updated Fri. September 20, 2024
Garowe Online
February 20, 2018
Waxaa laga yaabaa inay wax iska bedelaan Macluumaadka uu helay Garowe Online marka la shaaciyo magacaabista Xilalkan oo banaanaa tan iyo bishii October ee sanadkii tagey, kadib markii laga qaaday Saacid iyo Sanbaloolshe oo lagu dhaliilay waxqabad la'aan. Madaxweynaha SoomaaliyaÃÂ ...
Garowe Online
February 20, 2018
Hogaanka cusub ee Nabad Sugida Soomaliya oo ah taliyihii Sadexad ee xilkaan loo magacaabo tan iyo intii Madaxweyne Farmaajo la doortey ayaa noqonaya qofka ugu khibradda yar marka laga eego dhinaca amni sugida dalka ee ka qabta hay'adda NISA. ”Waxaan aad ula yaabey marka aan eegoÃÂ ...
Garowe Online
February 19, 2018
Marka laga reebo labada Jabhadood Soomaalida & Eritariyaanka ayagu aamin sanaa aragti ah gooni-goosad, inta kale sida tii Oromada (OPDO) tii Amaxaara (ANDM) tii Dadyowga Koonfurta (SEPDM) iyo tii Tigreeega (TPLF). Waxay qabeen in la dhiso dowlad guud Itoobiyaa una taagan danaha dadkaÃÂ ...
Garowe Online
February 18, 2018
"Marka hore waxaan kula socod siinaayaa in Ciidamada Xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed uu si toos ah u hoos yimaado xafiiska Taliyaha Ciidamada XDS, cid kalena aan toos ula xiriir karin sida waafaqsan nidaamka sharciga ah ee habsami u socodka howlaha maamulka xafiisyada dowladda," ayuu uguÃÂ ...
Garowe Online
February 10, 2018
Dhinaca siyaasada, wararka aan heleyno ayaa xusaya inuu jiro qodob ay hoos ka wadaan madaxda maamul goboleedyada Soomaaliya, waxayna dadaal ugu jiraan sidii dalka guud ahaan isku mar doorasho looga qaban lahaa iyadoo la wafaajinayo nidaamka doorasho ee dalku qaadan doono marka laÃÂ ...
Garowe Online
January 26, 2018
Marka hore waxaan Ilaahey ka rajanayaa in dhiig umada Somaliyeed ku daadan khilaaf ka dhesha xayndaab dhul boob ku salaysan oo kala sameysteen dalal Yurub ah oo ... Xeebaha bada Cas Somalia xaruntu markaas ay Zeila (Saylac) u ahayd ma ayn ilaa xiligii qarnigii 16aad mid madaxbananeyd.
October 23, 2017
Somalia's President, Mohamed Farmaajo, is blaming Al-Shabab terrorists for the attack that killed at least 358 and marks the deadliest in the country's history. ... Somali security forces and others gather and search for bodies near destroyed buildings at the scene of Saturday's blast, in Mogadishu, SomaliaÃÂ ...
October 16, 2017
12,000 of the new displacements in the month were triggered by conflict or insecurity (August:25,000) predominantly from Marka and Qoryooley districts in Lower Shabelle arriving in IDP sites in Mogadishu. However, during the last 10 days of the month, some 29,000 IDPS were also monitored returningÃÂ ...
September 24, 2017
There are currently 2.6 million people displaced by drought and conflict in Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya: 2 million of whom are internally displaced persons (IDPs), and 600,000 ... However, 25,000 people were newly displaced in August, mainly originating from Marka district and the Lower Shabelle region.
August 12, 2017
Fresh fighting erupted between Biyamal and Habar-Gidir clans in and around Marka town, Lower Shabelle on 1 August 2017 leading to displacement of 9,600 individuals. PRMN partners report that tensions remain high and new conflict has occurred between 5 and 7 August. Information from the fieldÃÂ ...
New Vision
July 22, 2017
The troops which were given a sendoff at a ceremony officiated by Brigadier Kayanja Muhanga, the Commander of the Uganda Contingent had served the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) in Marka, Lower Shabelle region. Brigadier Muhanga decorated the first batch of departing troops withÃÂ ...
June 15, 2017
Soon, the courts began to proliferate beyond Mogadishu, into the port city of Marka and the Lower Shabelle region. Eleven courts in Mogadishu meted out justice for petty crimes and theft and murder, according to the BBC. They also oversaw marriages. The Islamic Courts Union (ICU) clashed with the TFGÃÂ ...
June 1, 2017
The FAO-managed Somalia Water and Land Information Management (SWALIM) rainfall forecast of 25 May, points to dry periods in most of Somalia. ... points and intensified raids on villages in the region, particularly in Afgoye, Aw Dhegle and Marka districts; areas also affected by the current drought.
