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updated Fri. June 21, 2024

Two years ago Karadzic, now aged 72, was convicted of crimes committed during the break-up of Yugoslavia in the 1990s, including the killing of 8,000 Muslim men and boys at Srebrenica. Months later he filed an appeal saying his 40-year prison sentence should be overturned or he should be given a ...
Yugoslavia was first cobbled together out of the wreckage of World War I and was officially called the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes. In 1929 it was renamed the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Following World War II, a communist government took control and renamed it the Federal People's Republic of ...

The American-British-French airstrikes on Syria are “a painful reminder” of NATO's bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, the Serbian president said. ... to the grim chapter in Serbian history when NATO launched a military operation in the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) during the Kosovo War.
“History will set things right, and Washington already bears the heavy responsibility for the bloody carnage in Yugoslavia, Iraq and Libya,” Putin said in a statement. His disdain was triggered by the overnight attack on Syria launched by the US and its allies, who cited an alleged chemical incident in the town ...
The strikes on Saturday morning on suspected Syrian chemical weapons facilities by the US, Britain and France attracted support from political leaders in Kosovo, Albania and staunch NATO member Romania. But in Serbia, the US-led attacks caused some to recall the NATO airstrikes on Yugoslavia in ...
The International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague has found Vojislav Seselj - leader of the Serbian Radical Party - guilty of war crimes against Croatians in Serbia's northern province of Vojvodina during the war in former Yugoslavia in the early 1990s and sentenced him to 10 years in prison.

Understandably, Moscow has an interest in promoting the interests of this second group. Russia makes little secret of the fact that it will do what it takes to ensure the Orthodox Christian countries of former Yugoslavia do not join Nato but remain as a wedge between Greece and its Nato allies to the north.
Understandably, Moscow has an interest in promoting the interests of this second group. Russia makes little secret of the fact that it will do what it takes to ensure the Orthodox Christian countries of former Yugoslavia do not join Nato but remain as a wedge between Greece and its Nato allies to the north.
Understandably, Moscow has an interest in promoting the interests of this second group. Russia makes little secret of the fact that it will do what it takes to ensure the Orthodox Christian countries of former Yugoslavia do not join Nato but remain as a wedge between Greece and its Nato allies to the north.
Sabahudin Kurt, who represented Yugoslavia in the Eurovision Song Contest back in 1964, died this morning in Sarajevo at age 82. He was the ... Kurt represented Yugoslavia at 1964 Eurovision Song Contest in Copenhagen with the entry Život je sklopio krug, which translates to Life Has Come Full Circle.
The dispute has prevented Macedonia, which gained independence from Yugoslavia in 1991, from joining NATO and the European Union. It has been admitted to the United Nations under the official name Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. A recent change of government in Macedonia has fueled ...
For over a month Canada has been bombing Yugoslavia. Without a parliamentary resolution, without a declaration of war and without a shred of legality Canadian war planes are attacking the nation that stood at the forefront of the fight against both Hitler's Nazis and Mussolini's fascists during World War II.
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Sabahudin Kurt (Yugoslavia 1964) passes away aged 83 ... We're talking about the beloved Bosnian singer Sabahudin Kurt, who was the first singer from this nation to represent Yugoslavia at the Eurovision Song Contest. His participation took place in 1964 in Copenhagen, ...
David Orchard led the anti-war campaign across Canada relentlessly mobilizing support against NATO's war on Yugoslavia. March 24, 2018 commemorates the 19th anniversary of NATO's war on Yugoslavia. This article was originally published on Globe and Mail on March 26, 1999 (published in a slightly ...
Nothing summons up visions of Valentine's Day like roses, a box of chocolates or a roundtable on international law and justice. On Feb. 14, the University of Michigan International Institute hosted a roundtable to commemorate the closing of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in ...
In writing her new memoir, [My American Dream], Bastianich had been mining her life story, from her childhood in Pula, a former Italian city turned Communist-controlled Yugoslavia, through refugee camps in Trieste, then, finally, to America, eventually Queens, where she settled with her family when she ...
More than 25 years have passed since Scott Casey served as a peacekeeper in the former Yugoslavia. It was, he said, a "horrific" experience — seven months of terrible memories he's lived with every day since. "It's not normal for women and children to be murdered in the streets," he said. "You never get ...

