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updated Wed. August 28, 2024

On top of requiring ISPs to log all traffic on domestic servers, the UK's GCHQ's formerly secret TEMPORA program tracks and stores all forms of communication for up to 30 days for analysis, and since 2013, any customer wishing to register with an IP address will automatically be unable to access certain ...
The UK's largest spy agency, Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), has reported it has had “a wide spectrum of successes” in ... The agency, which plays a key role in running the formerly secret Tempora computer system, devotes 75 percent of its cyber efforts to offensive strategies. Despite ...

For example, UK newspaper The Guardian unveiled in 2013 a top-secret joint GCHQ-NSA cooperation codenamed Tempora to tap into and store huge volumes of data drawn from fiber-optic cables. Two years later, French magazine weekly L'Obs also published a damning and very detailed report on ...
In 2013, Snowden revealed how the UK's GCHQ intelligence agency was secretly intercepting and processing millions of private communications of ordinary people on a daily basis (the “Tempora” programme), and - without a clear legal foundation or proper safeguards - sharing data with the USA's ...
The Strasbourg hearings will focus on the bulk interception programmes revealed by Edward Snowden in 2013, including Tempora, Upstream and Prism. Tempora enables GCHQ to intercept and store a back-up of internet activity entering and leaving the UK through fibre optic cables for subsequent ...
The scandal later widened when it was reported that GCHQ had been tapping fibre-optic cables carrying global communications and sharing vast amounts of data with the NSA for 18 months under an operation codenamed Tempora. Snowden was charged in the US with theft of government property, ...

According to the information revealed, the eavesdropping scandal in Cyprus is part of a $ 1.25 billion top-secret program, codenamed "Tempora". As the files Snowden disclosed revealed, Tempora is a computer program developed by GCHQ in 2008. It has two main purposes: "Mastering the Internet" and ...
Documents show how GCHQ was tapping fibre-optic cables to intercept data flowing through the global internet in a program called Tempora. They were surveilling world leaders, exploiting and hoarding software and hardware vulnerabilities in covert hacking operations, and intercepting phone data and ...
The existence of Prism and Upstream was revealed by the Guardian from documents provided by the NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. The case brought by Liberty and Privacy International was the first in the UK to challenge GCHQ's participation in these programmes. Lawyers argued that receiving ...
Privacy campaigners vow to take their case to the European court after a secret tribunal rules that GCHQ mass surveillance techniques are lawful and not in ... “The IPT cannot grasp why so many of us are deeply troubled about GCHQ's Tempora operation – a seemingly unfettered power to rifle through our ...
The civil liberties organisations are concerned that their private communications may have been monitored under GCHQ's electronic surveillance programme Tempora, whose existence was revealed by Snowden. They also complain that information obtained through the US National Security Agency's ...
GCHQ, full name Government Communications Headquarters, is the UK spy agency dedicated to intelligence and information gathering. It's the UK equivalent of ... By late 2011, the Tempora programme had been fully launched and shared with the Americans on a three-month trial basis. The Americans, on ...
Britain's electronic eavesdropping centre, GCHQ, has started collecting data from the network of fibre-optic cables carrying the world's telephone calls and internet traffic, it was reported tonight. The massive programme of surveillance allows the agency to store vast volumes of information for up to 30 days ...
For example, UK newspaper The Guardian unveiled in 2013 a top-secret joint GCHQ-NSA cooperation codenamed Tempora to tap into and store huge volumes of data drawn from fiber-optic cables. Two years later, French magazine weekly L'Obs also published a damning and very detailed report on ...
Th IPT has previously confirmed that GCHQ specifically conducted covert ... mass amounts of information using programmes such as Tempora, ...
... ultime, in particolare il programma Tempora con cui l'agenzia Government Communications Headquarters (Gchq) ha ascoltato e intercettato ...
Seven judges in Strasbourg heard three separate cases, highlighting the way GCHQ, MI5 and MI6 share surveillance with the US and other international ... The Strasbourg hearing focused on mass data collecting programmes used by international governments such as Tempora, Upstream and Prism, ...

