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updated Thu. May 9, 2024

Both officials appeared before the Senate intelligence committee to discuss election security, as Congress appeared ready to inject approximately ... it's unclear where the election technology grant money will be allocated, Larry Norden, an elections expert at the Brennan Center for Justice in New York, told ...

Some Trump defenders noted that President Barack Obama also called Mr. Putin when he was elected president in 2012. ... American intelligence officials say they are certain that he meddled in the 2016 American election on behalf of Mr. Trump and is trying to meddle again in the 2018 election, as well as ...
The elected officials expressed concern for the health of the tenants, and requested medical examinations to make sure they're all ok. They also noted that the asbestos abatement can't begin until DEP inspects the building. It could apparently take two weeks for that to happen. They're urging a speedier ...
Senior officials of Cambridge Analytica, whose parent company is the SCL Group, said in an undercover video by Channel 4 News of Britain that the ... A spokesman for Mr. Kenyatta referred inquiries to his party, the Jubilee Party, whose top official did not respond to messages seeking comment on ...
After a primary campaign that revealed fissures in both major parties, Illinois voters winnowed the field of gubernatorial candidates on Tuesday and were finalizing congressional matchups in several competitive districts. Polls closed at 8 p.m. Eastern Time. Early voting began Feb. 8. The state is reliably ...
The U.S. intelligence community developed substantial evidence that state websites or voter registration systems in seven states were compromised by Russian-backed covert operatives prior to the 2016 election - but never told the states involved, according to multiple U.S. officials. (Published Wednesday ...
WASHINGTON — President Trump called on Tuesday to congratulate President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia on his re-election, but did not raise with him the lopsided nature of his victory, ... Mr. Trump, a senior official said, signed off on the sanctions and the harsh language in the administration's statements.
The committee's recommendations — the first such disclosure in its year-old investigation into Russia's 2016 election meddling — covered much of what experts and intelligence officials have been urging elections authorities to do for months. Yet the panel also urged the Trump administration to make clear ...
Ms. Nielsen told the senators, who are investigating Russia's interference in the 2016 election, that the department made significant strides in recent months working with state and local election officials to improve communication about threats and share cybersecurity resources. Those efforts include ...


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