Voice of America
March 6, 2017
On March 6, 2007, African Union peacekeepers deployed in Mogadishu to help protect the Somali government, then facing a fierce onslaught from Islamist militias. A full decade later, the AU troops remain the main source of protection for the government and they still patrol major roads linking the SomaliÃÂ ...
Garowe Online
November 29, 2017
Laakiin kulankoodii shalay ee Boosaso wuu ka duwanaa midkii Muqdisho, marka laga eegayo goobta lagu cayaarayay oo ay ka muuqatay bur-bur iyo dayac xoog leh, taasoo dhalinyarada Qurbaha ka timid qaybtood ku kaliftay inay kulankaas safan waayaan iyagoo ka walaacsan inay dhaawacyo kasoo ...
Mareeg Media
November 18, 2017
Dadkii Soomaaliyeed ee u doortay in Caasimadda Soomaaliya ay noqoto Magaalada Muqdisho, waxay ahaayeen kuwa si weyn ugu fiirsaday waayo waxay isku heystaa Bad heer oo dhowr jaho ka marta, Webiga oo u jira ina ka yar 30km oo laba jaho ah, Xoolihii, beerihii oo iyana ka ag dhow,marka ...
Garowe Online
November 10, 2017
Waxa uu noqdey Fahad Yaasiin qofka lagala soo xiriiro marka dowlada Qadar rabto iney lacag siiso ururka Al-Shabaab madaxdiisa isagoo xiriir dhow la sameystey hogaamiyihii ururkaas Axmad Godane, Ibraahim Jaamac Afghan; Xasan Daahir Aweys, Shiikh Mukhtar Roobow iyo Macalin Burhan.
Garowe Online
November 8, 2017
Majirin Al Minhaaj lacag ay sheegatay inay ku darsatay gurmadka Qaraxaas marka laga yimaado in culimadu ahaayeen shakhsiyaadka horkacayay guddiyada dowladdu u magacowday inay hogaamiyaan gurmadyadii ka socday magaalooyinka Puntland. Tallaabada Al- Manhaj ayaa u muuqatay mid ...
Garowe Online
November 6, 2017
Cabdiweli Gaas, Madaxweynaha Puntland oo ugu horeyay Madaxda hadashay, ayaa sheegay in Soomaaliya ay meel fiican u socotay, marka la eego horumarrada la gaaray iyo Hay'adaha la dhisay. Madaxweyne Gaas ayaa xusay in dalka xilliga uu wajahayo khatar amni, oo hor-taagan in Soomaaliya ...
Garowe Online
November 5, 2017
Qodobka 54aad iyo 53aad ayaa labadabuba Dastuurka KMG ah waxaa awooda uu siinayaa dowlada Federaalka iyo maamulada marka laga hadlayo heshiisyada la xiriira arimaha dibada kaasoo qolo walbka u cuskaneysay go'aamadii ay ka-kala qaateen khilaafka u dhexeeya wadamada Khaliijka.
Garowe Online
November 3, 2017
Dowlada Soomaaliya ayaa qorsheyneysa marka ay buuxiso shuruudahaas kulan u qabato wadamadii ku yaboohey dhaqalaha dib loogu dhisayo ciidamada Soomaaliya bilowga bisha December taasoo ay qayb ka ahaanayeen guddiyo ka socda maamul goboleedyada. " Waxaa muuqata in dowlada ...
Garowe Online
October 24, 2017
Maadaama marka ay waxaasi oo shaqo ah ay inoo taallo, oo ay inoo taallo inaan marwalba ka shaqeyno sidaan u horumari laheyn, sidii ...
Garowe Online
October 24, 2017
Marka xigta, Juxa ayaa ugu hambalyeeyay Madaxweynaha ... "In la yimaado Villa Somalia, oo calan Soomaaliyeed laga taago waxay ahayd ...
Garowe Online
October 22, 2017
MUQDISHO, Soomaaliya - Hay'adda xasaradaha adduunka ee marka la soo gaabiyo la yiraahdo (ICG), ayaa soo saartay 20-ka bishan ...
October 22, 2017
Somalia has the longest coastline in Africa, measuring over 3,000 ... from the Lower Shabelle port city of Marka to train in fish processing.
Garowe Online
October 20, 2017
Dhinaca kale qodobkaan ayaa dalbanaya in Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya looga baahan yahay in codsigaan marka hore la soo mariyo golaha ...
October 11, 2017
Somalia: UNHCR Drought Response at 30 September 2017 ... 30,000 IDP returns were reported in Marka district, in Lower Shabelle, which ...
October 8, 2017
Somalia: Kenya Puts Bounty in Hunt for Suspected Al Shabaab ... Isack Okola who was involved in the December 21 2015 Marka bus attack .
