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updated Fri. July 12, 2024

The Wall Street Journal reported that “the Clinton Foundation has raised at least $48 million from overseas governments.” The Washington Post has reported that Algeria, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Australia, Norway, and the Dominican Republic are some of the foreign governments that have donated to the ...

The FBI has reportedly reopened an investigation into the Clinton Foundation, specifically into its alleged "pay-to-play" politics during Hillary Clinton's time as secretary of state. President Donald Trump has vocally pushed for investigations of the Clintons while in office. Governments known for abuse of ...
Human rights-abusing governments, including Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Oman, have donated millions to the Clinton Foundation. Saudi Arabia alone has contributed $10 million to $25 million. Ukrainian steel magnate Victor Pinchuk also gave the foundation $10 to $25 million. And he was by many ...
Bill Clinton, however, has shunned leisure time since his administration ended in January 2001. Instead, he has whiled away the hours toiling for an eponymous foundation he established with his wife Hillary Clinton. At least initially, the foundation seemed well-suited for cleaning up his legacy, after the ...
The FBI is investigating whether the Clinton Foundation accepted donations in exchange for political favors while Hillary Clinton was secretary of State, two people familiar with the probe confirmed Friday. The revelation comes as President Trump and congressional Republicans have been urging the ...
The Clinton Foundation has long acknowledged accepting millions in donations from foreign sources, from Algeria to Saudi Arabi. That practice, coupled with inconsistent reporting of donations, has left the charity vulnerable to allegations of pay-to-play politics. Chris Farrell the Director of Investigations and Research at ...
Officials told The Washington Post in 2015 that they didn't disclose a $500,000 donation from the Algerian government in 2010 for Haiti earthquake relief. • The Clinton Foundation belatedly disclosed in 2015 millions of dollars in speaking fees collected by former President Clinton, Secretary Clinton and ...
Asked to explain the Algerian oversight, Clinton Foundation officials pointed The Hill to the foundation's public statement, which acknowledges the mistake. The foundation said that immediately following the Haitian earthquake, the Embassy of Algeria made an “unsolicited” donation to the foundation's relief ...
He was discussing a column by the Washington Post's Ruth Marcus, whose op-ed highlighted an unreported donation to Bill Clinton's foundation by Algeria in 2010 as an example of sloppiness. The donation, and others like it, raises questions about whether Clinton went "soft" on Algeria for contributing to ...
The donation reportedly coincided with an intense effort by Algeria to lobby Mrs Clinton's State Department over US criticism of its human rights record. The incident appears to justify the early fears of Mr Obama's aides: that foreign governments would try to donate to the Clinton Foundation in a bid to ...


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Clinton Foundation and Algeria