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updated Mon. May 20, 2024

The meeting, and Justice Nisar's subsequent referring of the prime minister as a supplicant, had irked Sharif, who later publicly asked Abbasi to explain his position on the meeting. "It is a strange tradition that whosoever solves the country's problems is dragged into the courts, removed from posts and ...
A plaque on the gateway of her tomb reads: Cypress of the garden of grace and rose tree of the grove of coquetry/ An ardent inamorata of Haider and supplicant of Panjetan/ When the glad tidings of the advent of death arrived from God/ She accepted it with her heart and heaven became her abode/ The ...

Prosecuting Megacles for violating the sanctity of supplicants and subverting the laws of Athens were former U.S. Attorney Patrick J. Fitzgerald of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom and Patrick M. Collins of King & Spalding. Megacles' defense team was composed of Robert A. Clifford of Clifford Law Offices and Tinos ...
Then I write checks to the various creditors and nonprofit supplicants that have reached out to The Boss and me. Dominion Energy, Virginia Natural Gas and the house note are all in there. Local and national charities like the Union Mission, Salvation Army and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital send ...
ISLAMABAD: Former prime minister Nawaz Sharif on Friday said that if the Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) had termed Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi a 'faryadi' or supplicant, he should stick to his words. Nawaz was referring to Supreme Court's clarification which stated that the CJP had never used ...
But the Korean leader also went to China as an equal, not a supplicant. As several experts have noted, there is no evidence that he asked China's permission to hold the summit with Mr. Trump. It is important to remember that the Korean peninsula is geographically a relatively small offshoot of China, with a ...

“What it's meant for the United States, it's removed it from at times being a supplicant to other countries in global oil market discussions,” said Carlos Pascual, a former special envoy for international energy affairs at the State Department and now senior vice president at the consulting firm IHS Markit.
But the Korean leader also went to China as an equal, not a supplicant. As several experts have noted, there is no evidence that he asked China's permission to hold the summit with Mr. Trump. It is important to remember that the Korean peninsula is geographically a relatively small offshoot of China, with a ...
In reply to a question, before attending accountability court proceedings, about Justice Nisar's reported remarks that a supplicant had knocked at the door of the apex court, the former prime minister said it would be better if Mr Abbasi explained the whole context. Asked if PM Abbasi had informed him prior to ...
In reply to a question, before attending accountability court proceedings, about Justice Nisar's reported remarks that a supplicant had knocked at the door of the apex court, the former prime minister said it would be better if Mr Abbasi explained the whole context. Asked if PM Abbasi had informed him prior to ...
BEIJING — Kim Jong-un's surprise visit to Beijing this week to meet President Xi Jinping added an element of intrigue to talks over North Korea's nuclear program. It was also a propaganda opportunity for both men. For Mr. Xi, the meeting was a chance to cultivate an image as a peacemaker on the global ...
Self-help books often instruct their supplicants to consider the people with whom they surround themselves, as they provide support and guidance at the most critical moments in life. Britain, which understandably objects to having its sovereignty violated for an assassination attempt with a flashy Soviet-era ...
I thought that we could have demanded a better deal, especially since Iran should have been the supplicant here, not us. They needed sanctions relief, after all. And the Obama team invoked more than one incident of bait-and-switch when selling the deal to Congress and the American people: think of ...
The Nats continue to warn that the Scottish Parliament (where, with the always-supplicant Greens, it has a majority) could vote against the final Brexit bill, which would create a constitutional crisis with unknowable consequences. Davidson is, inevitably, less oppositional towards a Tory administration, but ...
At times, he appeared as a supplicant to his superiors on the campaign, who occasionally ignored his notes or appeared to rebuff him, the emails show. Shortly after joining the campaign, Papadopoulos was rebuked by campaign officials for giving an unauthorized interview to a British newspaper, the Post ...
Pope John Paul II visited Ireland when Catholicism was at the height of its power over the Emerald Isle. How different a challenge Pope Francis will face when he visits in the summer of 2018. Pope Francis will visit an utterly changed Ireland to that which greeted John Paul II in September 1979. For starters ...
“We're just supplicants begging their indulgence. I don't think we have to accept that. “We're the ones that have to use the roads.” City Council members said the new bulb-out curbs have caused major frustration among city residents displeased with how some of the wheelchair-accessible ramps balloon ...

