updated Mon. June 24, 2024
The Federalist
March 30, 2018
The prevalence of unconstrained government surveillance is evident in the four main concurrent operations undertaken at that time: Project SHAMROCK and Project MINARET, both operated by the NSA; COINTELPRO, implemented by the Federal Bureau of Investigation; and Operation CHAOS, which fellÃâà...
March 23, 2018
In his new book, "Operation Chaos: The Vietnam Deserters Who Fought the CIA, The Brainwashers, and Themselves," journalist Matthew Sweet explores the story of a specific group of young Americans who deserted and got more than they bargained for. In Sweet's telling - CIA agents and their alliesÃâà...
Gainesville Sun
March 21, 2018
That's when conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh deployed “Operation Chaos,” just before crucial state presidential primaries, urging his audience to cross party lines to vote for Clinton, in order to keep Barack Obama from sewing up the Democratic nomination. John McCain was already the clearÃâà...
The Arts Desk
March 10, 2018
The tributary narrative of the Vietnam deserters is told by Sweet in Operation Chaos. The title barely hints at the ensuing miasma of paranoid lunacy which culminated in a cult accusing Queen Elizabeth II of plotting to trigger the Third World War. Even the subtitle – The Vietnam Deserters Who Fought theÃâà...
March 7, 2018
The CIA's aptly named 'Operation Chaos' was launched as a counter-subversion project to gather intelligence and break up the ADC's offshoots as they spread internationally, or at least silence them by letting them know they were under surveillance. Unfortunately, this effectively fed the activists' paranoiaÃâà...
March 6, 2018
... Tobias Whale (Marvin “Krondon” Jones III) due to some villain-on-villain gamesmanship — so does Tobias's sister Tori (Edwina Findley), a victim of a fight between Black Lightning and Tobias, and Tobias's right-hand man Joey Toledo (Eric Mendenhall), whose death starts the inter-crime operation chaosÃâà...
Pagosa Springs Sun
March 3, 2018
“Operation Chaos” by Matthew Sweet describes how the CIA tried to infiltrate a radical group of Vietnam War military deserters. “Our Native Bees” by Paige Embry is a detailed look at the importance to our lives of North America's native bees. Nonfiction CDs “The Road Not Taken” by Max Boot is a fresh lookÃâà...
UT The Daily Texan
March 1, 2018
Late in the 2008 Democratic primary, conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh launched something he called “Operation Chaos,” wherein he encouraged his listeners to vote for Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primaries. His intent was to prolong an already bruising contest between Clinton and BarackÃâà...
Houston Public Media
February 22, 2018
Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh attempted to convince his listeners to take part in what he pegged as a strategic voting campaign called “Operation Chaos.” Limbaugh's goal, says Henson, was to stir up trouble among Democrats: “Talk radio and conservative interest groups mobilizedÃâà...
February 22, 2018
It is essentially operation chaos from the Kremlin, and they now have an agent, an unwitting agent, I hope, in the name of Wayne LaPierre." Stephens also lamented that conservatives and Republicans don't reflexively defend government law enforcement institutions, calling it an "attack on the core functionsÃâà...
The Guardian
February 21, 2018
It is almost forgotten now what a decisive role Sweden played in the Vietnam war. Even at the time, the armies doing the fighting and the million or so Vietnamese doing the dying may have underestimated the importance Swedish public opinion had on their struggle. But in Sweden it was never in doubt.
February 14, 2018
He said he voted for Hillary Clinton in 2008 as part of the same Limbaugh-inspired operation chaos. "It wasn't a vote to help Hillary Clinton," Whittaker said. "It was to help John McCain." Two months before the March 2008 primary, Whittaker showed his commitment to McCain by sending $2,300 to McCain'sÃâà...
Sri Lanka Guardian
February 13, 2018
... ( February 13, 2018, Boston, Sri Lanka Guardian) A JAPANESE FISHING boat, moving north to Soviet waters. Six Americans in the forward hold below the captain's cabin. Trying to stay warm. Trying to keep their nerve. Trying not to vomit too loudly. One is too drunk to feel seasick. He's up on his feet,Ãâà...
Press Herald
February 4, 2018
Maybe Michael Wolf can write the foreword and the memo has a title: “Operation Chaos infiltrates the boys club.” Nunes the fence-fixer goes to bat for Carter Page, who the Wall Street Journal reports has been on the radar of the intelligence services since 2013 because he met with Victor Podobnyy,Ãâà...