In March [1999], the most powerful military force in history attacked tiny Yugoslavia (one fifth the size of Saskatchewan) and after seventy-nine days of flagrantly illegal bombing forced an occupation of Kosovo. Admitting its intention was to break Yugoslavia's spirit, NATO targeted civilian structures, dropping ...
Stojanovic, who told the court that the WWII period and collaboration have been the focus of his academic career since 2008, argued that Nedic's wartime actions violated the constitution of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and international law. Independently from German orders, Nedic was negotiating with ...
There is one common feature: governments like to talk about lower taxes, but rarely fulfil their promises. When it comes to taxes in Croatia, there is something which is common to all governments, even when they are headed by different parties. They all keep promising that taxes will be reduced “soon, “next ...
Adem was found guilty of plotting to escape to Yugoslavia despite never having done so. However, up against the powerful state with little hope of being allowed to prove his innocence, he confessed to the "thought crimes" he was charged with and hoped for a milder sentence. What he got were 20 years of ...
Dr. Momir Bulatović, former President of the Federal Government of the FR of Yugoslavia, Mr. Nikola Šainović, former President of the Government of Serbia and Deputy-President of the Federal Government of the FRY, General Milomir Miladinović, retired, President of the Club of Generals and Admirals of ...
BELGARDE, March 25. /TASS/. None of Western diplomats attended the mourning ceremony dedicated to the memory of the victims of NATO's aggression against Yugoslavia, Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Chepurin told Russian reporters. "I am taking part in a ceremony in memory of those ...
The operation was launched without a UN Security Council mandate, due to opposition from Yugoslavia's ally Russia, which has sparked allegations that it was not legal. The NATO bombing killed ten people in Montenegro, nine of whom were civilians. Six civilians including three children were killed in an ...
While Clinton may be best remembered for his relations with Monica Lewinsky and his wife, Hillary Clinton, some of us also remember him (and Albright) for bombing Afghanistan, Sudan, Bosnia-Hercegovina and contributions to the proportionately largest ethnic cleansing in Yugoslavia – of Croatian Serbs ...
WASHINGTON - A Fremont man was posthumously honored, along with other World War II heroes, with the highest award bestowed on civilians for their bravery in rescuing 500 airmen from Nazi-controlled Yugoslavia. Art "Jibby" Jibilian, a World War II veteran who lived in Fremont from 1978 until he died ...
As explained in the article's intro, Miodrag grew up in '90s Yugoslavia, an Eastern European country that no longer exists. They speak about their family's Yugo—"a metal box with wheels that was the embodiment of cheap communist cars"—which, despite lasting 27 years, appears to mirror the game's ...
Growing up in the former Yugoslavia, prior to the war during which hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians were killed, with millions more displaced, my family lived a happy and peaceful life. My father and mother had both finished studying at their respective universities and had a plan for the ...
“We took the time traveling through the Balkans to study the war on Yugoslavia and the breakup of the former Yugoslavia. We spent a lot of time going around to different that area, they had a lot of former Soviet realist and socialist realist monuments erected in the mid-20th century.
When Yugoslavia disintegrated in a series of bloody conflicts in the early 1990s as other republics declared their independence, Djukanović backed Serbian strongman Slobodan Milošević. But in 1996 he took the decisive step to break ranks with hardliners in the rump Yugoslav federation — made up of ...
Defence lawyer Bakrac said that the Serbian SDB had Vasiljkovic under surveillance at the time and recorded a conversation in which he said he had “started a job for the Defence Ministry” of Yugoslavia. Expert witness Theunens insisted however that Simatovic talked to Vasiljkovic at that time about ...
It was the most significant step in stabilizing the Balkans since the violent breakup of Yugoslavia. The 1992-to-1995 war in Bosnia-Herzegovina was brought to an end by the Dayton Agreement, which not only halted the conflict, but also laid the foundations of the post-war Bosnian state. In an arrangement that's been ...
The Humanitarian Law Centre NGO opened an exhibition about the Kosovo war that displays evidence and court records from the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in the Serbian capital on Monday evening. Nemanja Stjepanovic from the Belgrade-based branch of the HLC said at ...
The Movement of Mothers of Srebrenica and Zepa – an association of war victims' families – accused Stanic of being on a list of war crime suspects that the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia handed over to Bosnia years ago. A document from the ICTY in The Hague, obtained by ...