So, now there is an obligation that arises from my encounter in the Prayer Room, though not one intended by the supplicants there. My part in the upper room octopus and my stay in Northfield in general have made me aware of how little of the potential, the urgency or the route of the mythogeographical ...
Instead of casting a spell to summon the powerful, supplicants offer a prayerful request for intercession. Abstractions can be thin stuff, though, especially in a mostly-illiterate culture. In the Middle Ages a form of liturgical theater sprang up that told the Christian story, from creation to the last judgment, in what ...
Backstage, an hour or so before showtime, the acne-clustered scribe was presented, much like a nervous supplicant before a pagan god, to Rob Halford, who was already well-regarded in an ongoing career that's established him as one of the greatest heavy metal vocalists ever. It was ludicrously ...
In a supplicant pose before the supervisor was the Reverend Cecil Williams with his arms outstretched in prayerful entreaty. The black pastor gave Davis the annoyed glance of one who is interrupted during a sacramental process. Molinari waved the campaign manager off. Davis closed the door softly.
God is an all-sufficient God, able to supply all the wants of the supplicant if they call upon Him. There-fore, the issue of an unanswer-ed prayer cannot be attributed to God's refusal to give answer but to our failure to do the needful during prayers. Let us never suppose our heavenly Fa-ther would bid us to ...
At that point, Hodge was one of 2,647 supplicants who had gone to Ninth and Filbert Streets to be forgiven of their parking sins since the PPA's amnesty program started March 1. It ends April 30. To be clear, no one gets off scot-free, and some could walk out quite a bit lighter in the pocket than when they ...
As usual, they had been placed reverently in front of the monument, as if, I've always thought, by supplicants before a deity. On Friday I asked Bonnie Murphy, the administrator of the Halifax Regional Municipality's cemeteries, about the most visited graves at Camp Hill Cemetery. She said that an increasing ...
“It is a complete fabrication by the left and their supplicants in the liberal media.” Mitchell, a veteran conservative election lawyer who played a key role in stoking the IRS “scandal” under the Obama administration, blamed “scumbags” on “the left,” namely the House Intelligence Committee's ranking ...
The driving-licence office is a place of wilted dreams. Supplicants arrive, rosy-faced with hope, their arms filled with various documents, only for them to creep out later, slouching from the weight of their failure. They didn't bring an eye test or their Public Services Card or their proof of address wasn't proofy ...
Mitchell depicts likely Democratic presidential hopeful Cory Booker as merely another supplicant at the Amazon altar, along with a Congress unwilling to apply antitrust sanctions. And when Amazon can't compete, Mitchell shows, Bezos peevishly threatens to take his toys and go home. The article offers ...
Gather around supplicants who will echo your reality. Mother addressed her misnamed boys at her next Sunday dinner. “Boys wash your hands before dinner. Now bow your heads and thank me that you're not DACA kids. Pray to come together by agreeing to hire more consultants to do more surveys to ...
SRINAGAR: The Opposition was not raising unfounded concerns in the state assembly over illegal appointments of Class-IV employees. Kashmir Reader has come into possession of documents that reveal that two cabinet ministers were personally trying to get a man appointed in the agriculture ...
Later, as a columnist, I was far from a supplicant and instead was the proverbial gadfly. To his credit, he never shied away from a comment and we always enjoyed our “off the record” banter, the contents of which will remain private forever. He is now stepping down from office but surely not stepping away ...
To leave without disastrous economic consequences (such as a collapse in inward investment), we find ourselves supplicants, begging for a good deal. Our demands about the future relationship with the EU are being regarded in Brussels, as unrealistic, wishful thinking. Nowhere is this more obvious than ...
The Taoiseach as the representative of a country whose economy is hugely dependent on US investment cannot afford to be overly provocative but neither can he allow himself to be treated as a supplicant. One of Varadkar's great strengths as a politician is his ability to keep his cool, whatever the ...
Faith cannot be privatized. Private faith can translate into fake news, albeit with a falsity beyond the comprehension of the tweeter-in-chief and his supplicants. As Ed Ayers, former president of the University of Richmond and acclaimed historian of the Civil War and the New South, explained to the gathering, ...
Never mind that our nation's public schools for decades have been forced to play the role of supplicant for federal aid but have been refused it. The federal government has left to this to the states and local governments. What has resulted is a de facto apartheid system where poor kids go to poorly funded ...
