updated Sun. May 26, 2024
The Atlantic
April 24, 2018
The Independent Counsel Act was eventually allowed to sunset after the Iran-Contra and Whitewater investigations, with both parties having felt subject to partisan crusades by unaccountable prosecutors. Meanwhile, Myers suggests conservative justices would support Trump. The majority opinion in thatÃâà...
New Republic
April 24, 2018
Weinberger, who served as President Ronald Reagan's secretary of defense during the Iran-Contra scandal, was one of six officials who received pardons from Bush in 1991 that short-circuited an independent-counsel probe. Many now fear that Trump could use the pardon power to aid Cohen, MichaelÃâà...
The Hill
April 24, 2018
Here is how Lawrence Walsh, independent counsel at the time, characterized that pardon: “The Iran-Contra cover-up has continued for more than six years, has now been completed with the pardon of Caspar Weinberger … In light of President Bush's own misconduct, we are gravely concerned about hisÃâà...
Daily Comet
April 24, 2018
The 1988 race for majority leader found Johnston squared off against Daniel Inouye of Hawaii, who had chaired the high-profile Iran-Contra hearings, and George Mitchell of Maine, who was the deputy pro tem of the Senate and, more importantly, the chair of the Democratic Senatorial CampaignÃâà...
Chicago Evening Post
April 24, 2018
He traces back to the waning days of the Nixon Administration, Iran Contra, and the Clinton Administration to raise questions of a total failure. He poses the questions that have been asked repeatedly, why unlike other crimes, was not the debris of the World Trade Center preserved to be fully investigated;Ãâà...
The Atlantic
April 21, 2018
But John Q. Barrett, a former associate counsel in the Iran-Contra affair and a law professor at St. Johns, said that Comey would not have included that information if he did. "These are factual recordings of events, not assessment documents. He's writing this down as someone who is concerned that heÃâà...
April 18, 2018
In 1994, Robb, hobbled by personal and political scandal, won his second — and final term — with a 46-percent plurality in a three-way race that included a Republican more controversial than Robb: Iran-contra figure Oliver North. In 2014, running from Obama, who had twice carried Virginia but was stillÃâà...
Buffalo News
April 18, 2018
Oliver North and the Iran-Contra affair, she kept most of her remarks on the topic of literacy, which was Bush's platform as the wife of the vice president and as First Lady from 1989 to 1993. Bush also was asked about her husband's presidential ambitions. "George Bush has made education and literacy theÃâà...
April 17, 2018
Within the firm's archives are letters and correspondence written by Murray, as well as interviews with those at Paul Weiss, such as longtime partner Arthur Liman, former chief counsel of the special U.S. Senate committee investigating the Iran-Contra affair. One letter, in particular, Hussein highlighted is oneÃâà...
San Bernardino County Sun
April 17, 2018
Richard Nixon had the Watergate scandal, Ronald Reagan had the Iran-Contra Affair and Bill Clinton had the Monica Lewinsky scandal. The presidents who escaped this intense scrutiny are the straight arrows and squeaky clean: Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush and Barack Obama. President Trump hasÃâà...
The National Interest Online
April 17, 2018
Iranians also remember that the United States took Saddam's side, with the only partial exception to that—what Americans know as the Iran-Contra affair—regarded in the United States as a scandal. That history is part of a larger picture, as Iranians see it, of hostile outside powers playing on local weaknessÃâà...
April 16, 2018
Democratic Socialists of America member David Hamilton said he doesn't trust the word of American intelligence officials, citing the Iran-Contra affair, the lack of evidence of Iraq having weapons of mass destruction after the U.S. invaded for that reason and the allegation that former National IntelligenceÃâà...
Jacksonville Journal-Courier
April 14, 2018
One of the things that Melcher knew about the West was cattle — and cowboys. Once, to answer criticism from an out-of-state conservative group, Melcher ran TV ads with talking cows saying they "know bull when they hear it." And during congressional inquiry into the Iran-Contra affair, Melcher complainedÃâà...
