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 Martin Van Creveld

Martin van Creveld, born in the Netherlands, has lived in Israel since 1950. He holds degrees from the London School of Economics and The Hebrew University in Jerusalem, where he has been on the faculty since 1971. He is the author of fifteen books on military history and strategy, of which Command in War (1985), Supplying War (1977), and The Sword and the Olive (1998) are among the best known. Professor van Creveld has lectured or taught at virtually every strategic institute, military or civilian, in the Western world--including the U.S. Naval War College, most recently in December 1999 and January 2000. logo
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updated Sat. April 27, 2024

In The Evolution of Operational Art: From Napoleon to the Present, edited by John Andreas Olsen and Martin van Creveld. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. Mikaberidze, Alexander. “The Limits of the Operational Art: Russia 1812.” In History of Warfare,. Vol. 110, Napoleon and the Operational Art of ...
Summary: The West is changing. Martin van Creveld points to one of its darker trends, as the West reverses its long journey to greater personal freedom. “It was intended that when Newspeak had been adopted once and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical thought — that is, a thought diverging from ...

Summary: Managing our increasingly complex world, where the past gives ever less guidance about the future, requires reliable predictions. Here Martin van Creveld provides a guide to prophecy, and the many ways it has been done — from the distant past through today. When next you read confident ...
Summary: Travel brings new insights, especially when done by Martin van Creveld — knowledgeable, experienced, and wise. He brings home to us a vision of a different path to the future for the West. Warsaw Photo by City of Warsaw.
Summary: Horrific changes are taking place in Europe. As is so often the case, journalists suppress the news in America. But somethings cannot be hidden forever. Among those speaking out is Martin van Creveld, one of this generation's most distinguished historians. This powerful and disturbing article ...
I am less confident than Martin van Creveld that the world will not see the a nation use atomic weapons, with the risk that once that line is crossed — others will do so. If using nukes becomes normalized, the world is on the fast track to Hell. For a grimmer look at our future, see Fix “the button” so that a ...

Summary: Martin van Creveld explains our dance with North Korea, fierce talk but little action, seeing what our journalists and geopolitical experts don't. “The atomic bomb is the Second Coming in Wrath.” — Winston Churchill, on hearing about the Trinity test. From Harvey H. Bundy's “Remembered Words” ...
Summary: After all the serious and depressing posts of late, here is some light history about forgotten famous women in history. We have heard about the many wonderful women in history. Here are some of the less wonderful. They are antidotes to the belief that women are more moral than men, and ...
As nation-states in Europe wipe away their borders and dilute the flavors of their national cultures in a European Union slumgullion, their peoples are adopting new identities. Instead of Spaniards, they will be Catalans. Instead of Italians, they will again become Venetians, Lombards, and Sicilians. A story in ...
Summary: Here Martin van Creveld reviews one of the most interesting recent books about politics. It is of great relevance as the Second ...
... expansion of headquarters no longer contributes to efficiency and may indeed reduce it” wrote Israeli military historian Martin van Creveld.
Reading Martin van Creveld's powerful new book, Hitler in Hell (a memoir), reminds me of a disturbing lesson from history — one familiar to the ...
Summary: Martin van Creveld explains our dance with North Korea, fierce talk but little action, seeing what our journalists and geopolitical ...
Summary: After all the serious and depressing posts of late, here is some light history about forgotten famous women in history. We have heard ...
Summary: The Middle East has become a focus of the world's conflicts. Martin van Creveld explains what's made the Middle East the disaster ...
Summary: Martin van Creveld's first novel concerns one of the great unresolved issues in western society, the rise and legacy of Adolf Hitler.
Summary: Martin van Creveld looks at a disturbing trend in the West — the increasing age of adulthood. We expect less maturity from young ...

