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updated Sat. July 20, 2024

The world is watching and the technology of creative destruction that ushers in change is performing a duty that cannot wait for anybody. Including the House of Bishops. Lastly it is my advice that the Nigerian security managers should take a cue from how Britain is tackling religious terrorism on its territory.
Religious terrorism is gone, creating an opportunity to bring the issue of Palestine to the fore. It was a great achievement for the resistance front. The American created ISIS to wage an ideological war against us, but their plot failed. Israeli Regime's Support Bases in Europe Falling Apart. The second point to ...

Religious terrorism has hit France particularly hard. In the last few years, it has claimed over 300 lives in France and neighbouring French-speaking, Belgium. Compare this with the US, where murders committed by terrorists were only eight in 2017, yet white men murdering schoolchildren en masse has ...
The Terror Funding effect on India is old, severe and ongoing. In India, we have ethno-nationalist terrorism, religious terrorism, left-wing terrorism and narco-terrorism. India has been a victim of Terror Funding. We have Cross-Border Funding coming from Pakistan ISI which is supplying fake currency from ...
... on edge over suspicious packages since a man killed himself before being apprehended by police in the investigation of several lethal mail bombs in the Austin, Texas, area. The bomber left a 25 minute message on his phone, according to police, and appeared to dispel politics or religious terrorism as a ...
RT: We see that Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee are ready to close their investigation into Trump-Russia collusion, but it seems like Democrats are going to issue their own report with different conclusions. What can we expect to see in their report? JB: …Obviously they are going to have ...

I was happy to read Lord Inderjit Singh's article that was forwarded by his brother Jagjit Singh entitled, “Combatting Religious Terrorism.” In my conversations with others, both outside my faith group and within my own Zarathushti (Zoroastrian) community, I often make the same arguments as Inderjit.
Therefore, they use any means, violent or non-violent, to cement their position. The exclusionary form of identity politics has brought religious chauvinism to the fore. This has resulted in the acceleration of inequality in society. Religious terrorism is another angle of ethnonationalism seen in present times.
Breedon, an attorney specializing in foreign policy, international law and religious terrorism, believes that the Alfallaj affair shows “an ongoing failure of the US – and also Europe – to properly vet these people and for our law enforcement to even understand the nature of radical Islamists.” “Why this person ...
“I always denounced religious terrorism through speeches and writings.” He added that he had full faith in the judiciary: “I am confident that we will get justice from the courts.” The Peace Educational Foundation runs 11 Peace Schools, including this one in Kozhikode. Photographs by TA Ameerudheen.
In claiming there are “two horrendous wars underway against Christianity,” (Muslim and Atheist) and that “secular philosophy dominates universities and is embraced by newspaper editors and Hollywood”, Gingrich seems to be equating religious terrorism with the simple act of non-belief. In a March 2, ...
Religious terrorism produced mass paranoia. We elected a vulgar circus barker president. I lost faith. I gave up. I lived for me and mine. That changed again Thursday when little Oliver Garcia Ellis arrived. The future will not be mine but it matters immensely nonetheless and what we do today will shape it.
Political or religious terrorism? Exactly what? If guns are taken away will violence over all go down or simply shift to violence by other means? We have mass killings brought about by means other than guns that fit right into the category of senseless terrorism. Analysts claim that when gun ownership goes ...
They noted the responsibility of international law to protect vulnerable religious groups and minorities, to combat religious terrorism and ethnic cleansing in addition to combat discrimination on a religious basis. Morocco's Minister of State for Human Rights Mustapha Ramid underlined the approach of ...
They noted the responsibility of international law to protect vulnerable religious groups and minorities, to combat religious terrorism and ethnic cleansing in addition to combat discrimination on a religious basis. Morocco's Minister of State for Human Rights Mustapha Ramid underlined the approach of ...
It's bad enough to compare atheism to fundamentalist religious terrorism, but Gingrich seems to be going a step further. He's actually saying that the mere existence of atheists — and the rise of the “Nones” — is actually worse for Christianity than extremist sectarian violence. When was the last time atheists ...
I am forwarding an article sent to me by my brother, Lord (Indarjit) Singh of Wimbledon, a renowned Sikh scholar who is a member of the House of Lords in London. I think it is very relevant in today's troubled world: Recent terrorist outrages in Manchester and at London Bridge remind us that we have a lot to ...

Pakistan continues to drift towards religious extremism and intolerance. Both Muslims and non-Muslims find themselves insecure and unsafe in the prevailing air of terror and hatred. Peace seems to remain a distant dream. The vile dogmatic ideological theories of extremist forces have taken the society into ...
Kerala is currently witnessing a tussle between religious terrorism and secularism, Poet Kureepuzha Sreekumar has said. He was speaking at an event organised by the Manaveeyam Street Cultural Collective on Sunday in protest against the recent attack on the poet. “Let's not reduce this fight to the level ...
In the latest episode of Common Sense, Dan Carlin considers what's being lost in the current age of terrorism. He posits the idea that America would look much different right now had 9/11 never occurred—terror as a main driver causing the rift between Left and Right. The word “terror” not even need be ...
The characteristics of religious terrorism become trends among terrorists in general, as secular terrorists shift to the latest technologies, methods and even intents. For instance, in February 2013, a Marxist Kurdish separatist group carried out its first suicide bombing—on the U.S. Embassy in Turkey.
Either way, when claims of Satan worship are being tossed around, this appears to be a form of religious terrorism — putting fear into a group of Muslims because they follow the “wrong” faith. I'm glad at least one member of a local Humanist group chimed in with support for members of the mosque:.
In claiming there are “two horrendous wars underway against Christianity,” (Muslim and Atheist) and that “secular philosophy dominates universities and is embraced by newspaper editors and Hollywood”, Gingrich seems to be equating religious terrorism with the simple act of non-belief. In a March 2, ...
They also praised the women warriors in the Women's Protection Units (YPJ), stressing that it is a secular liberation movement fighting against religious terrorism. Moreover, they unleashed a diatribe about Ankara's anti-YPG policy and blamed President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for it. Today, the number of ...


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