April 14, 2018
Iran-Contra figure Oliver North's memoir was released after federal criminal charges were dismissed against the retired Marine lieutenant colonel. Some Trump allies in Congress are already vowing to hold Comey to account for statements in his book. Accusing Comey of false statements in his SenateÃâà...
New York Times
April 13, 2018
Mr. Scalia had in mind the Iran-contra investigation, which attempted to criminalize a separation of powers dispute between the executive and legislative branches over foreign policy. In the following decade, Democrats belatedly saw the light, too. Ken Starr's investigation of Bill Clinton lasted for years,Ãâà...
April 11, 2018
So the Innie, the despicably dirty and corrupt Iran-Contra special counsel Lawrence Walsh, went after Reagan, because he was a threat to the Establishment. This time, we have the FBI raiding Cohen's office, with the implicit accusation of bank fraud, lying to pay hush money to Stormy Daniels. So much forÃâà...
The Japan Times
April 1, 2018
Meanwhile, the land-sale scandal may end up damaging Abe more than Reagan was hurt by the Iran-Contra affair. So while Reagan's term in office was just the beginning of a long period of strength and prosperity for the U.S., Japan will have to work much harder to sustain the momentum Abe has given it.
Fort Worth Star Telegram
March 31, 2018
Nugent is one of 76 members of the NRA board, according to Mother Jones, a list that also includes actor Tom Selleck, former NBA star Karl Malone, former Iran-Contra conspirator and conservative pundit Oliver North, the president of Americans for Tax Reform Grover Norquist, and that guy from “Full MetalÃâà...
St. James Plaindealer
March 30, 2018
President George H. W. Bush said “honor, decency and fairness” prompted the pardon of former Reagan Administration defense secretary Caspar Weinberger, who was under indictment at the time for lying to Congress during the Iran-Contra investigation. During the Reagan Administration a federal courtÃâà...
Alternative Nation (blog)
March 29, 2018
U.S. foreign policy was being disruptive in Central and Latin America, Iran-Contra… Art and music was being censored. Ed Meese, Ronald's attorney general was appointed to do a report on the effect of pornography on society. Hearings were held in Congress about lyrics and albums, and warnings wereÃâà...
March 29, 2018
That has major potential implications. "He can shut down the Russia investigation," Morrison continued, comparing it to when President George H.W. Bush pardoned everyone involved in the Iran-Contra scandal in 1992, arguing that the case had devolved into the criminalization of policy differences ratherÃâà...
Anchorage Daily News
March 29, 2018
I just received an election mailer from Americans for Prosperity, a lobbying group bankrolled by the Koch brother billionaires from Kansas. They don't endorse a candidate but rather deride our current mayor, Ethan Berkowitz, whom I believe has done a great job. Ethan has helped restore Anchorage afterÃâà...
Consequence of Sound (blog)
March 29, 2018
US foreign policy was being disruptive in Central and Latin America, Iran-Contra… Art and music was being censored. Ed Meese, Ronald's Attorney General was appointed to do a report on the effect of pornography on society. Hearings were held in Congress about lyrics and albums, and warnings wereÃâà...
March 28, 2018
While a president can pardon offenses that have occurred but have not yet resulted in a conviction — as President George H.W. Bush did with several Iran-Contra figures — the president cannot pardon a crime not yet committed. Therefore, the president would have to pardon Flynn again if [Trump] wereÃâà...
March 22, 2018
Bolton has been closely associated, both in and out of government, with several political and financial controversies. As an assistant attorney general under Edwin Meese, Bolton thwarted the Kerry Commission's efforts to obtain documentation, including Bolton's personal notes, about the Iran-Contra affairÃâà...
March 15, 2018
The charges stemmed from investigations by Congress and an independent prosecutor into the Iran-Contra affair. The affair had begun in 1985, when — in an operation run out of Poindexter's White House office — the United States supplied weapons to Iran in hopes of securing the release of AmericanÃâà...
March 14, 2018
You can, in your coverage, imply things that may look like an overpromise. To go back to the Iran-Contra scandal in the Reagan era, there was a special prosecutor, an independent counsel. It was very aggressive. There was a story on the front page of the Washington Post saying that Reagan was going toÃâà...
