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 dominionism in Christianity

Dominionism is the alleged movement of politically active conservative Christians in the United States working toward either a nation governed by Christians or one governed by a conservative Christian understanding of biblical law.

The existence of a dominionist movement is challenged, particularly by those in the Christian Right, who generally avoid the label and see the characterizations as misleadingly implying that mainstream conservative Christians subscribe to Dominion Theology, a viewpoint held by a much smaller group of Christians explicitly advocating for a theocracy.

Although the term was coined and first used in the evangelical community, the terms dominionism and dominionist (when not referring to those subscribing to Dominion Theology) are almost exclusively used by journalists and bloggers. logo
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updated Sat. July 27, 2024

That's how Dominionism works, though. So long as people don't know or understand “In God We Trust” is a recent attempt at rewriting American History to align with Christian values, they won't argue when the motto is added to schools, license plates and other forms of taxpayer-funded resources and ...
While Kansas Republicans were condemning the LGBTQ community, a Christian sect of the religious right called Dominionists were meeting at ... Michael Gerson, a religious conservative, has summed up why white evangelical Christians and Dominionists support Trump in his article “The Last Temptation.

Saccone, who is running against Democrat Conor Lamb in what looks to be a tight race, is a Trumpist with a Christian nationalist bent. ... Barton is an advocate of “Seven Mountains” dominionism, the idea that conservative Christians must take control of all the “mountains” of government and culture in order ...
The Christian Right has been appropriating religious freedom to advance its agenda—frequently saying what religious freedom is not, but not much about ... (Dominionism is, very simply, the idea that Christians are called by God to exercise dominion over every aspect of society by taking control of political ...
Although there are various iterations of Dominionism, Dominionists are united in their belief that conservative Christians should take complete control of all .... is the only growth sector in Christianity in the US and the New Apostolic Reformation is the most politically dynamic element of the Christian Right.
Saccone, who is running against Democrat Conor Lamb in what looks to be a tight race, is a Trumpist with a Christian nationalist bent. ... Barton is an advocate of “Seven Mountains” dominionism, the idea that conservative Christians must take control of all the “mountains” of government and culture in order ...

"Dominionism is the theocratic idea that regardless of theological view, means, or timetable, Christians are called by God to exercise dominion over every aspect of society by taking control of political and cultural institutions." Dominionists are Christian nationalist extremists -- modern iterations of medieval ...
And then as an intellectual curiosity, I started to notice some of the fringe views embraced by Quiverfull-adherents like Christian Dominionism popping up in mainstream conversations. From a personal perspective, I wanted to find a way to capture the long labors and childbirths I'd had in short succession in ...
The sold-out event—The Turnaround: An Appeal to Heaven National Gathering—has been organized by a group of dominionists who consider ... Lou Engle, who has called on Christians to pray that God would “sweep” the Supreme Court and other federal courts of justices and judges who uphold Roe v.
God may have told Michele Bachmann not to run for Al Franken's old Senate seat, but he's apparently been busy talking to Cynthia Dunbar, a Christian dominionists who used to be on the Texas ... She believes many Christians are being fooled by appearances without seeing the deeper issues at stake.

Many political figures, including Ted Cruz and Roy Moore, have embraced a form of Christian nationalism or Dominionism, based on the idea that the American ... the narrative that America was founded as a specifically Christian nation, and that the Founding Fathers were “orthodox, evangelical” Christians.
This essay describes the thinking of a far-right fringe of Christianity. Most Christians probably disagree, and even deplore, the goals of these fanatics. But I think it is important that we understand what they propose…and would impose on the rest of us if they ever gained political power. I have collected this ...
He has long been loosely associated with an umbrella movement: a philosophical, theocratic approach to Christianity known as “dominionism,” to which ... In its broadest form, dominionism is the belief that America is and has always been a Christian nation and that it is the duty of Christians to restore ...
These Dominionist ideas are not new to the Christian movement. Along with flamboyant displays of patriotism, evangelical Christians have a long history of decrying the sad condition to which America has fallen. Draped and securely shielded by the American flag, Christianity has adopted the idea that our ...
As scholar Frederick Clarkson puts it, dominionism is “the theocratic idea that … God has called conservative Christians to exercise dominion over society by taking control of political and cultural institutions.” Dominionists aren't satisfied with mere Christian participation in the public square; they want to ...
While not all evangelicals believe the same, the far more radicalized tend toward a belief called dominionism — a wish to turn America into a nation perhaps not run as a theocratic state but at least run by extreme Christian beliefs, the military included. Hence the reason Pence, with the help of the Family ...
Culture wars are now quite possibly the real face of modern American Christianity. Whether a particular Christian loves 'em or hates 'em, they're part of the swamp now. A culture war is a social squabble that Christians fight in order to gain (or regain) their onetime power over American culture. Often the ...
Billy Graham saved my soul. In 1973, I was ten years old, growing up in a working-class clan in North Carolina, and I had a problem: I liked boys. Also, men. And even though my family's Methodist church served up the mildest form of Protestantism – no dire warnings about fornicators and sodomites and ...


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