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updated Tue. July 9, 2024

Zen Subscribe now · Shareshare on facebook · Tweet · send via email · reddit · stumbleupon. A January 1997 cover of the New York Times depicting Netanyahu and IDF Lieutenant Avi Buskila shaking hands, after Buskila helped stop a Jewish terrorist in Hebron. Screengrab, Avi Buskila's Facebook page ...
Russian-born Menachem Begin was the leader of the Irgun, which along with the Stern Gang and other Jewish terrorist groups massacred hundreds of civilians in Deir Yassin. “Tell the ... The scene after heavily-equipped Jewish terrorists attacked the Palestinian village Deir Yassin on April 9, 1948. (AFP).

On Jan. 9, Rabbi Raziel Shevach, 35, was shot by terrorists in a drive-by attack in Samaria. He died of his wounds, leaving behind his wife, Yael, and their six children. The following was posted in Hebrew by Nir Bahagaly of Gan Yavne, who shared treasured memories of the interaction he had with Rabbi ...
If there was a situation of a Jewish terrorist, killing them would be against Jewish law. This has nothing to do with the right and the left, it has to do with judgment.” Yosef also pointed out that security officials have expressed opposition to the legislation, saying that it could lead to the kidnapping of Jews ...
Jewish terrorists asks prison board to participate in his newborn son's bris. Yaakov (Jack) Teitel, who has confessed to multiple terrorist acts against Palestinians, gays, left-wingers and others, is now requesting to be released for the upcoming bris of his newborn son. Jan 7, 2018, 5:00PM Omri Ariel. Topics: Crime in Israel ...
“Settler companies and Jewish terrorists have been given a wide-open opportunity to steal whatever is left of Palestinian lands, waters, mountains and valleys,” he wrote. According to Laham, what is happening presently is reminiscent of what happened in the 1933-36 period during the British Mandate of ...

Joint Arab List lawmaker Ahmad Tibi asked Netanyahu whether he would support the death penalty in cases of Jewish terrorists, referring to the firebombing of the Dawabsheh family in the West Bank village of Duma.” Netanyahu replied, “In principle, yes,” according to Ynet. The legislation must have three ...
Everyone knows that Israel was created from conflict, one Jewish terrorists launched first against the British during the mandate, and later after Israel became a state and implemented a policy of ethnic and religious cleansing to remove as many non-Jews as possible from the land they occupied. In 1967, in ...
According to the Washington Post, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention is forbidden to use certain words. Fetus, transgender, diversity, evidence-based, vulnerable, science-based, and entitlement are not to appear in CDC's budget communications. Words are powerful. The words we choose ...
A few months earlier, I had joined the National Military Organization (commonly called the Irgun), the most militant underground organization devoted to the fight against the British colonial regime. The last push for me was a disturbing event: for the first time the British had hanged a Jewish “terrorist.” I was ...
As a committed Bible-believing Christian, I — like many others, I am sure — do not agree with the removal of the prayer before the start of the parliamentary business day, something that has been tradition since this country's first Government. To say that Jesus Christ was nothing but a Jewish terrorist, ...
The Israeli government opposed the Abu Khudairs' petition, arguing that home demolitions were necessary to deter Palestinian attacks, which supposedly require “special forms of deterrence,” The Jerusalem Post reported. Israeli authorities claimed that Palestinian and Jewish “terrorists” should be treated ...
Did Israel pay child benefits to the family of Yigal Amir, the man who murdered Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin? Will Ehud Yatom, who killed the two Bus 300 hijackers with his own hands, get an old-age allowance? Does the state pay old-age benefits to Moshe Zar, who was the driver for the Jewish ...
Yosef said he was concerned about a Jewish terrorist receiving a death sentence, and referred specifically to the Jewish extremists who firebombed a Palestinian home in the West Bank village of Duma, killing three people including an infant. “He'll need to get a death penalty verdict, he'll deserve to die, ...
Anglin was certainly well aware of the lawsuit, posting on the Daily Stormer, one of the internet's most popular far-right sites, that “this site will be shut down if we don't win this” lawsuit filed by “Jewish terrorists.” Anglin raised more than $150,000 for his legal defense from a start-up crowdfunding site and told ...
Written during their imprisonment on a partially torn memo marked “Top Secret,” a British intelligence officer describes Levstein, a seasoned bank-robber, as “one of the most dangerous and active members of the Jewish terrorist organizations in Palestine.” The memo appeals to the recipient: “It is ...
The website includes a link for readers to donate to Anglin's legal defense, saying “The Daily Stormer is being sued by Jewish terrorists.” ***. For months after filing the lawsuit, Gersh and her attorneys attempted to locate Anglin to serve him with a copy without success, and have written in court documents ...