Crux: Covering all things Catholic
March 13, 2018
Every U.S. President who has been elected to a second term has faced scandals, falling poll ratings, and generally ended their presidency with more of a whimper than a bang: Think Nixon and Watergate, Reagan and Iran-Contra, Clinton and Lewinsky, Bush and the financial crisis, Obama and Snowden.
March 11, 2018
But when charges have been brought in the past, they tend to be in high-profile investigations, as in the Watergate and Iran-Contra scandals. Mueller, in the investigation so far, has charged others (former national security adviser Michael Flynn and former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos)Ãâà...
The Atlantic
March 5, 2018
“That's a pretty amazing interview, I have to say,” John Barrett, a former associate counsel in the Iran-Contra investigation and a law professor at St. Johns University, said of Nunberg's appearance on MSNBC. “'It's hard to cooperate with law enforcement' is just not a valid reason to refuse to cooperate withÃâà...
March 5, 2018
The local apartments manager first popped into public view during the Iran-Contra scandal, which exposed how Reagan Administration officials made a secret “arms-for-hostages” deal with Iran and used the proceeds to illegally provide weapons to Nicaragua's anti-communist Contra rebels. BrennekeÃâà...
Indiana Daily Student
March 5, 2018
It's Abrams' actions in Nicaragua that have earned him the most attention. Abrams pleaded guilty to withholding information from Congress during the investigation of the Iran-Contra affair. The Iran-Contra affair took place when the U.S. secretly sold arms to Iran — even while backing Iraq in the Iran-IraqÃâà...
The Atlantic
February 27, 2018
Although Watergate culminated with a dramatic “smoking gun” tape that exposed the guilt of the president in obstructing justice, with a bipartisan consensus quickly forming that President Nixon needed to step down, the Iran-Contra scandal, which involved illegally selling arms to Iran to finance right-wingÃâà...
February 14, 2018
Ross would go on to be California's “Public Enemy Number One,” and was a major part of the Iran-Contra scandal that rocked the nation with allegations the government was complicit in the crack market that ravaged urban America with allegations that rose all the way to the office of President Reagan.
February 13, 2018
Sometimes, the real truth of a story takes decades to unveil. And when that story involves drug running, police corruption in Mexico and the Iran-Contra affair, maybe it's amazing that the wait is only a few decades. In a piece for The Arizona Republic, investigative reporter Dennis Wagner has written aboutÃâà...
U.S. News & World Report
December 31, 1999
Born in Trenton, New Jersey, Berman was a law clerk for a federal appeals court judge in Philadelphia before working from 1987 to 1990 for the independent counsel who investigated the administration of President Ronald Reagan in the Iran-Contra affair. From 1990 to 1994, he was an assistant U.S.Ãâà...
December 31, 1999
Bolton, who helped cover up the Iran-Contra scandal, holds a number of extreme foreign policy positions, and represents a shift even among Trump administration officials. Here are some of his dangerous, hawkish foreign policy and national security stances. On bombing Iran “The inescapable conclusionÃâà...
Jamestown Post Journal
December 31, 1999
What Barbara Bush had actually appeared at the Institution to talk about was literacy; the Iran-Contra news was the only exception to her rule, she told reporters at the time. Barbara Bush said literacy was her utmost important personal project ever since her husband was elected vice president. She kept trueÃâà...
Roll Call
December 31, 1999
It was at a time in which the Iran-Contra hearing was starting. Ed Jenkins was part of that Iran-Contra special committee. In fact, right after I left, he was the lead investigator, lead questioner of Oliver North. It was really exciting times. He was a member of [the] Ways and Means and Budget [committees].
Foreign Policy (blog)
December 31, 1999
McFarlane and his successor, Vice Adm. John Poindexter, were both directly operationally involved in one of the most audacious and illegal covert programs ever: the Iran-Contra affair. This involved illegally raising money in violation of the Boland amendments — which prohibited funding for Contra rebelsÃâà...
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