Bradley was sent on several missions around the world, and his most painful memories are of the wars in former Yugoslavia during the 1990s. Each of his sculptures at the Fritzi Gallery provide a snapshot of that period in his life. Next to many of the art pieces, Bradley, who grew up in Newfoundland, has ...
Whenever Russian President mentions Serbia and Kosovo it automatically has a big echo in the Balkans. Because of the tense relationship of the great powers, Putin's recollection of already quoted estimate on the great USA and NATO's sin when they bombed Yugoslavia in 1999 again gained a ...
But new research shows that the conflict had another, very different effect: it was the most significant step in stabilising the Balkans since the violent breakup of Yugoslavia. The 1992-1995 war in Bosnia-Herzegovina was brought to an end by the Dayton Agreement, which not only halted the conflict, but also ...
Slobodan Milosevic is back - and this time he means business… show business. The Slobodan Show is a musical about the tumultuous times of the 1990s, with Yugoslavia's notorious former president as its central character. Seeing the Serbian ultra-nationalist revived on stage may come as something of a ...
Yugoslavia had qualified for Rome 1960 through the qualification tournament in Bologna and finished sixth, which was considered a great success. In the duel between them, the American stars made Yugoslavia suffer a humiliating 42-104 loss! It was Yugoslavia's first contact with another kind of basketball ...
In 2014, the former royal family also said it will demand the return of a luxury villa in the coastal village of Milocer, near the resort town of Budva, which was the summer residence of King Alexander, along with the Queen's Beach, which got its name for being the favourite holiday destination of Queen Maria of Yugoslavia.
The officials used the trip to reinforce key messages from an EU enlargement strategy for the region that was unveiled last month – that no country will be allowed to join without enacting major democratic change and resolving ethnic and regional disputes that linger from the bloody break-up of Yugoslavia.
Growing up in former Yugoslavia, her family was forced to flee their home in 1991, just days after Ms Tesic' eighth birthday. “Mum grabbed one bag and we went to the periphery of the town where my aunty lived,” she said. “My mum said 'we're just going there for the weekend and we'll come back'.
The short-lived collaboration between singer-actress Ana Kostovska, composer and musician Kiril Džajkovski, bassist Ljubomir Stojsavljević and film director Milcho Manchevski became one of the most coverted records in 1980s Yugoslavia, with legions of fans across the Balkans. Now the album is set for ...
"Ukraine will once again, after Yugoslavia, become a testing ground for some kind of peacekeeping, or diplomatic, or other new forms of military conflict resolution in the center of Europe," he said. Matios stressed that in case of the introduction of the UN peacekeeping mission, servicemen of other states will ...
In April 1941 Axis forces defeated the army of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, and would spend the rest of the war attempting to defeat an array of resistance groups. The most effective of these groups was the Partisans, a broad coalition of national liberation forces led by the Communist Party of Yugoslavia and ...
Bosnian photographer Vedad Diviovic was born as the former Yugoslav Republic crumbled. Now his latest photo series, Jesus, the Yugoslavs and the Creation of the World, explores national identity in a once united region, detailing the seven independent states that formed after Yugoslavia collapsed.
Previously unavailable archival documents of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia may contain data that prompts significant reconsiderations of not only the doctrine and its place in late Yugoslav strategic thinking, but also of our understanding of the political history of Yugoslavia in its final, fateful ...
At the beginning of 1991, Yugoslavia found itself in a precarious and what proved to be a deadly situation for it. Yugoslavia was alone in Europe. The Yugoslav authorities were facing a US, UK, Germany and Austria which no longer needed Yugoslavia (as they had during the Cold War, when Yugoslavia ...
Princess Elizabeth of Yugoslavia and her daughter Catherine Oxenberg are in New York in a last-ditch attempt to rescue Catherine's daughter India from the Nxivm “sex-slave” cult. India, 26, has moved from the Albany area, where Nxivm was headquartered, to Brooklyn — where cult leader Keith Raniere ...
Prince Dimitri of Yugoslavia visits the exhibition “Visitors to Versailles (1682–1789)” during a preview at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, on April 9, 2018. (Hiroshi Nogami/The Epoch Times). In the exhibition of the 17th and 18th centuries, we see some of the most refined things humanity has created: ...


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