Well, first he suffers a massive cerebral hemorrhage and pisses himself, a puddle his supplicants hilariously have to step around, and then the film really gets cooking, as the Politburo scrabbles to replace dear Josef. There's a disorientation throughout that works in the film's favor, as real life is re-drafted ...
It might be an awkward setting for Mr. Trump, though, who would be wary of not being seen as a supplicant. And North Korea might want to give Mr. Trump, who has expressed an interest in military parades, a display of its own. When Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright visited Pyongyang in 2000 in an ...
The company allowed users to start requesting their own verification a few years back, but the standards were notoriously rigorous, with many poor supplicants being sent away to choke down their unverified gruel. Now, the company's CEO, Jack Dorsey, says he intends to open up verification to the ...
Meanwhile, the effects of Trump's tariffs beyond North America could be daunting. Australia has been invited to seek its own special exemption, but our allies in Europe will refuse to be supplicants at Trump's trade tower. Brazil may take aim at Trump's favorite commodity, U.S. coal. And it appears that China ...
“I think they may be feeling confident now that whatever they have is enough that they would not be meeting the president as a supplicant.” Presented as an intelligence-gathering mission, a Trump-Kim summit does sounds potentially useful. In North Korea, nothing carries so much weight as the words of ...
'Regardless of British wishes, the once-subject nations are no longer supplicants.' Photograph: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images. The countdown to leave the European Union began in the British summer of 2016, but nobody in the country seemed to know in which direction they were headed. Those who voted to ...
The department has been a frequent supplicant before the budget committee, offering mea culpas along with requests for more funding to implement reforms called for by the Legislature. After fitful attempts at reform, the agency is well into its renewal plan—a comprehensive, and expensive, blueprint to ...
He said: “The tone of the document and indeed of Mr Tusk at the press conference yesterday is still very much that 'we can instruct the British what to do, how they will engage with us, we're not equals and you are the supplicants', they're saying to us. “'You are begging for mercy from us, we are going to ...
Taste The Prayer and you'll discover a grand blessing for supplicants at the divine altar of fermentation. An elegant Belgian beauty, the mangos add extra dimension to this modest 6.2-percent alcohol-by-volume beer. Contact Amber DeGrace with comments and questions at and ...
This gives him the initiative and makes his negotiating partner or partners supplicants. If we don't keep him happy, then he will walk out of the talks, and the provocation-response cycle starts again from a higher level of North Korean capability—and a higher level of doubt among our allies and friends.
Animated by rampant post–Cold War (misconceived) triumphalism and by a perception that Russia was now too weak, demoralized, or supplicant to compete, they did so in three ways: by expanding NATO to Russia's borders; by funding ever more destructive, “precise,” and “usable” nuclear weapons; and, ...
The talk-show guest is, in a way, a supplicant—seated lower than the host, with just a few minutes, between commercial breaks, to make a good impression and plug whatever he came to plug. It's a frankly ridiculous situation, and faintly demeaning—a dynamic that Short at once embraces and mocks.
Like prophets spreading the good word, a trio of Texas natives has arrived on our shores, and each is sharing his own brand of Central Texas–style slow-smoked meats to the delight of eager supplicants. Because truly there's nothing quite like a thick cut of fall-off-the-bone beef, presented simply on a sheet ...
After the co-write and some delicious East Nashville tacos (thanks Caine & Annie!), I headed over to OmniSound Studios to record “Supplicant's Prayer,” a tune that I'd written just before leaving Los Angeles. I was blown away by the studio musicians — they nailed my song on the first take, knowing exactly ...
It's the type of interaction that makes nonprofits feel like supplicants and philanthropists feel like ATMs. Instead of thinking of funding interactions as transactions, I encourage grant makers to think of them as relationships — and relationships are built on human connection. To that end, the 10 do's and don'ts ...
In this sense, “religious violence” is entirely apolitical, in that it serves what could be considered to be a narrow ritual purpose, binding a supplicant to a divine force or being, in the expectation that a satisfactory offering of blood will induce the reciprocal granting of wishes requested by the supplicant.


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