Republican Hawley — who is challenging Democratic U.S. Sen. ... Federal tax law prohibits 501(c)(3) charities such as The Mission Continues from participating in any political campaign on behalf of a candidate for public office, with penalties ranging up to the loss of their tax-exempt status.
Thousands of students protest in front of the U.S. Capitol for greater gun control after walking out of classes in the aftermath of the shooting after a ... In terms of politics, unlike older generations who have witnessed politicians working across the aisle and collaborating on the biggest social issues of the day, ...
The president abruptly backed down from his threat to veto the spending bill in a head-spinning four hours at the White House that left both political ... an Obama-era program he rescinded last fall that allows undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children to apply for permits to work ...
The former United States attorney in Washington, Mr. diGenova has been on television in recent years more than he has been in court. ... also represented Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, when he was accused of improperly meeting with federal bank regulators as a favor for a political donor.
Safer roads in cities are possible, but politics holding us back, says report ... Uber crash in Tempe, Arizona highlighted questions of road safety and design, a new report suggests that politicians and policymakers often have the solutions to safer streets, yet lack the political will to create meaningful change.
“The person who will be first in first out of the Oval Office on national security matters passionately believes the U.S. should launch pre-emptive war against ... Last summer, Mr. Trump balked at a plan General McMaster presented to bolster the presence of United States forces in Afghanistan, although the ...
... political stress emanating from Washington is escalating while the world's ability to absorb new shocks is diminishing," Fred Kempe, president and CEO of the Atlantic Council, said in a note this week. Trump's White House has strongly signaled its willingness to depart from traditional U.S. foreign policy.


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