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updated Wed. June 19, 2024

He said, “Israel wants the farmers to leave the border area to create an isolated zone that stretches along the Gaza Strip, so that resistance fighters cannot enter while farmers are at work.” Habib noted that the gliders are using the direction of the wind because they cannot spray over the Palestinian ...

This means that to ensure that all other rights of children are protected, children must not participate or aid militant groups or the State. Ahed has been ... Historically, Palestinian children have carried out other forms of “resistance” such as suicide bombings, stabbings, and violent protests. This is appalling.
The Marches for the Palestinian Right of Return, which will begin on March 30 and continue at least until mid-May (in the hope that by then a discussion of the right of return will begin), are beginning a new stage in the Palestinian struggle for liberation, a stage of nonviolent popular resistance. The marches ...
Palestine activists speak of peaceful resistance. Non-Palestinian attendants at the convention included representatives of the Jewish faith. (The Daily Star/Mohammed Zaatari). RSS; Follow; Email; Print; Share. Federica Marsi| The Daily Star. you've reached a subscriber-only article. Sign up now and access ...
It's been a busy week for American supporters of Palestine. The week began with the beginning of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Conference, which was greeted by hundreds of Pro-Palestinian protestors. The 4th annual protest, organized by Abbas Hamidehof “Al-Awda, the ...
After being arrested with her mother, Nariman, days after the Dec. 15 incident, the teen with long blond curly hair swiftly became a global symbol of resistance to Israeli occupation. Tamimi, now 17, did that by simply bucking a longstanding stereotype of Palestinian activists — hoary old warriors and ...
The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) had left a leadership void, since many were exiled in Tunisia after being removed from Lebanon. Countless Palestinian men had either been deported, killed or imprisoned. The women filled this gap and formed the backbone of the uprising. This marked the first ...
Although Palestinians were not involved in the events, a few hours after them, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the Popular Resistance Movement and the Palestinian Freedom Movement declared their ...
RAMALLAH, March 21, 2018 (WAFA) – Israeli measures against the Palestinian people and the pledging conference in support of improving Gaza's ... Furthermore, al-Quds said Palestinian resistance factions in Gaza rejected President Mahmoud Abbas' accusations blaming Hamas for the roadside bomb ...


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