updated Thu. January 11, 2024
City Limits
April 17, 2018
... in the New York City Council earlier this year. Of the five people on the ballot in the two Bronx races, just three candidates have filed campaign finance disclosure reports with the State's Board of Elections as of April 13, collectively raising more than $126,000, records show. The special election winners inÃâà...
Albany Times Union
April 17, 2018
... show Hamilton at the Richard Rodgers Theater in New York City, violating state General Municipal Law preventing political parties from conducting raffles. ... “The campaign committee has been working with state Board of Elections to amend filings and ensure compliance,” said Joe Bonilla, a SheehanÃâà...
Albany Times Union
April 17, 2018
... show Hamilton at the Richard Rodgers Theater in New York City, violating state General Municipal Law preventing political parties from conducting raffles. ... “The campaign committee has been working with state Board of Elections to amend filings and ensure compliance,” said Joe Bonilla, a SheehanÃâà...
Gotham Gazette
April 16, 2018
There will also of course be action in New York City, where there are several City Council hearings to be aware of this week, even as Speaker Corey ... gather on the steps of City Hall to “speak out against very bad and concerning practices of the Board of Elections,” particularly regarding voter suppression.
Gotham Gazette
April 8, 2018
Monday is the first school day since Richard Carranza took over as Chancellor of New York City Public Schools. "Carranza will visit schools and attend events in .... Child Care and Restaurant Worker Advocates. At 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, the New York City Board of Elections will hold a commissioners' meeting.
Brooklyn Daily Eagle
April 3, 2018
New York City's abysmal voter turnout in elections in recent years is generating efforts by lawmakers, political activists and good government groups to find ... up at their polling places for the mayoral election in November of 2017 was lower than it was four years earlier, according to the Board of Elections.
April 2, 2018
The candidate's rolling launch began on March 19, when he registered with the New York State's Board of Elections. Since then, Morris ... The candidate also had thoughts on the New York City Housing Authority, the embattled housing complex that has dominated recent media coverage. As a contractÃâà...
Gotham Gazette
April 2, 2018
Governor Cuomo will speak in New York City on Thursday, likely about highlights in the new budget -- see below for details. Cuomo also will participate in at least one election-related event this week. With the budget done, much attention will move to the April 24 special elections taking place for 11 stateÃâà...
March 27, 2018
Candidates have until July 12 to file with the state Board of Elections. Here's a look at those who have ... The Queens native was previously New York attorney general, U.S. secretary of Housing and Urban Development and chair of the New York City Homeless Commission. In his most recent State of theÃâà...
Gotham Gazette
March 26, 2018
Katz did not explain why Nixon had shifted her registration or provide her full voting history. The Board of Elections will only provide records based on the current registration of a voter. Katz did say that Nixon voted in the 2013 New York City mayoral primary and general and in the 2014 primary and generalÃâà...
Gotham Gazette
March 19, 2018
While significant changes to state election laws are being debated in Albany ahead of a new state budget, the New York City Board of Elections may improve, albeit incrementally, people's access to the ballot by soon providing digital aid to register to vote. The Board of Elections, a quasi-state agencyÃâà...
Gotham Gazette
March 18, 2018
At 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, the New York City Board of Elections will hold a commissioners' meeting. At 6 p.m. Tuesday, Riders Alliance, Transportation Alternatives, and the NYPIRG Straphangers Campaign will converge outside Governor Cuomo's Midtown office to demand that congestion pricing be includedÃâà...
City & State
March 12, 2018
Three candidates are looking to fill now-New York City Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr.'s cowboy hat as the new state senator for the Bronx-based 32nd District. ... Democrat Matthew Malin, a county Board of Elections employee, will face Republican John Mikulin, a deputy attorney for the town of Hempstead,Ãâà...
City & State
March 12, 2018
New York's nominal solution for those who cannot vote on Election Day is voting by absentee ballot, but New York City's notoriously incompetent Board of Elections cannot even be counted on to deliver absentee ballots to those who request them. (In 2000, when I was in college, which was a two-hour driveÃâà...
New York Times
December 31, 1999
A judge's pet peeve about lawyers saying “O.K.” was one of several reasons the state Commission on Judicial Conduct recommended on Wednesday that he be removed from his seat on the New York City Civil Court in Queens. In a rare ... He also served as a commissioner on the city's Board of Elections.
Crain's New York Business
December 31, 1999
One month later, Board of Elections records show Simcha NY made its first-ever payment to the real estate company: $500. ... The Senate leadership has shown tremendous deference to Felder on a number of issues, including his recent push to block a New York City law that would have imposed a 5-centÃâà...
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