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updated Fri. May 10, 2024

I learned about cohousing and other forms of intentional community while researching my book, “Living Sustainably: What Intentional Communities Can Teach Us about Democracy, Simplicity, and Nonviolence.” I began this project focused on sustainability, because sharing goods, buildings and space ...
Nurses shout slogans against Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro outside of their hospital during a protest in Caracas, Venezuela, Tuesday, April 17, 2018. The demonstration by health workers was held nationwide to protest against medicine shortages amid Venezuela's economic crisis and to demand ...

Lockyer, who also studies food culture and food systems, is teaching a course on what he calls "intentional communities" and invited Johnston Kohl to Russellville to speak as part of the curriculum of a senior seminar in anthology. "[Johnston Kohl] happened to be a part of one of the most infamous [groups] ...
... a beautiful, nostalgia-filled stage production; Psychic Utopia preempted renewed interest in the Rajneeshees with its examination of Oregon cults and intentional communities; and A Fond Farewell takes on the music of Elliott Smith. If its predecessors are any indication, it'll be strange, sad, and very good.
PAICINES, Calif. (RNS) — Sometimes a tomato isn't just a salad ingredient. Sometimes it's a call to action. That's the revolutionary idea of about 40 farmers who gathered for a first-of-its-kind interfaith weekend at a working ranch in the rolling green hills 60 miles southeast of San Jose. Christians, Jews ...
The farmers at the gathering — they considered it too informal to call it a conference —came from around the country: church-owned farms, interfaith food cooperatives, intentional communities and religious orders with lands, faith-based community gardens, and private farms guided by their owners' ...

One where power becomes decentralised and shifts to increasingly self-sufficient individuals and communities. Where we focus on humans before technology. A future powered by movements like intentional communities and co-living and enabled by technologies like blockchain. One such example can be ...
Jarvik, who has lived in intentional communities their whole life, sought out the SCA after a bad experience with a roommate during their sophomore year. They walked past the Campbell Club and saw flyers for shows. “Campus culture was starting to get me down a little bit,” Jarvik said of the time they ...
Intentional communities hold great promise for families seeking to steer clear of the disability cliff. They bring together individuals with intellectual disabilities, and caretakers and assistants who are not disabled. One such community model is Camphill, an international organization of inclusive villages ...
Instead, we must explore different alternative land-tenure and land-management regimes such as community land trusts, mutual housing associations, land cooperatives, land banks, intentional communities, conservation land trusts, among others. Land sovereignty is at the center of debates in the island of ...
It has been an amazing experience to see my own sons change as they were encouraged and surrounded by intentional communities that challenged them to become better every day. From my wife's and my perspectives, the benefits that we hope can come from these caring communities are two-tiered.
As in co-housing, intentional communities tend toward sharing resources, but the shared belief system is paramount in their formation. There are also “age-friendly” co-housing communities—multi-generational or senior only. Senior-only co-housing can be designed for seniors or retrofitted to accommodate ...
Wind Spirit is one of many alternative communities throughout Arizona, often called intentional communities. Although their goals range from spiritual to musical, many focus on ecology and sustainability. “Since last year, the volume of people inquiring has doubled,” Clark said. “A lot of people are saying ...
GLOBE – The residents of Wind Spirit live on 16 acres surrounded by citrus and olive trees, stony hills and played-out mines. They've built their homes from materials ranging from a dirt-straw concrete mix called cob to canvas teepees to buses painted blue, purple and yellow. Outdoor sinks have signs ...
If political organizers and mass movements succeed, we'll have a post-work, post-scarcity future to look forward to; and if not, it seems that many are committed to building their own solidarity networks, intentional communities, and like-minded cooperatives to carry us through the darker years of the 21st ...
Wind Spirit is one of many alternative communities throughout Arizona, often called intentional communities. Although their goals range from spiritual to musical, many focus on ecology and sustainability. “Since last year, the volume of people inquiring has doubled,” Clark said. “A lot of people are saying ...
I was serious about that. I didn't feel the need for it. I was tripping the whole time. I was tripping on Occupy. I learned about intentional communities there. It was incredible. To some extent, I always knew that we were fighting a failing battle and that we were going to get shut down eventually, but I didn't care.

