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updated Sat. July 13, 2024

"I didn't come all this way to be separated from my children," the 35-year-old mother from Honduras said as the late afternoon sunlight shining through a .... re-election of Orlando Hernandez, among them 22 civilians and one police officer, according to a report by the United Nations Human Rights Office of ...
During the forum, the speakers described the profile they believed the next attorney general of Honduras should have, and demanded that authorities ensure transparency in the selection process as well as sufficient time to reach the best decision. “We say to the Honduran political class that they have a ...

(New York) – A bill before the Honduran Congress would severely harm free speech by compelling companies providing internet services to censor content, Human Rights Watch said today. Congress should reject the bill, which was approved during an initial vote on February 8, 2018 and faces two more ...
Zandberg said that settling an internal Likud feud in Netanyahu's favor was a poor excuse for Regev bestowing upon a human rights violator one of Israel's greatest honors. In her letter, she recounted visit reports of Honduras's “corrupt and dangerous police forces” and military, which have been charged ...
Hernandez's election to a second term in December led to stormy demonstrations in Honduras, after international observers reported on corruption in the balloting, which Hernandez won by a very narrow margin. According to data from human rights groups quoted by The New York Times, at least 22 ...
According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Honduras, at least 23 people were killed and at least 60 were injured during the following weeks. Two days after the election, the State Department certified that the Honduran government had been combating corruption and ...

Based in the north of Honduras, Radio Progreso is run by the Catholic Order of Jesuits - an organisation that does extensive work with some of Honduras' most neglected and least heard communities. The independent station reports on human rights violations, police and military abuses and election fraud.
According to Committee of Relatives of the Disappeared in Honduras, COFADEH, so far, apart from 38 people killed, human rights groups have documented 76 cases of torture along with 400 serious injuries. The group also reported on five assassinations of protest leaders "with paramilitary characteristics ...
The UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) held a meeting with the Special Rapporteurs for human rights defenders and torture, in which several countries were pointed out for mistreatment including Mexico and Honduras, while recommendations were made to governments in order to address the abuses.
Caceres's daughter Olivia Zuniga, a member of the Honduran Congress, said she would introduce a measure to cancel the dam project as well as 48 other contracts to build dams in western Honduras. The Honduras branch of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on Twitter said it “continues to ...

Although the Committee of Relatives of the Disappeared in Honduras, a human rights organization known as COFADEH, debunked the accusations by documenting ... Human rights organizations say this is all part of a broader campaign, coordinated with Honduran state intelligence, aimed at discrediting ...
His parents are Honduran natives who have been living in the U.S. legally for almost two decades thanks to Temporary Protected Status, or TPS, first granted to ... Honduras is among the countries with the world's highest rates of murder, violence and corruption, according to Human Rights Watch. Roughly ...
A spokesperson said that the State Department is “aware of a number of serious allegations of human rights violations by members of Honduran security forces in the post-election period, and has called upon the government of Honduras to swiftly and thoroughly investigate all such incidents and bring the ...
Human rights abuses in Honduras have been endemic ever since a 2009 US-backed coup overthrew democratically-elected left-wing president Manuel Zelaya and installed a repressive, pro-US government. The conservative National Party has been in power since January 2010. Its control of the country ...
Haley visited the Central American country to back Hernandez as president of Honduras and as a friendly gesture of his support for US foreign policy in the Middle East. “I want to thank the president and the Honduran people for their support of our decision to move the Embassy to Jerusalem,” declared ...
The groups that filed the complaint, part of the Coalition Against Impunity in Honduras and the Center for Justice and International Law, or CEJIL, claim that concentration of power explains why the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice allowed Hernandez to run for reelection, modifying a ...


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