Summary: Martin van Creveld warns Trump against taking his generals' advice and invading Syria, repeating Obama's mistakes in Iraq and ...
Summary: Martin van Creveld examines the reason behind the Israel Defense Forces' enthusiasm to recruit women. It's the same reason for the ...
Summary: The President of America is the most powerful man in the world, with no restraint on his (or her) ability to nuke cities or even start a ...
Summary: Martin van Creveld discusses one of my big fears — nuclear war. He paints a comforting picture. Let's hope his logic proves correct, ...
Summary: Martin van Creveld warns Trump against taking his generals' advice and invading Syria, repeating Obama's mistakes in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The alien anthropologist would also be forced to agree with historian Martin van Creveld in The Privileged Sex, who writes: "Many feminist claims concerning the alleged oppression of women by men at various times and places are unfounded.
The alien anthropologist would also be forced to agree with historian Martin van Creveld in The Privileged Sex, who writes: "Many feminist claims concerning the alleged oppression of women by men at various times and places are unfounded.
Thomas Hammes in his book 'The Sling and the Stone' and Martin Van Creveld in 'The Changing Face of War' have described the denouement of a new act of war that brings the curtain down on the Clausewitz's conventional notions of war and strategy.
Other arguments for a positive association between the spread of survivable nuclear forces and international stability appear in Martin Van Creveld, Nuclear Proliferation and the Future of Conflict (New York: The Free Press, 1993). Waltz's important ...
Martin Van Creveld, a professor of military history at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, stated: "Most European capitals are targets for our air force....We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will ...
Summary: Martin van Creveld examines the reason behind the Israel Defense Forces' enthusiasm to recruit women. It's the same reason for the enthusiasm of the US military.
Martin van Creveld, an Israeli military historian, worries about another side. A lot of the West's elaborate military R&D, he says, increasingly serves as a dangerously comforting substitute for a declining will to fight, epitomised by timid resistance ...
In 2002, Professor Martin Van Creveld, a Zionist military historian expressed in words the policy that the Israeli army put into practice during its destruction and dispossession of Palestinians.
In 2000 stelde militair historicus Martin van Creveld dat "ons tijdperk een tijdperk is waarin revoluties makkelijk, goedkoop en overal zijn. Jarenlang lijkt er geen dag voorbij te gaan zonder een wereldschokkende omwenteling." Als revolutie de nieuwe ...
In 2000, military historian Martin van Creveld argued, "Ours is an age in which revolutions have been made easy, cheap, and plentiful.
Summary: Martin van Creveld is one of the top experts on modern war. That means non-trinitarian war, more commonly known as fourth generation war (4GW).
Some critics reject these efforts, including Israeli historian and author Martin van Creveld, who called mixed-gender units "summer camp.
Martin Van Creveld, however, was the first military thinker to debunk the concept of nuclear war fighting as mutually suicidal.
Although Creveld describes his book as a history, it is also a polemic. But this dual purpose does not detract from either the history or the argument and, indeed, helps clarify both the concept and its effects.
Martin van Creveld describes this as "colonizing the future." The vital centers of Middle Eastern Islamic culture - Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Syria - adapt, albeit slowly and painfully. Martin Van Creveld, a professor of military history at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, has been quoted as saying: "Most European capitals are targets for our air force....We have the capability to take the world ...
According to Martin Van Creveld, the 200-year old Clausewitzian strategic wisdom describes war as a rational activity undertaken by rational actors. Martin Van Creveld, a professor of military history at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, has been quoted as saying: "Most European capitals are targets for our air force....We have the capability to take the world ...
Summary: Martin van Creveld's new book asks hard questions about America's ability to defend itself as our society undergoes revolutionary changes (mostly undesired by its citizens).
The essence of the concept has been captured by Martin Van Creveld who stated that "nuclear strategy is no strategy as it leads to no winners and losers, just a big graveyard".
Summary: Here is a compendium of gloomy news about America, the news that drives political campaigns, fear-mongering op-eds, and advertisements for guns and gold.
Of Dayan's views on tanks just before and during the first days of the conflict, Israeli military historian Martin van Creveld notes: At Kalkiliya in October 1956 [during the Suez Campaign], he had ruled out the use of armor, thereby leading to ...
More insight comes from the site of the great Israeli military historian and strategist Martin van Creveld. He ran a guest article by Ilya Atanasov, founder & CEO of moneyfact.
Professor Martin van Creveld of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, the only non-American military historian on the U.S. Army's list of required reading for officers, has accused former President George W. Bush of "launching the most foolish war since ...
Israeli military historian Martin Van Creveld noted that the Chilcot Report had revealed political leaders in the United Kingdom in 2003 received ample warnings that the intelligence claiming Iraq had weapons of mass destruction was unreliable.
(Germany, Poland, England, Egypt, Iraq, basically ALL gentiles should "bear the YOKE of Israel")Noted Israeli military historian Martin Van Creveld stated that Israel could find itself one day forced to exterminate the European continent using all ...
This is understandable. In his book Equality: The Impossible Quest, historian Martin van Creveld writes: "Where there is no equality there can be neither justice nor liberty.
Summary: Today Martin van Creveld looks at the revolution in military affairs (the real one) - the integration of women into western armed forces.


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       martin van creveld

military historians:
       kimberly kagan
       martin van creveld
       victor davis hanson