In 2013, Snowden revealed how the UK's GCHQ intelligence agency ... on a daily basis (the “Tempora” programme), and - without a clear legal ...
The cases raise questions about the way GCHQ (above), MI5 and MI6 ... Tempora enables GCHQ to intercept and store a back-up of internet ...
GCHQ, Britain's electronic eavesdropping agency, was also accused ... with the NSA for 18 months under an operation codenamed Tempora.
... by GCHQ's in the authorization of bulk hacking of domestic network, ... groups who claim that this is part of a program dubbed TEMPORA.
As the files Snowden disclosed revealed, Tempora is a computer program developed by GCHQ in 2008. It has two main purposes: "Mastering ...
The British intelligence agency, the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) works closely with the NSA in a program called Tempora. Under this program, GCHQ monitors the world's phone and Internet traffic to gather information on emails, calls, facebook messages and browsing history by ...
Documents show how GCHQ was tapping fibre-optic cables to intercept data flowing through the global internet in a program called Tempora. They were surveilling world leaders, exploiting and hoarding software and hardware vulnerabilities in covert hacking operations, and intercepting phone data and ...
The Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) declared on Friday that regulations covering access by Britain's GCHQ to emails and phone records ...
GCHQ's Tempora surveillance programme was revealed by the NSA ... that GCHQ's mass surveillance of the internet violates human rights.
The identity of the companies allowing GCHQ to tap their cables was regarded as extremely sensitive within the agency. Though the Tempora programme itself was classified as top secret, the identities of the cable companies was even more secret, referred to as "exceptionally controlled information", with ...
GCHQ, full name Government Communications Headquarters, is the UK ... By late 2011, the Tempora programme had been fully launched and ...
... when GCHQ were caught spying illegally on Amnesty International. ... such as the Tempora program – which sucks up immense amounts of ...
Tempora and PRISM are reportedly the biggest institutional forms of cyber surveillance to date, giving GCHQ and the NSA unfettered access to ...
... that the British Government Communications Headquarters is collecting ... of a major GCHQ interception program, codenamed Tempora, that ...
As the files Snowden disclosed revealed, Tempora is a computer program developed by GCHQ in 2008. It has two main purposes: "Mastering ...
A new transatlantic submarine cable avoids GCHQ eyes ... to intercept, tap and copy data from undersea cables under the Tempora program.
... intelligence agency, the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) works closely with the NSA in a program called Tempora.
Similar scrutiny was brought to bear on Britain's GCHQ and its own program called TEMPORA , which aimed to tap directly into transatlantic ...
Well, it became clear through the Snowden revelations that while the NSA had its Prism programme, Britain's GCHQ had its own Tempora ...
'That the firewall will be opt-out rather than opt-in shows the government's true motivation – power and control.' Photograph: Andy Rain/EPA.
The Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) declared on Friday that regulations covering access by Britain's GCHQ to emails and phone records ...
GCHQ's Tempora surveillance programme was revealed by the NSA ... that GCHQ's mass surveillance of the internet violates human rights.
In June the Guardian revealed details of GCHQ's ambitious ... That operation, codenamed Tempora, has been running for 20 months. On Friday ...
GCHQ, full name Government Communications Headquarters, is the UK spy agency dedicated to intelligence and information gathering.
According to the paper, the agency has been running Operation Tempora for 18 months under which it gains access to transatlantic cables ...
Tempora, the programme developed by the UK's GCHQ to tap into fibre-optic cables carrying internet traffic, could have been lifted from Cicero's quote "O tempora o mores" ("Oh, what times. Oh, what customs"). Royal Concierge was a system used for ...
MacAskill writes: "Among the many intercept programmes revealed by Snowden was Tempora, run by the NSA's UK counterpart GCHQ, and shared with the Americans. This was a kind of wiretap on a scale that would have been beyond the imagination of the ...
The UK's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has officially opened amid promises of closer collaboration between Britain's spies and the private sector.
... Congressional limits to just collating meta-data rather than content as well, which is to use a third party and so in comes Britain's GCHQ, where just one of its surveillance programs TEMPORA involves the UK directly tapping ALL communications ...
The dynamics of Britain's internal security threats have exacerbated notwithstanding the evolving multifaceted surveillance system, intelligence-led-policing, TEMPORA, MENWITH HILL and private security system in partnership with local policing ...
29, the UK adopted the Investigatory Powers Act (IPA), nicknamed by privacy experts as the "Snoopers Charter," because it authorizes the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) to engage in bulk interception, acquisition, and equipment ...
... Congressional limits to just collating meta-data rather than content as well, which is to use a third party and so in comes Britain's GCHQ, where just one of its surveillance programs TEMPORA involves the UK directly tapping ALL communications ...
Similar scrutiny was brought to bear on Britain's GCHQ and its own program called TEMPORA , which aimed to tap directly into transatlantic fiber optic cables to intercept what The Guardian described as "vast quantities of global email messages ...


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