This organization finances a number of settlements, sends money to Honenu, a legal aid organization which helps Jewish terrorists convicted ...
The father and other relatives of Muhammad Abu Khudair grieving on 2 July 2014, the day the teenager was kidnapped and burned to death by ...
Did Israel pay child benefits to the family of Yigal Amir, the man who murdered Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin? Will Ehud Yatom, who killed the ...
One of the perpetrators of war crimes against Palestinians that accompanied Israel's creation was my relative, Mordechai Ben-Uziyahu, who ...
The site still has all of its other posts up, including links to places where readers can send money to fight the “Jewish terrorists” who want to shut ...
He said the Israeli courts rejected petitions by the families of the Palestinian victims to demolish the homes of the convicted Jewish terrorists ...
The military jurisdiction would not apply to the Jewish terrorist, only to the ... alive by Israeli Jewish terrorists in 2014, to have the homes of those ...
Had a Jewish terrorist been shot in similar circumstances and such a sentence been imposed on the shooter, no Israeli would have accepted it ...
... Muslim cities and villages within and neighboring Israel go on with their normal lives unconcerned that a Jewish terrorist is lurking around the ...
Yosef Salomon, 70, left, and his children—Haya Salomon, 46, center, and Elad Salomon, 36—were murdered by a terrorist who burst into a ...
"This is why the High Court of Justice decided against demolishing homes of Jewish terrorists, as this [terrorism] is not a phenomenon that ...
The father and other relatives of Muhammad Abu Khudair grieving on 2 July 2014, the day the teenager was kidnapped and burned to death by ...
The Israeli Supreme Court has rejected a petition by a family of Palestinians to demolish the homes of three Israeli Jewish murderers who murdered their son in 2014, Safa news agency reported on Friday.
What about Christian and Jewish terrorists? What about the self-acclaimed pacifist Buddhists in present day Burma who practice genocide on the Rohingyas at home and hurl them across the border into barb-wired Bangladeshi detention camps.
In the last months we have had white Christian terrorists (Montreal and North Carolina), Islamic terrorists (San Bernardino), Jewish terrorists (the West Bank) and more. Anyone who attacks with violence and anger and hatred is terrorizing those being ...
Right wing Christian extremist terrorists and left wing radical terrorists can be compared to right or left wing Hindu, Muslim, Jewish terrorists. They each are intolerant. They each have closed their hearts and minds to any way but their way. They ...
The disparity in treatment between Palestinians held indefinitely without trial in Israeli jails and the cosseted treatment of the Jewish terrorist convicted of prime minister Yitzhak Rabin's murder lays this bare. After Yigal Amir was jailed, he was ...
The disparity in treatment between Palestinians held indefinitely without trial in Israeli jails and the cosseted treatment of the Jewish terrorist convicted of prime minister Yitzhak Rabin's murder lays this bare. After Yigal Amir was jailed, he was ...
After the cheery press conference of US President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Feb. 15, it took more than two hours for Zionist Camp and Israeli opposition leader Isaac Herzog to respond to the event.
The one-page letter blames "Jewish terrorists trained by Israel Zionists" for last month's shooting rampage at a Quebec City mosque that killed six people and injured 19 others.
You have to dig real deep to find a Jewish terrorist - they are few and far between. On the other hand, any factual database on terrorism will give you hundreds of millions of dead as a result of Islamic terrorism over ages of conquest, forced ...
The student council at the University of Western Ontario in London has condemned as "hate speech" and as an incitement to violence a flier circulated on campus that claims "Jewish terrorists" were responsible for last month's mosque shooting in Quebec ...
The University Students' Council recently responded to a hateful document allegedly distributed around campus that targeted the Jewish community over the weekend.
12) recently wrote supporting President Donald Trump's poorly implemented and likely unconstitutional immigration ban as justifiable in targeting predominantly Muslim countries by claiming there are no "radical Protestant, Catholic or Jewish terrorists.".
The campaign coincided with the 23rd anniversary of the Hebron Massacre when a Jewish terrorist opened fire in Al Ebrahimi Mosque murdering 29 Palestinian worshippers.
The newspaper had another term for Jewish settlers who targeted and killed Palestinian civilians: "Jewish extremists." Most mainstream Israeli journalists have just as hard a time with the phrase "Jewish terrorist" as Western media do with "Christian ...
Likewise, we must condemn Jewish terrorists who have murdered Muslims and a prime minister of Israel; Hindu pogroms against Muslims in India; and Buddhist pogroms in Sri Lanka and Myanmar.
On Feb. 2, he compared protesters who violently resisted evacuation from Amona to Jewish terrorists. Israel's attorney general, Avichai Mandelbilt, has said repeatedly that the regulation bill was unconstitutional.
In the year marking a century on the passing of the Balfour declaration, a descendant of signatory of Balfour Declaration exalted his family's role in founding a national homeland for Jews in Palestine.
Jewish terrorists could have been on board. It wasn't our problem. "Are there no prisons? No poorhouses?" Oh wait, wrong quote.
He insisted they were part of a Jewish terrorist group devoted to expelling the British from Palestine. He carried on at length about this, using the word "terrorist" like a hammer.
You know, those important Arab towns and cities and hundreds of villages that had been allocated to a future Palestinian state in the UN's 1947 Partition Plan but were seized by Jewish terrorist groups and Israeli militia while the ink was still drying ...


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