If political organizers and mass movements succeed, we'll have a post-work, post-scarcity future to look forward to; and if not, it seems that many are committed to building their own solidarity networks, intentional communities, and like-minded cooperatives to carry us through the darker years of the ...
Everyone was in, no one cited the fall apart rate of intentional communities which is like 90% or so according to my friend at Mobile Loaves and Fishes Community First Tiny Home Village. Photo by Amanda Godwin. There are so many times when an intentional community founder faces failure after failure, ...
The bearded man was a follower—a sannyasin—of Indian mystic Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and part of one of the most ambitious and, eventually, catastrophic intentional communities in American history: the short-lived Rajneeshpuram in Wasco County, Ore. From 1981 to 1985 the well-funded utopian ...
Students from St. Xavier, Aquinas College, and Loyola University come together one more time before heading back to their respective colleges and universities. — Abigail Tolrud. “What did you do over spring break?” Well, I spent a week with 30 strangers on an urban farm doing service, without Wi-Fi, and ...
For those who are unaware, intentional communities are essentially planned developments with a purpose, with members who share common social, economic, philosophical, or political interests. These communities come in a variety of forms, including cohousing, ecovillages, cooperative houses, and ...
Many of us remember the 1960s and 70s, with the explosive proliferation of communes and intentional communities, many set in or around California. Most were short-lived, and some were flat-out toxic. But they were counter-culture, and to many observers they were downright un-American. *In reality ...
His highly influential book, The Benedict Option, calls on Christians to resist liberalism's aimlessness and “ moral chaos,” and instead form intentional communities of religious solidarity in a post-Christian America. Few books challenge the core assumptions of modern liberalism as unapologetically as the ...
Because boarding schools are twenty-four hour, intentional communities created with the student's growth and development at the centre. With a college campus feel, this includes challenging academics, abundant arts and athletics offerings and a supervised, structured student life experience.” Regardless ...
"The sale of the coins will generate capital to create self-sustaining intentional communities across the US and across 57 nations," the release said. "Municipal and rural infrastructures may be improved through the investment into eco-friendly housing and businesses that create products and services for the ...
She works out of an office in north Chico called the Independent Realty Group, where she focuses on helping create intentional communities, which address “how and where we live and what people need. It's more than just an economical question, though that is a part of it.” Born and raised in San Jose, ...
Northeastern Winston-Salem is an ideal location for mixed-income senior housing that builds on African-American heritage. (file photo). Last September, a study of housing needs commissioned by the city of Winston-Salem found that the city will need 9,264 owner-occupied units to meet demand over the ...
I was born into a Sufi community in Canada — there were intentional communities built around certain philosophies. Then I grew up in artist colonies of Sedona, Arizona, and Santa Fe, New Mexico. Being a citizen is a creative process to me rooted in community. Creating a community to allow people to ...
Dear EarthTalk: What are so-called "intentional communities"? And are there any in the U.S. that ... More than 140 different intentional communities based around sustainability are in operation across the U.S., including Ecovillage at Ithaca (pictured here) which started in the early 1990s. Credit: em_diesus ...
Today's religious can facilitate both new communities of religious and a variety of intentional communities in many ways. Some of us have financial or physical resources, the ability to offer land, or established ministries. We can all offer the best of our spiritual traditions, what has inspired us and generations ...
Similar groups all over the country are doing the same, said Kramme, noting ACC is part of a national organization, Together for Us. “Some already have intentional communities created, but some are in the process like we are,” said Kramme. “All of us are working with Congress to try to adjust those things ...
While there's diversity in the reasons people decide to live in intentional communities, there is a theme within the Heart-Culture community that living in togetherness is a central aspect of what makes us human, and to live this way is to fully embrace one's own humanity. Though communal living may seem ...
Unlike co-housing projects, pocket neighborhoods are not so-called intentional communities. There is a homeowner's association but no communal boards and responsibilities required. But with each house set close beside the next on roughly 3,000-foot lots, residents will find themselves frequently nose to ...



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