September 29, 2017
Refugees in Delhi Part 4: Somalian migrants enjoy peace but ... In 2016, Ibrahim fled Galkayo, a district in Somalia's north-central Mudug region. ... He had lost his parents to violent clashes in Marka, near the old port town in ...
September 24, 2017
In Somalia, an estimated 770,000 people have been internally displaced ... displaced in August, mainly originating from Marka district and the ...
June 1, 2017
The FAO-managed Somalia Water and Land Information Management (SWALIM) rainfall forecast of 25 May, points to dry periods in most of Somalia. ... points and intensified raids on villages in the region, particularly in Afgoye, Aw Dhegle and Marka districts; areas also affected by the current drought.
Garowe Online
December 31, 1999
"Dhulka annagaa iska leh, difaaciisana annagaa nalaga rabaa, marka waa inaan isku diyaarinaa, oo buuxinaa goobaha AMISOM ay ka baxayaan," ayuu yiri Wasiirka difaaca Maxamed Mursal. Wasiirka waxa uu xusay in Ciidamada qaranka ay u baahan yihiin in la dhex-istaago, lana siiyo xuquuqahooda ...
December 31, 1999
As part of the UN integrated mission to Somalia, UNHCR maintains close ... Shabelle region primarily to Marka and Kurtunwaarey districts.
December 31, 1999
12,000 of the new displacements in the month were triggered by conflict or insecurity (August:25,000) predominantly from Marka and Qoryooley ...
Midnimo Information Center
August 7, 2017
Somalia :Shirka dib u heshiinta Beelaha Cadale oo hakad uu ku yimid ... waxayna taasi dhalisay buuq badan, iyadoo la qorsheeyay in markaÃÂ ...
Horseed Media
August 1, 2017
Dhanka kale waxaa la dhihi karaa marka la eego muddo 19 sano ah ... ee Federaal ah ee dib u fariisata Villa Somalia, waxaana ay horseed uÃÂ ...
Midnimo Information Center
July 30, 2017
Xildhibaanada ayaa su'aalo ka weydiiyay wasiirka dhismaha guddiga adeega garsoorka Soomaaliya iyo arimo kale, waxaana marka hore uuÃÂ ...
July 25, 2017
A total of 1371 AWD/cholera cases and 22 deaths (CFR– 1.6%) were reported during week 25 (19th to 25th June 2017) from 28 districts in 16ÃÂ ...
Midnimo Information Center
July 24, 2017
Somalia :Aqalka sare oo soo faragelinayo khilaafka baarlamaanka & ... qabtay oo u baahan xal siyaasadeed, marka aqalka sare waxaa uu kuÃÂ ...
New Vision
July 22, 2017
“Battle Group XIX has been operating in a very difficult area; that is in Marka district in Lower Shabelle region but have done a good job,” Brig.
June 1, 2017
According to the UNHCR-led Protection and Return Monitoring Network (PRMN), intense fighting in Marka and Afgooye districts has led toÃÂ ...
May 29, 2017
An armored convoy carrying African Union forces (AMISOM) was reported to have been targeted in a roadside bomb outside the southernÃÂ ...
March 30, 2017
Al-Shabaab fighters in the Somalian port town of Marka. ... (FOX NEWS) - President Donald Trump is ramping up airstrikes in Somalia againstÃÂ ...
Voice of America
March 6, 2017
Dini says it's particularly distressing that after 10 years, Somalia has not built an army capable of taking over security duties from the AfricanÃÂ ...
Garowe Online
March 11, 2017
JAZEERA, Somalia- Al Shabab militants have briefly captured an army base in southern Somalia on Saturday, the latest of sporadic attacks the group has carried out in recent weeks, Garowe Online reports.
Garowe Online
March 5, 2017
... Mission in Somalia have exchanged gunfire with armed militants in the area, added the source. There were reports of casualties on both sides as a result of Sunday's attack near Lanta Buro area which links Afgoye town to the coastal town of Marka in ...
Mareeg Media
March 4, 2017
Cholera has spread to new areas in south and central Somalia. Baidoa district and the villages of Gofgadud Burey and several villages in Bakol region were reported new cases as 6 districts in Puntland also reach the outbreak according to ministry of ...
Voice of America
March 3, 2017
Humanitarian agencies report alarming similarities between the current situation in Somalia and the 2011 famine that killed more than one quarter of a million people.
February 25, 2017
Mogadishu, 24 February 2017 - The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) recently equipped a hospital in Marka town that serves one of the biggest populations in the area that is under the control of the Ugandan contingent.
Horseed Media
February 23, 2017
Magacaadda Xasan Cali Kheyre ayaa noqotey mid dad badan aysan fileyn, marka la eego beelaha kale ee sida weyn isugu haystey markii hore, waxaana uu beel ahaanka soo jeedaa Hawiye/Murursade.